Feb 18, 2025  
2011 - 2012 Undergraduate Catalog 
2011 - 2012 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fees and Financial Aid

University Expenses 2011-2012

  Per Sem. Per Academic Yr.
Tuition and Fees $4,160 $8,320
Room and Board $3,637 $7,274
Commuter: Pays tuition and fees only.    

Out-of-state Full-time Student (12-18 hrs. per sem.)** 

Tuition and Fees $9,739 $19,478
Room and Board $3,637 $7,274
Commuter: Pays tuition and fees only.    

All students living in the residence halls must choose from one of the three on-campus meal plans. Actual room and board rates will vary depending on the meal plan selected.

Part-time Student (1-11 hrs. per sem.)

In-state Tuition and Fees $347/semester hr.
Out-of-state Tuition and Fees $811/semester hr.

** A student taking more than 18 credit hours per semester will be charged for the additional hours at the semester hour rate for part-time students.

Optional Meal Plans for Students Living Off Campus***

Off-Campus students can choose from the following meal plan options:

15 meals per week plan $1,690 $3,380
19 meals per week plan $1,736 $3,472
Flex plan $1,684 $3,368
Flex Jr. plan $851 $1,702
90 meal plan $588 $1,176
65 meal plan $424 $848

***Food Dollars are associated with the 15 and 19 meal plans. For information call the RU Express Office at 831-5054 or 831-6449.

Typical Budget for an In-state Undergraduate Residential Student

Tuition and Fees $4,160 $8,320
Room and Board $3,637 $7,274
Books and Supplies $550 $1,100
Personal Expenses $950 $1,900
Transportation $500 $1,000
Total Budget $9,797 $19,594

Typical Budget for an In-state Commuting Student

Tuition and Fees $4,160 $8,320
Books and Supplies $550 $1,100
Living and Personal Expense $2,450 $4,900
Transportation $700 $1,400
Total Budget $7,860 $15,720

Typical Budget for an Out-of-State Undergraduate Residential Student

Tuition and Fees $9,739 $19,478
Room and Board $3,637 $ 7,274
Books and Supplies $550 $ 1,100
Personal Expenses $950 $ 1,900
Transportation $500 $ 1,000
Total Budget $15,376 $30,752

A one-time $275 Matriculation Fee is charged to all new undergraduate students the first semester the student enrolls full time.

Every effort is made not to change fees after they have been published; however, if this should become necessary, all students will be notified prior to the semester in which the increase goes into effect. Refer to the RU webpage for the most up-to-date information: www.radford.edu.

For information about graduate fees and expenses, consult the Radford University Graduate Catalog.

In-State Tuition Eligibility

All students who wish to apply for in-state tuition rates must submit the appropriate application form prior to the first day of classes for the term they are seeking in-state status.

The form is available in the Office of Admissions. Section 23-7.4 of the Code of Virginia, the law governing eligibility for in-state tuition, is available through the online catalog of McConnell Library or accessed online at www.schev.edu. It is the responsibility of the student to apply for a change in domiciliary status.

New Student Enrollment Deposit

Upon notification by the Office of Admissions that they are tentatively accepted for enrollment, new students must submit an enrollment deposit. Residential students must sign a residential student agreement and pay a $400 fee. Off campus students must sign an off campus student agreement and pay a $200 fee. The enrollment deposit is credited to the student’s account and is not an extra charge. The deposit is refundable if a written request is received by the Office of Admissions before May 1. After May 1, the deposit is forfeited.

Residential Student Agreement

Currently enrolled students who expect to return to Radford University as residence hall students for the next fall semester are required to sign a residential student agreement and pay a $200 deposit according to procedures published during the spring semester. The deposit is credited toward charges for room and board for the fall semester and is not an extra charge. The residential student agreement outlines the procedure for partial refund of the room deposit fee for returning students.


Application Fee

A non-refundable application fee is required of each student (whether commuting or residential) who is applying for enrollment for the first time as an undergraduate student. The fee must be submitted with the completed formal application.

Late Fee

An extra fee of 10 percent of the balance or $75 (whichever is less) is charged to all students who pay tuition/fees or room/board after the payment deadline.

Overload Fee

An overload fee will be charged for each additional hour over the full-time academic load. A full-class load at Radford is no more than 18 hours per semester. The overload fee is based on the semester-hour charges for part-time students.

Summer Session Fees

The cost for summer sessions will be based on the semester-hour charges for students. Room and board will be available.

Applied Music Fee

An applied music instruction fee is charged at the rate of $250 per credit per semester. Applied music fees may be waived for level system applied lessons with the approval of the dean of the College of Visual and Performing Arts  for students majoring in music, and students registered in Department of Music ensembles and studying in a performance medium relevant to their ensemble participation. Fee waivers do not apply for MUSC 107, MUSC 169 , MUSC 170 , MUSC 470  and 670.

Science Lab Fee

There is a $35 science lab fee for students enrolled in astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, physical science and physics courses that have a lab component.

Special Fee for Bowling Classes

Bowling classes require a special fee of $45.

Responsibility for Payment of Tuition and Fees

Payment of tuition, fees and other charges owed to Radford University is the responsibility of the student. Billing statements will be emailed to the student at their RU email address given to them by the university.

Disciplinary or Criminal Offenses

Undergraduate, graduate and students seeking readmission who have disciplinary records at their previous institutions or who have a criminal record will be reviewed by the Special Admission Committee.

Non-disclosure or falsification in the reporting of disciplinary and/or criminal offenses on the Readmission Application will result in automatic denial.

Unpaid Tuition Fees or Fines

Failure to pay tuition and fees could result in administrative withdrawal from the university. In addition, the student’s signature on the Application for Admission constitutes an agreement to pay 25 percent attorney’s fees, late fees, interest, and other reasonable collection costs necessary for the collection of any amount not paid when due. The university reports past due accounts to a credit-reporting bureau.

New Student Matriculation Fee

A one-time fee of $275 has been instituted to support programs and services for entering full-time undergraduate students (new freshman and transfer students). The matriculation fee covers the cost of students attending New Student Orientation, Radford University’s summer orientation program, as well as any other orientation and academic advising session provided prior to students entering Radford University. Beyond the orientation programs, the matriculation fee supports extended orientation events sponsored during the opening of school, special speakers, residence hall events, and programs designed to help new students find academic success.

Refund of Charges

It is the university’s policy to hold the enrolled student liable for charges incurred; therefore, refund checks will be issued in the name of the student.

Withdrawal from One or More But Not All Courses

A student who withdraws from a class by the census date will be credited the difference in tuition and fees for the reduced number of credit hours, if any. After the census date, there will be no reduction.

Withdrawal from the University (All Courses)

Fall and Spring Tuition and Fees: Students who withdraw from the University through the census date will not be charged any tuition and fees. For Fall and Spring Semesters only, students who withdraw from all courses after the census date will be charged a percentage of the applicable tuition and fees based on the effective date of the withdrawal as recorded by the Office of the Registrar and the number of weeks past the census date. The census date is specified in the academic calendar for each semester. The proration of fees does not apply to certain fees including matriculation, lab, bowling, music and late fees. The schedule for allocation of tuition and fees between amounts charged and amounts credited is listed below. This schedule is subject to change.

Weeks Past Census Date Percent Charged Percent Credited
1 20 80
2 40 60
3 50 50
4 60 40
5 100 0

No credit will be granted after the census date for partial withdrawals, i.e. dropping individual courses. Any refunds owed to the student as a result of withdrawal will first be offset against any other amounts owed to the University.

Students who receive financial aid and withdraw prior to the completion of 61 percent of the enrollment period must repay Title IV funds (i.e. PLUS, Perkins, Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, Pell, SEOG, HETAP and CSAP) to their sources. The percentage is determined by dividing the number of days attended by the number of days in the semester.

Summer Session Tuition and Fees: For Summer sessions, students who withdraw from the University through census date will not be charged any tuition and fees. No proration of tuition and fees will be made for students who withdraw after the census date.

Residence Hall and Apartment Rent: For all semesters, students who withdraw through the census date will be charged a flat fee of $200 ($100 for summer sessions). No proration of rent will be made for students who withdraw after the census date.

Meal Plans: For all semesters, students who withdraw through the census date will be charged a flat fee of $200 ($100 for summer sessions). After census date and through the last day to withdraw and receive a grade of “W,” refunds will be prorated based on the number of weeks or actual usage, as applicable. No proration will be made after the last day to withdraw and receive a grade of “W” for that semester.

Return of Title IV Federal Financial Aid

This policy governs all federal grant and loan programs, but does not include the Federal Work-Study program.

The law assumes that a student “earns” approved (verified) federal financial aid awards in proportion to the number of days in the term prior to the student’s complete withdrawal. If a student completely withdraws from school during a term, the school must calculate, according to a specific formula, the portion of the total scheduled financial assistance that the student has earned and is therefore entitled to retain, until the time that the student withdrew. If a student receives (or the university receives on the student’s behalf) more assistance than he/she earns, the unearned funds must be returned to the Department of Education or to the Federal Direct or parent’s Federal PLUS loan lenders. If a student’s charges are less than the amount earned, and a refund is due, the student may be able to receive those additional funds. Students who have not completed the verification process are ineligible to receive any financial aid.

The portion of the federal grants and loans that the student is entitled to receive is calculated on a percentage basis by comparing the total number of days in the semester to the number of days that the student completed before he/she withdrew. For example, if a student completes 30 percent of the semester, he/she earns 30 percent of the approved federal aid that he/she was originally scheduled to receive. This means that 70 percent of the student’s scheduled or disbursed aid remains unearned and must be returned to the Federal Programs. This policy governs the earned and unearned portions of the student’s Federal Title IV Financial Aid only. It determines how much, if any, the student and/or the school may need to return. This policy does not affect the student’s charges. The University’s Withdrawal Policy (stated above) will be used to determine the reduction, if any, in the student’s tuition and fee or room and board charges. The student is responsible for paying any outstanding charges to the university.

The student’s official withdrawal date will be determined by the university as 1) the date the student began the university’s withdrawal process (the date that the student officially notified the advising center of his/her intent to withdraw); 2) the midpoint of the semester if the student withdraws without notifying the university; or 3) the student’s last date of attendance at an academically-related activity as documented by the university.

If it is determined that a portion of the financial aid received on the student’s behalf is unearned, the university shares with the student the responsibility of returning those funds.

Any grant funds that the student is required to return to the Federal Programs are considered an overpayment. The student must either repay the amount in full or make satisfactory payment arrangements with the Department of Education to repay the amount. If the student fails to repay, or make payment arrangements, to repay an overpayment the student will lose his/her eligibility to receive future federal financial aid at any institution.

Refund Policy for State and Institutional Aid

The policy will affect students who completely withdraw from all classes in a semester and who are receiving state or institutional financial assistance. It does not apply to students who withdraw from some, but not all classes within a semester. All financial programs are covered under this policy. State Student Loan, Last Dollar and VTG MUST be reduced to tuition costs only before any further refund is considered. The portion of the RU Grant and VGAP funds that the student is entitled to receive will be calculated on a percentage basis by comparing the total number of days in the semester to the total number of days that the student completed before he/she withdrew. Funds from the Virginia Teaching Scholarship Loan Program must be returned to this program in full.

Enrollment Deposit Refunds

Students who are offered admission as a residential student must submit a $400 housing and enrollment deposit. Commuter students are required to submit a $200 enrollment deposit. Students who choose not to enroll can receive a refund of the enrollment deposit upon request before May 1. After that date, the deposit is forfeited.

Financial Services

Banking Facilities

Three banks are located near the Radford University campus: SunTrust Bank, Wells Fargo and BB&T. In addition, the city is serviced by Stellar One, Bank of Floyd, Bank of America, and National Bank. SunTrust Bank, Wachovia, and Stellar One operate automatic teller machines on campus.

Checks presented by Radford University students are accepted by the university subject to the following limitations and policies:

The university accepts checks for tuition/fees, room and board, the exact amount of goods or services and fines owed to the university. The Post Office accepts checks and RU Express cards for the amount of purchase.

  • The university bookstore will cash checks between $5 and $25. A service charge of 50 cents will be assessed for each check cashed.
  • Checks written directly to a student by the Commonwealth of Virginia or by Radford University may be cashed at the bank indicated on the check or at a bank where the student has an account.
  • A student who knowingly writes a check with insufficient funds in his or her checking account may be charged with an honor code violation and may be prosecuted under the criminal law of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  • If a check written for tuition/fees or room and board is returned from the bank for any reasons, future tuition/fee or room and board payments may be required to be made with cash, money order, certified check or cashier’s check, and the student may be administratively withdrawn from the university. In addition, the student will be assessed a $25 service charge and a late fee of either 10 percent of the amount of check or $75 (whichever is less) if applicable.
  • A student may be blocked from registration and transcripts may be held if a check is returned from the bank and remains unpaid.
  • A service charge will be applied to all checks returned from the bank for any reason.

Financial Aid

Helping qualified students who would be unable to attend the university because of a lack of funds is the aim of Radford’s financial aid program. During the 2010-2011 academic year, Radford provided some form of aid for approximately 72 percent of its students. Primary responsibility for funds for education belongs to parents and students. The difference between the family contribution and the cost of attending the university determines the financial need of the student. The criteria used for selecting student aid recipients involve both the computed need and the academic progress standing of the individual student. Top consideration for awarding financial aid dollars will be given to those who demonstrate the greatest need, who have valid applications submitted by the deadline, and who are admitted to Radford by the deadline. Should funds not be available to meet all these needs, the aid will be prioritized by need among eligible applicants.

After a student has been admitted to Radford and has demonstrated financial need, the university tries to meet that need by offering a financial aid package, which may consist of a scholarship, grant, loan and/or on-campus job.

In addition to awards based on demonstrated financial need, scholarships based on leadership, character and academic achievements are offered at Radford. Sources of financial aid include loans and grants from the federal and state governments, as well as numerous private funds established through the Radford University Foundation. For additional information, refer to the RU Financial Aid website: http://www.radford.edu/content/financial-aid/home.html/

Applying for Financial Aid

To determine need in a consistent way for aid applicants, Radford suggests that parents or independent students seeking financial aid submit a completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by February 15. Forms and further information about the needs analysis system may be obtained from high school guidance counselors, the Financial Aid Office, or the Radford University Financial Aid website at: http://finaid.asp.radford.edu/.

Currently enrolled students may obtain FAFSA worksheets from the university’s Financial Aid Office or complete the FAFSA through the web at: http://fafsa.ed.gov/.

The FAFSA for renewal students also should be filed by February 15.

Radford awards financial aid separately for the academic year and the summer terms.

Undergraduate students who plan to be enrolled during the summer must submit a separate university summer Financial Aid Application. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid form, however, needs to be completed only once annually and is effective for both the academic year and the following summer sessions.

Disbursement of Financial Aid

All types of financial aid are credited to the student’s account at the beginning of each term with the exception of work-study and some loans. These financial aid funds must be used first to pay the required university charges outstanding at that time. All awards will be disbursed equally over the course of the two academic semesters unless the student applies for only one term. Financial assistance awarded for the summer terms will be indicated for the specific term.

Radford University participates in Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) of William D. Ford Direct Lending Education Loan funds.

This option of disbursing loan proceeds is an additional service that the university offers its students. Financial aid applicants will receive information with their award package regarding this service.

Refund of Excess Financial Aid

If a student’s Federal and/or Alternative Loan funds are received electronically he/she may have the excess aid deposited into his/her checking or savings account. If this option is not chosen, a refund check will be mailed to the student’s mailing address.

If PLUS Loan funds that are received electronically remain as excess on a student’s account, with parent permission, the balance can be electronically deposited into the student’s checking or savings account. If this option is not chosen, a refund check will be mailed to the student’s mailing address. If the parent borrower does not authorize the refund of excess PLUS funds to the student, a refund check will be mailed to the parent borrower.

Satisfactory Progress

Financial aid awards are conditional on students maintaining satisfactory progress in their course of study according to academic and progress requirements. Satisfactory progress for financial aid purposes requires that the student meet the university’s progress requirements and maintains progress toward a degree. Additional progress requirements exist for the state financial aid programs. For financial aid recipients, the policy can be obtained from the RU Financial Aid Office or from the RU Financial Aid website: http://www.radford.edu/content/financial-aid/home.html/

The academic progress of students who fail to meet the minimum standards will be reviewed each semester of the school year. At that time financial assistance may be awarded, if available, to those students who improve satisfactorily.

Class Standing

Students who wish to receive funds from the Federal Direct Lending Program or the Federal Parent Direct Lending for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) program will have their class standings determined at the beginning of the semester in which they are applying for financial assistance. Students with 26 semester hours will be classified as sophomores, with 56 semester hours as juniors and with 86 semester hours as seniors.

Rights and Responsibilities of Student Recipients

As a recipient of state or federal aid, each student has certain rights and responsibilities. Knowing what they are will place the student in a better position to make decisions about educational goals and how they best can be achieved. If at any time there are questions about financial aid, students should come to the Financial Aid Office where there is additional information available concerning their legal rights and responsibilities.

The student has a right to know:

  • the total cost of attending Radford University for an academic year, including tuition and fees and estimated costs of personal expenses, books and transportation;
  • the due dates for mandatory fees and the payment procedures for those receiving financial assistance;
  • the deadline for submitting applications;
  • how the financial need was determined;
  • how much of the estimated financial need has been met;
  • the types of financial aid offered by Radford University and the terms of those types of aid which were received;
  • how satisfactory academic progress is measured; and
  • the university refund policy for students who withdraw.

The student is responsible:

  • for submitting honest and accurate information concerning enrollment and family financial circumstances (full-time status is defined as 12 semester hours for undergraduate students unless indicated otherwise);
  • for adhering to all agreements signed in the course of applying for and receiving financial assistance;
  • for reporting a change to less than full-time enrollment during the award period;
  • for reporting promptly to the Financial Aid Office the receipt of scholarships, grants or loans awarded by organizations or agencies other than Radford University;
  • for becoming familiar with the deadlines for application, the terms of financial aid received and refund policies for students who withdraw;
  • for knowing the loan repayment responsibilities and abiding by the terms of the promissory note; and
  • if awarded student employment, for performing the job in a satisfactory manner. An unsatisfactory performance may result in removal from the work program.

Scholarships and Grants

Federal Pell Grants

Authorized by the 1972 Higher Education Act, this program operates under the assumption that needy students are entitled to a certain amount of federal assistance while pursuing an undergraduate degree. The eligibility for an award is determined by a formula consistently applied to all applicants, the cost of attending the institution and the student’s part-time or full-time enrollment status. For the 2010-2011 academic year, grants ranged from $555 to $5,550. Application can be made by filing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Form.

Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants

These grants, awarded under a federal aid program, are available to any student who has exceptional financial need and is progressing satisfactorily toward a degree. The grants range from $200 to $4,000 per year with no limit placed on the maximum cumulative award.

Federal Teach Grant

The Federal Teach Grant program is a federal grant program that provides grants of up to $4,000 per year to students (regardless of income or need) who intend to teach in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves students from low income families in a high need teaching field. Failure to complete the required teaching service requirements or an eligible program/major/concentration cause the grant to become a Federal Direct Unsubsidized loan.

The obligation must be completed within eight years of completing your program. Review the service agreement for details. For all requirements, review the RU Financial Aid website at http://www.radford.edu/content/financialaid/home.html/

Virginia College Scholarship Assistance Program

The College Scholarship Assistance Program (CSAP) is a need-based program of grants to students enrolled in Virginia colleges and universities. Virginia resident undergraduates who are enrolled on at least a half-time basis are eligible for consideration. Priority is given to full-time enrolled students. Awards range from $400 to $2,000 per year.

Commonwealth Award

A Commonwealth Award scholarship recipient must be a legal resident of Virginia and demonstrate financial need. The value of these scholarships may vary according to the student’s need, not to exceed the cost of tuition and required fees. You can receive between $1,000 and $6,176 a year, depending on when you apply, your level of need, and Radford University’s funding level. You cannot receive both the Commonwealth Award and VGAP at the same time.

Virginia Guaranteed Assistance Program

The Virginia Guaranteed Assistance Program (VGAP) is a state-funded scholarship program restricted to financially needy Virginians who graduated from a Virginia high school with a 2.5 or higher grade point average. Awards may not exceed the costs of tuition and fees, and a standard books and supplies allowance. Awards during the 2011-2012 academic year ranged from $1,000 - $8,700 per student. Recipients of this grant must maintain continuous full-time enrollment and earn full-time credit hours to remain eligible. Students may not receive both a VGAP award and a Commonwealth award. VPAP renewals must also maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA.

Virginia Transfer Grant

The Virginia Transfer Grant Program (VTG) is a state-funded scholarship program restricted to financially needy (Expected Family Contribution (EFC) less than $8,000) Virginians who graduated with an associate degree from a Virginia Community College. In addition, they must have entered a public two-year college as of fall 2007 as a first-time freshman, be enrolled full-time into a Virginia four-year public or private nonprofit college or university by the fall following completion of the associate degree. See details by going to http://finaid.asp.radford.edu/vtg.html.

Radford University Foundation, Inc. Scholarships

Merit and need-based academic and athletic scholarships are awarded annually to both incoming and currently enrolled students. These scholarships have been made possible through contributions from alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff, businesses, foundations, corporations and friends of the university.

The Presidential Scholars is a prestigious program which funds tuition and room and board fees for 75 outstanding incoming freshmen annually. Additional partial scholarships are also awarded to new freshmen and transfer students. The full scholarships, along with a number of partial scholarships, are renewable assuming the recipients meet certain conditions, such as maintaining a specific grade point average.

In addition to scholarships for incoming freshmen, approximately 500 scholarships are awarded to returning upper-class students through the RU Foundation. Many of these scholarships contain conditions for receiving the award, such as declaring a particular major, residing in a particular geographic region, being involved in extracurricular activities, or simply demonstrating financial need. The RU Foundation receives hundreds of applications for scholarships from a pool of deserving and well-qualified individuals. Every year, new scholarships are created to meet the ever growing need for financial assistance and meritorious recognition.

Students who wish to apply for freshman scholarships should submit a complete application for admission to Radford University’s Office of Admissions before December 15 of the academic year prior to attending the university. For upper-class scholarships, applicants may complete the scholarship application on the web during the competition time period. Information is available on the RU Financial Aid website at http://www.radford.edu/content/financial-aid/home.html/

For more information on scholarships for incoming freshmen, contact the Office of Admissions, Radford University, Martin Hall, P.O. Box 6903, Radford, VA 24142, (540) 831-5371.


Federal Perkins Loan

The Perkins Loan is a need-based loan that is funded by the federal government but is administered directly by Radford University. Undergraduate students receive loans under this program of up to $5,500 annually and up to $27,500 for their total undergraduate study. Students begin paying back these loans nine months after they either complete their education or leave school. No interest is charged until repayment begins, and then a five percent charge is applied to the unpaid balance.

Federal Direct Lending Student Loan

The Federal Direct Lending Student Loan Program enables both dependent and independent students to borrow. All students will be required to pay up to a three percent one-time origination fee for each loan. In addition, guarantee agencies may charge an extra default reduction fee of one percent on each loan. The interest rate for new borrowers is fixed at 6.8 percent. The interest rate for subsidized Federal Direct Loans is subsidized by the federal government until six months after the student graduates or leaves school, when repayment begins. For unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans, the borrower makes interest payments or capitalizes interest.

The Federal Direct Loan Program is a long-term repayable educational loan that offers low interest rates. It is the Department of Education’s major form of self-help aid. Repayment is deferred until you graduate, withdraw, or drop below half-time status (does not include summer sessions.) This loan program offers funds to students regardless of family income level. Federal Direct Loans are either subsidized or unsubsidized. The results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) determine which type of loan you are eligible for.

For detailed information regarding this loan program, please visit the following website: http://www.ed.gov/offices/OSFAP/DirectLoan/student.html. You can keep track of your loan accumulations by using the federal NSLDS system.

Dependent undergraduate students may borrow as much as $5,500 for the first year (with at least $2,000 of this amount in unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan), $6,500 for the second year (with at least $2,000 of this amount in unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan) and $7,500 annually for remaining undergraduate years (with at least $2,000 of this amount in unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan), up to a total of $31,000 (with at least $8,000 of this amount in unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan.)

Independent undergraduate students may borrow as much as $9,500 for the first year (with at least $6,000 of this amount in unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan), $10,500 for the second year (with at least $6,000 of this amount in unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan), and $12,500 annually for remaining years (with at least $7,000 of this amount in unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan). The total Federal Direct Loan debt the student can have outstanding as an independent undergraduate is $57,500.

For periods of undergraduate study that are less than an academic year, the amounts the student may borrow will be less than those above.

All students applying for Federal Direct Loans must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Those students not eligible for subsidized Federal Direct Loans or partially subsidized Federal Direct Loans will be eligible for unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans. Federal Direct Student Loans are made in multiple disbursements. Therefore, half of the proceeds of the loan will be available in August and January for the payment of semester fees.

Federal PLUS Loan Program

The Parent Loan Program (PLUS) is available for parents of dependent students. The interest rate is fixed at 7.9 percent. There is no federal interest subsidy or maximum eligible income. Repayment begins 60 days after disbursement of the loan, unless the parent works with the lender to defer payment. Parents may borrow as much as the cost of education per year. Parents applying for the PLUS loan must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

State Student Loan Fund

A student loan fund is a need-based loan available to Virginia students through previous appropriations made by the Virginia General Assembly. A student may borrow up to the cost of tuition and required fees per academic session with repayment beginning four months after withdrawal or graduation from college. All notes covering loans must be endorsed by parents or other responsible Virginia adults. The loan bears a three percent interest rate.

Nursing Student Loan

This need-based federal program provides long-term, low-interest loans for nursing students. A student may borrow up to $3,000 for an academic year. Third and fourth year nursing students may potentially borrow up to $5,200 per year. An interest rate of five percent annually begins to accrue nine months after graduation. The student must be admitted into the Nursing Program to be eligible.

Work Programs

Federal Work-Study Program

This is a federal program that provides part-time jobs for students with financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). A student is awarded work for a specific number of hours per week. Students must contact supervisors listed on the RU Financial Aid website to secure a work position. An undergraduate student is paid the current federal minimum wage and may earn up to $1,305 per semester or a maximum of $2,610 for the academic year.

Students awarded a work award may use the university website to locate positions on campus (http://finaid.asp.radford.edu/work.html). Students are paid once each month for the preceding pay period.

Community Service

Students may also apply for placement in one of our Community Service positions. For additional information, please contact Jerry Lester in the Financial Aid Office.

University Work Scholarship Program

This program provides a limited number of part-time employment opportunities for students who do not qualify for the work-study program. Any full-time student with satisfactory grades is eligible for employment. The number of hours worked and hourly earnings are identical to those in the Federal Work-Study Program.

Under an agreement with the U.S. Department of Education, the institution is obligated to employ qualified financially eligible students before offering employment to others.

Residence Hall Assistants

Each candidate must have a personal interview for the Resident Assistant (R.A.) position. This position is available to undergraduate students. Additional information, application forms and specific job descriptions are available from the Office of Residential Life, P.O. Box 6897, Radford University, Radford, VA 24142.

Alternative Financing

Nelnet Automatic Payment Plan: In a continuing effort to assist with the payment of educational expenses, Radford University offers the AMPP Monthly Payment Plan as an alternative to standard payment arrangements.

Simple steps to enroll in the Payment Plan:

  • Have student login to the MyRU portal;
  • Click the My Accounts tab at the top;
  • In the center of the page under Student Accounts click on Make a Payment by monthly payments.
  • You will enter the QuikPay site where you will need to click “Make Payment” on the left side of the page.
  • Click on “Payment Plan” to enroll in the ECashier Automatic Payment Plan (a new window will open).

Senior Citizens Higher Education Act of 1974

The Commonwealth of Virginia allows senior citizens who meet certain requirements to take courses at state colleges or universities free-of-charge. To be eligible, persons must have reached 60 years of age before the beginning of the semester in which they wish to enroll and must have had legal domicile in Virginia for one year prior to the semester in which they plan to enroll.

Senior citizens may register for and enroll in courses as full-time or part-time students for academic credit if their federal taxable income does not exceed $15,000 for the year preceding the year in which enrollment is sought. Senior citizens may register for and audit courses for academic credit regardless of their federal taxable income. In all cases, senior citizens are entitled to register for courses only after all tuition-paying students have been accommodated. Applications are available in the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies and the Admissions Office.

Virginia War/Public Service Orphans Education Program

(Section 23-7.1, Code of Virginia) provides for tuition-free educational benefits at any state-supported college or university for children of permanently and totally disabled veterans or for children orphaned by an act of war. Both tuition and fees are covered by this program.

Eligibility is determined by the Director of the Division of War Veterans Claims upon submission of an application. To be eligible for assistance, the applicant’s parent must have been a resident of Virginia upon entry into the service; the applicant’s parent must have been a resident of Virginia for at least 10 consecutive years prior to the date of the application; the applicant must be between 16-25 years of age; and the applicant must verify admission to a state college or university. Eligible applicants are entitled to a maximum of 48 months of tuition assistance and must be progressing toward a clearly defined educational objective.

In addition, an amendment to Section 23-7.1 now allows for tuition-free educational benefits for orphans and spouses of certain law enforcement officers, correctional and jail personnel, sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, fire fighters, members of rescue squads and alcoholic beverage control agents who have been killed in the line of duty while serving or living in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Eligibility for this benefit is determined by the chief administrative officer of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, emergency medical services agency, law-enforcement agency, Superintendent of the State Police or other appropriate agency.

If this is a first-time enrollment, contact the VA Office in Roanoke.

Army ROTC Department

The Radford University ROTC department has two- and three-year scholarships available on a competitive basis. These scholarships cover tuition and fees and provide book allowance of $450 paid each semester with a subsistence allowance of $250 up to $2,000 per year. Contact:

U.S. Army ROTC Department
P.O. Box 6947
Radford, VA 24142
or call (540) 831-5288/5209
Email arotc@radford.edu