Sep 27, 2024  
2013 - 2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
2013 - 2014 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


 The following section contains course descriptions.  Click here for information about how to read a course description .



  • ACTG 211 - Fundamentals of Financial Accounting

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Sophomore standing.
    A comprehensive introduction to the fundamental concepts and procedures in accounting for proprietorships, partnerships and corporations. Emphasis is on the user perspective.

    Note(s): ACTG 211 is a business core requirement.
  • ACTG 212 - Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ACTG 211 .
    Comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles and procedures of accounting for managerial decision making, planning, control and performance evaluation.

    Note(s): Business majors must have completed the pre-business program and have been admitted to a business major, in addition to having completed any specific prerequisite or corequisite courses to be eligible to take 300- or 400-level accounting courses. ACTG 212 is a business core requirement.
  • ACTG 311 - Cost Accounting

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ACTG 212 .
    Principles and procedures of determining cost in a manufacturing concern. Course devoted primarily to a study of job order, process and standard costing.

  • ACTG 312 - Accounting Information Systems

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture and computer lab.
    Prerequisites: ACTG 212  and ITEC 100  or ITEC 281 .
    Introduces students to Accounting Information Systems (AIS). Includes hands-on use of accounting software as well as theoretical study of the various accounting modules such as general ledger, accounts receivable and payroll. Software selections and current trends in AIS development also are discussed.

  • ACTG 313 - Intermediate Accounting I

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ACTG 212 .
    ACTG 313 treats topics of financial accounting such as future and present value concepts, cash, receivables, short-term investments and fixed assets.

  • ACTG 314 - Intermediate Accounting II

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ACTG 212  and ACTG 313 .
    ACTG 314 is a comprehensive study of corporate equity accounts, long-term investments, pensions and leases, financial statement analysis and price level reporting.

  • ACTG 401 - International Accounting

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture
    Prerequisites: ACTG 212  and FINC 331 .
    An introduction to the international dimensions of accounting, including the environment of international financial reporting, comparative accounting, international accounting standards, and accounting for multinational operations.

  • ACTG 411 - Federal Taxation

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture
    Prerequisites: ACTG 212 .
    An introduction to the basic concepts and systems of federal income taxation applicable to individuals, corporations, and partnerships. Emphasis is on the taxation of individuals with a basic introduction to business entity taxation.

  • ACTG 412 - Advanced Taxation

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture
    Prerequisites: ACTG 411 .
    Examines advanced topics relating to individual and entity taxation, tax research, exempt entities, and multijurisdictional tax issues.

  • ACTG 413 - Advanced Financial Topics

    Credits: (3)

    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ACTG 314 .

    This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of special problems in accounting with emphasis on consolidation, segment and interim reporting, and foreign transactions and translation reporting, and SEC reporting.

  • ACTG 414 - Auditing

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ACTG 313 .
    Covers principally the attest function; the basic professional auditing standards and how they are applied by independent auditors, professional ethics, legal liability of auditors, preparation of auditing reports, and auditing techniques such as audit sampling.

  • ACTG 415 - Accounting Theory

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ACTG 314 .
    Study of the development of accounting theory and its conceptual framework. Further theoretical exposure to and advanced problem solving of selected accounting topics.

  • ACTG 416 - Governmental and Not-For- Profit Accounting

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture
    Prerequisites: ACTG 313  or permission of instructor.
    Study of the theory and practice of accounting, budgeting, standard setting and financial reporting for governmental and not-for-profit organizations.

  • ACTG 471 - Special Topics in Accounting

    Credits: (1-4)
    Instructional Method: One to four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Approval of instructor.
    Examines topics of special interest in accounting not covered in current course offerings. Can be taken more than once for a maximum of four hours credit.

  • ACTG 472 - Independent Study

    Credits: (1-4)
    Gives an individual student the opportunity to examine a topic of personal interest in depth. See “Independent Study.”

  • ACTG 488 - Final Honors Project

    Credits: (2-3)
    Prerequisites: Completion of business core, enrollment in the Honors Academy, a minimum GPA of 3.5 or higher in all courses and in accounting.
    Research project in accounting. In order to receive honors credit, a student must earn a grade of “A” or “B” for the final project.

    Note(s): Course may not be repeated.
  • ACTG 490 - Accounting Internship

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: The student must be an accounting major, have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher and permission of the instructor.
    A one-semester program of work and studying the student’s major area and/or career interest. Learning objectives, qualifications and hours of work approved by faculty coordinator and sponsoring agency. Final grade determined by supervising faculty. Graded A-F.

    Note(s): Course may not be repeated for a better grade.

Anthropological Sciences

  • ANSC 101 - Anthropology of the Human Past

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    This course serves as the introduction to the Anthropological Sciences and thus to the biocultural origin and evolution of the human species and human societies worldwide. It includes a survey of human and nonhuman primate evolution and prehistory (including the methods and theories used by anthropologists to illuminate these subjects) and the emergence of fully modern humans in terms of their behavior and culture. The more recent evolution of societies as diverse as small-scale hunter-gatherers to more complex civilizations is also considered in the context of the biocultural factors that have shaped their development. Finally, students will be introduced to the range of modern applications in anthropological sciences, ranging from cultural resource management to forensic investigation.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for credit in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Area of the Core Curriculum.
  • ANSC 103 - Ancient Worlds of the Maya, the Aztec, and the Inka

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    This course will be an introduction to the archaeology of three of the most important prehistoric societies in the Americas: the Maya, the Aztec, and the Inka. The course will take a comparative approach, emphasizing the natural, geographic, cultural, and historical processes that contributed to development of each of these indigenous American states. Contributions of these societies to the modern world will also be considered.

  • ANSC 201 - Introduction to Anthropological Research

    Credits: (2)
    Instructional Method: Two hours seminar.
    Pre- or Corequisites: ANSC 101  or permission of instructor.
    This seminar serves as an Introduction to the Anthropological Sciences major and prepares students for success in the major. Topics will include the nature of scientific inquiry in Anthropology as well as career options and resume preparation. Students will learn, through locating and reading the primary literature, to critically evaluate research in the discipline and receive the background and training necessary to conduct their own original research.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ANSC 497  and ANSC 201.
  • ANSC 210 - Introduction to Forensic Anthropology

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 101  or permission of instructor.
    Cross-Listed: FOSC 210 

    Serves as an introduction to the field of forensic anthropology, the identification and analysis of human remains in a legal context. It includes a brief study of the major bones of the human body, their growth, development, variation, and initial treatment and examination. Through lectures, readings, and discussions, emphasis is placed on the major methods and techniques forensic anthropologists use to identify unknown human remains for law enforcement, including preliminary discussions of determination of age, sex, ancestry, and stature from the human skeleton. It also includes discussions of determination of time since death (or postmortem interval), manner of death, as well as differentiating antemortem, perimortem, and postmortem trauma. The role of the forensic anthropologist in mass disasters and human rights abuse cases is also considered.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 230 AND ANSC 210.
  • ANSC 211 - Forensic Archaeology

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 101  or permission of instructor.
    Cross-Listed: FOSC 211 

    An introduction to the major methods of forensic archaeology, the application of archaeological theory and method to crime scene investigation and recovery. A focus will be on field methods for search and recovery of human remains and other forensic evidence, including mapping and geophysical remote sensing methods, initial recognition and excavation of human and other forensic remains, and collection of soil, botanical, and entomological evidence. Through a combination of lecture and field exercises, the course will also consider the major variables which affect recognition and recovery of forensic remains, including the taphonomic effects of weathering, natural decay, water, fire, faunal and floral degradation.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 232 and ANSC 211.
  • ANSC 301 - Principles of Archaeology

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; two hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 101  or permission of instructor.
    This course considers the methods and theories that archaeologists use to interpret past life-ways of prehistoric and historic human cultures. Case studies of past cultures are also discussed to provide current information on these cultures and to serve as examples of archaeological research. The lab component will focus on giving students hands-on experience in basic field and laboratory methods in archaeology.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 122 and ANSC 301.
  • ANSC 302 - Principles of Biological Anthropology

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; two hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 101  or permission of instructor.
    This course is an overview of biological anthropology. Biological anthropology studies the adaptations, variability, and evolution of human beings and their living and fossil relatives. Topics to be covered include basic genetics and heredity, primate behavior and taxonomy, human osteology, human evolution, human variation and adaptation, bioarchaeology, and forensic anthropology. The laboratory component provides students with hands-on experience with this material.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 120 and ANSC 302.
  • ANSC 303 - Quantitative and Computer Methods in Anthropology

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture; two hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 201  and ANSC 301  or ANSC 302  or permission of instructor.
    Through hands-on training with real and demonstrative data sets, students will learn a wide range of quantitative analytical techniques most frequently used in the field of anthropology. Course topics include basic computer methods, concepts of sampling and probability, and univariate and multivariate statistical analysis.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 482 and ANSC 303.
  • ANSC 320 - Human Osteology

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 302  or ANTH 120, or permission of instructor.
    An examination of the human skeletal system, including discussions of the nature and functions of bone, techniques for the identification of bone, and methods of study of human bone in an anthropological as well as forensic (legal) context.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 320 and ANSC 320.
  • ANSC 321 - Archaeological Field and Lab Methods

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 201  and ANSC 301 ; or ANTH 122 and ANTH 222; or permission of instructor.
    This course provides advanced training in field and laboratory methods in archaeology. It includes limited field investigations, training in the processing and analysis of both prehistoric and historic artifact collections, and the preparation of original reports summarizing these analyses.

  • ANSC 330 - Primatology

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 101  and ANSC 201  with a grade of “C” or higher, or BIOL 131 and BIOL 160  with a grade of “C” or higher, or permission of instructor.

    A survey of both living and past primates as unique members of the animal kingdom. It includes discussions of general primate characteristics, taxonomy of living primates, primate behavior and primate (including human) evolution.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 330 and ANSC 330.
  • ANSC 333 - World Prehistory

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 301  and ANSC 201 , or ANTH 122, or permission of instructor.
    A survey of the world’s prehistoric cultures, from the earliest human cultures to the beginning of complex civilizations. The focus is on humans’ adaptation to their environment through culture and the changes in these adaptations over time.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 332 and ANSC 333.
  • ANSC 361 - Human Impacts on the Prehistoric Environment

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 101  and sophomore standing, or permission of instructor.
    This course introduces students to the archaeological study of how human activities impact the natural environment. The course focuses primarily on a series of prehistoric case studies drawn from many regions of the world.

  • ANSC 401 - Anthropological Theory

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 201 , ANSC 301  and ANSC 302 , or permission of instructor.
    The study of anthropological theories which provide explanations for human biocultural evolution and variation. Both classical and current theories in the Anthropological Sciences relating to behavior and biological evolution are examined and their relationships explored.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for ANSC 401 if they have received credit for ANTH 441 or ANTH 322.
  • ANSC 410 - Paleoanthropology

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 201  and ANSC 302 
    Reviews the fossil evidence for human evolution, with an emphasis on past and present scientific principles governing the study of human origins and the interaction of culture and biology in human evolutionary development. The archaeological record as it pertains to our human past is also explored. Students will critically examine major controversies in human evolution from a biocultural perspective.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 410 and ANSC 410.
  • ANSC 420 - Advanced Forensic Anthropology

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 201 , ANSC 210 /FOSC 210 , and ANSC 320 ; or ANTH 120, ANTH 230, ANTH 320; or permission of instructor.
    Cross-Listed: FOSC 420 

    Offers advanced hands-on experience and training in the identification of unknown human skeletal remains. Students will conduct skeletal analyses focusing on basic vital statistical parameters like age, sex, race, and stature. Other topics reviewed will include the role of the forensic anthropologist in crime scene investigation and recovery of skeletonized human remains, determination of time since death, skeletal trauma and pathology, and special techniques in forensic anthropology.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 420 and ANSC 420.
  • ANSC 430 - Bioarchaeology

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 201  and ANSC 302  or permission of instructor.
    This course is an introduction to the discipline of Bioarchaeology, the application of biological anthropology techniques to questions of an archaeological nature. Classes will be a combination of lecture, laboratory, seminar discussion, and student presentations.

  • ANSC 488 - Final Honors Project

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: Enrollment in the Honors Academy, completion of all other Honors Academy requirements, a minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA in all anthropological sciences, or permission of instructor.
    Students conduct research and write a thesis for a bachelor’s degree with honors in Anthropological Sciences. In order to receive honors credit, the student must receive a grade of “A” or “B” for the thesis.

    Note(s): Course may not be repeated.
  • ANSC 493 - Field School in Archaeology

    Credits: (3-6)
    Instructional Method: Field course: 40 hours a week.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 301  or ANTH 122 or permission of instructor.
    Corequisites: Emphasis on practical field experience in archaeology. Surveys and excavations are conducted on both prehistoric and historic sites and students learn the mapping, recording, and field artifact identification techniques that are the basis of archaeology. Summer. No more than 12 hours of credit from ANSC 493, ANSC 498 , and ANSC 499  may be counted toward the 38 hours for the anthropological sciences major.
  • ANSC 495 - Seminar in Anthropological Sciences

    Credits: (1-4)
    Instructional Method: Meets one to four hours weekly.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 201  or permission of instructor.
    Reading and/or research focusing on specialized topics in the Anthropological Sciences. Only four hours may be applied to minor requirements.

    Note(s): May be repeated for the major for a total of eight hours credit when topics differ.
  • ANSC 496 - Seminar in Biological Anthropology

    Credits: (3-4)
    Instructional Method: Three to four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 201  or permission of instructor.
    Reading, research, and/or lectures focusing on specialized topics in biological anthropology selected by department faculty.

    Note(s): This course may be repeated for credit as long as topics vary.
  • ANSC 497 - Seminar in Archaeological Anthropology

    Credits: (3-4)
    Instructional Method: Three to four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 201  or permission of instructor.
    Reading, research, and/or lectures focusing on specialized topics in archaeology selected by department faculty.

    Note(s): This course may be repeated for credit as long as topics vary.
  • ANSC 498 - Independent Study

    Credits: (1-6)
    See “Independent Study.”

    Note(s): No more than a total of twelve hours credit from ANSC 493 , ANSC 498, and ANSC 499  may be counted toward the 38 hours for the anthropological sciences major.
  • ANSC 499 - Internship

    Credits: (3-12)
    Prerequisites: Students must complete 12 hours of Anthropological Sciences and have permission of the program coordinator. Students must obtain approval from the Anthropological Sciences program director regarding the proposed program and agency—this should occur in the semester preceding that in which the internship is anticipated.
    Note(s): The course may carry 3 to 12 hours credit a semester and may be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours credit. No more than a total of 12 hours credit from ANSC 493 , ANSC 498 , and ANSC 499 may be counted toward the 38 hours for the anthropological sciences major. Offered as needed.

Appalachian Studies

  • APST 200 - Introducing Appalachia

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Introduces the Appalachian Mountain region through a survey of its geography, history, cultures, lifestyles, and the arts. Readings, discussions, and multi-media presentations on the above topics will be supplemented by library and field research. The class is designed to create an overall awareness and appreciation of life in Appalachia.

    Note(s): Required for Appalachian Studies minor. This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Social and Behavioral Sciences or U.S. Perspectives.
  • APST 460 - Seminar: Current Issues in Appalachian Studies

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    This seminar focuses on a designated topic of current interest in Appalachian Studies and is designed to give students in-depth exposure both in the classroom and in the field. Topic examples include mountaintop removal, coalfield labor practices, cultural attachment to place, Appalachian-Scottish-Irish connections, Appalachia and the media. The course will serve as a capstone for the Appalachian Studies minor and as a complement for a variety of majors.

    Note(s): Required for Appalachian Studies minor. May be used to fulfill B.S. requirement for some majors. May be repeated for credit when content differs.
  • APST 480 - Appalachian Studies Internship

    Credits: (3-15)
    Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing; 2.0 minimum overall grade point average and permission of instructor.
    Each hour of credit will require a total of forty hours on the job. Course counts up to three hours toward fulfillment of course requirements for an Appalachian Studies minor. One-semester internship with public or private agency in Appalachia. Student will receive academic and agency supervision.

    Note(s): The course will be graded on a pass/fail basis.
  • APST 490 - Highland Summer Conference Writers’ Workshop

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: CORE 101  and CORE 102 
    Cross-Listed: ENGL 490 

    Designed to give students a concentrated study in a specialized area of English.

    Note(s): Grading on Pass/ Fail basis but may be taken for a letter grade with the permission of the chair. May be taken twice for credit. Depending upon the topic, this course may be used to meet requirements for the minor in Appalachian Studies.
  • APST 495 - Research in Appalachia

    Credits: (1-4)
    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
    This course offers students an opportunity to engage in a substantive research project on a specified topic in Appalachia. Field research is generally a major component of the course, supplemented by appropriate secondary resource materials.

    Note(s): May be repeated for credit when content differs.
  • APST 498 - Independent Study

    Credits: (1-6)
    Will vary as topics vary. See “Independent Study.”

American Sign Language

  • ASL 221 - Introduction to American Sign Language (ASL) and Deaf Culture

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Cross-Listed: COSD 221 .

    Introduces students to American Sign Language and to the culture and literature of the deaf community.

  • ASL 222 - American Sign Language (ASL) II

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture and language practice.
    Prerequisites: ASL 221  /COSD 221  .
    Provides students with intensive study and practice of ASL vocabulary, syntax, and pragmatic language skills building upon skills developed in ASL 221  /COSD 221 .

    Note(s): Required for students in the deaf and hard of hearing program.
  • ASL 323 - American Sign Language (ASL) III

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ASL 221 /COSD 221  and ASL 222 .
    Provides students with intensive study and practice of ASL vocabulary, syntax, and pragmatic language skills building upon skills developed in ASL 221 /COSD 221  and ASL 222 .

    Note(s): Required for students in the deaf and hard of hearing program.
  • ASL 324 - American Sign Language (ASL) IV

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture and language practice.
    Prerequisites: ASL 221  /COSD 221 , ASL 222 , and ASL 323 .
    Provides students with intensive study and practice of advanced ASL vocabulary, syntax, and pragmatic language sills building upon skills developed in ASL 221  /COSD 221 , ASL 222 , and ASL 323 .

    Note(s): Required for students in the deaf and hard of hearing program.


  • ARAB 100 - Elementary Arabic

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture.
    A balanced emphasis on listening, speaking, reading, and writing Arabic, and on the culture where this language is spoken.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in College Core B Foreign Languages.
  • ARAB 200 - Intermediate Arabic I

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ARAB 100  or one year of high school Arabic.
    Continued development of the basic language skills and of familiarity with Arabic culture with a balanced emphasis on listening, speaking, reading, and writing Arabic and on the culture where this language is spoken.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in College Core B Foreign Languages.
  • ARAB 210 - Intermediate Arabic II

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ARAB 200  or 2 years of high school Arabic.
    Review of fundamentals and continued practice in listening, speaking, reading, and culture with expanded use of literary and cultural materials.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in College Core B Foreign Languages.
  • ARAB 300 - Arabic Readings and Culture

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ARAB 210  or 3 years of high school Arabic.
    Students will expand their knowledge and further develop skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and culture with an emphasis on reading.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in College Core B Foreign Languages.


In the Art course descriptions, please note the following course designations: courses listed as 2-D are two dimensional studio courses; courses listed as 3-D are three dimensional studio courses; Courses are listed under 4 prefixes: ART for general and core art courses; ARTS for studio art, ARTG for graphic design, and ARTH for art history.

  • ART 100 - Art Appreciation

    Credits: (3)

    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    An introduction to the visual arts designed to develop students’ visual awareness.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Visual and Performing Arts.

    Students cannot receive credit for both ART 111 and ART 100.

  • ART 215 - Art History Survey: Prehistory to Gothic

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    A survey of art through a study of styles, iconography, media, and terminology within a broad cultural context. The course covers prehistory through Gothic, with emphasis on western art.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Visual and Performing Arts.
  • ART 216 - Art History Survey: Renaissance to Contemporary

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    A survey of art through a study of styles, iconography, media, and terminology within a broad cultural context. The course covers the Renaissance through the 20th century, with an emphasis on western art.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Visual and Performing Arts.
  • ART 366 - Art History Travel Study

    Credits: (3-6)
    An academic course involving domestic and/or international travel. Students will participate in the discussion of works of art and architecture. One of the goals of the course is to allow students to understand better and relate to another culture by experiencing it firsthand.

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit with different topics or areas of study.
  • ART 429 - History of Graphic Design

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture
    Prerequisites: ARTG 280  and ARTG 281  or permission of instructor.
    A one-semester survey of key points in the historical development of the graphic design field.

  • ART 437 - Technology, Art, and Vision

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Throughout history artists have explored the technological, philosophical, and scientific advancements of their age to create new ways of seeing and perceiving. This course explores how artists experiment with new technologies to challenge our perceptions of reality, question the role technology plays in our society as well as explore new methods and theories of image making.

  • ART 488 - Final Honors Project

    Credits: (2-3)
    Prerequisites: Enrollment in the Honors Academy, completion of all other Honors Academy requirements, major in art, senior standing at beginning of semester in which project is to be completed, a minimum 3.5 GPA overall and in art.
    This project and the topic to be explored will be determined by the student, the faculty member with whom the student works and the student’s major program area. (Honors project may be a written or performance-based project.) In order to receive honors credit, a student must earn a grade of “A” or “B” for the final project.

    Note(s): Course may not be repeated or retaken.
  • ART 492 - Museum Practicum

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: ARTH 401  with a “C” or better.
    Academic knowledge with hands-on field experience in an on-campus museum facility and to put into practice knowledge and theories essential for competency in museum work.

  • ART 493 - Museum Internship

    Credits: (3-6)
    Prerequisites: ARTH 401 .
    Integrates academic knowledge with hands-on field experience in an off-campus museum facility and puts into practice knowledge and theories essential for competency in museum work.

    Note(s): May be repeated for credit.
  • ART 494 - Internship

    Credits: (3 or 6)
    Prerequisites: Junior standing, 3.0 GPA in concentration, and permission of instructor.
    In close collaboration with a supervising professor the student will arrange outside employment working in their field concentration, such as Graphic Design or Jewelry. By working in an actual job situation, the student will gain valuable real world experience, portfolio work, and possible future job contacts.

    Note(s): May be taken only once for credit.
  • ART 498 - Independent Studies

    Credits: (1-6)
    See “Independent Study.” For descriptions of graduate art courses, please consult the Radford University Graduate Catalog.

Art Education

  • ARTE 212 - 2-D Media, Materials, and Techniques for the Classroom

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture; two hours laboratory. (2-D)
    Prerequisites: Sophomore standing for Art Ed majors; prerequisite may be waived for education majors outside the visual arts department.
    Demonstrations, exercises, studio projects, which explore the elements and principles of design and media, and techniques used in the production of two-dimensional art for future classroom practitioner.

    Note(s): Students can not earn credit for both ART 212 and ARTE 212.
  • ARTE 213 - 3-D Media, Materials, and Techniques for the Classroom

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture; two hours laboratory. (3-D)
    Prerequisites: Sophomore standing for Art Ed majors; prerequisite may be waived for education majors outside the visual arts department.
    Demonstrations, exercises, studio projects, which explore the elements and principles of design and media and techniques used in the production of three-dimensional art for the future classroom practitioner.

    Note(s): Students can not earn credit for both ART 213 and ARTE 213.
  • ARTE 241 - Elementary Art Education Theory and Practice

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory.
    History, philosophy, principles, practices and materials of teaching art in public elementary schools.

    Note(s): Students can not earn credit for both ART 241 and ARTE 241.
  • ARTE 242 - Secondary Art Education Theory and Practice

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory.
    History, philosophy, principles, practices, and materials of teaching art in public secondary schools.

    Note(s): Students can not receive credit for both ART 242 and ARTE 242.
  • ARTE 340 - Clinical Experience in Art Education

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours assigned clinical experience in public school per week, two hours lecture per week.
    Combined study and art classroom assistance experience in art education.

    Note(s): Students can not receive credit for both ART 340 and ARTE 340.

Art Graphic Design

  • ARTG 280 - Introduction to Graphic Design

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: One hour lecture; three and a half hours lab.
    Prerequisites: ARTS 101  with a grade of “C” or better.
    Introduces basic design theory, current materials and technologies of graphic design.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ARTG 280 and ART 280.
  • ARTG 281 - Graphic Design Production Techniques

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: One hour lecture; three and a half hours lab. (2-D)
    Prerequisites: ARTG 280  with a grade of “C” or better.
    Development of design problem solving skills and current electronic file pre-press preparation. Basic production for professional and desktop printing.

    Note(s): Students cannot received credit for both ARTG 281 and ART 281.
  • ARTG 282 - Typography and Layout Design

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: One hour lecture; three and a half hours lab. (2-D)
    Prerequisites: ARTG 280  with a grade of “C” or better.
    A study of design aesthetics, the visual organization of information and use of basic letter forms, typographic contrast, hierarchy of information, major type families and typographic grids. Projects allow students to experiment with type from a variety of approaches and examine its possibilities as expressive form in relation to syntax and visual communication.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ARTG 282 and ART 282.
  • ARTG 380 - Creativity and Design

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: One hour lecture; three and a half hours lab.
    Prerequisites: Passing score of 2.5 in Sophomore Portfolio Review.
    Introduction of strategies, theories, and exercises pertaining to creativity and ideation. Emphasis is on creative problem solving.

  • ARTG 381 - 3D Computer Graphics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: One hour lecture; three and a half hours lab. (3-D)
    Prerequisites: Passing Sophomore Portfolio Review.
    Production for print, web, and video of 3-D digital art and animation.

    Note(s): ARTG 381 and/or ART 371 may be taken twice for a total of six hours credit. 
  • ARTG 382 - Branding Design

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: One hour lecture; three and a half hours lab. (2-D)
    Prerequisites: ARTG 380  with a grade of “C” or better.
    Visual problem solving for graphic designers encompassing illustration, photography and typography in a page layout for print media. Client relations, presentation and professional practice for graphic designers.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ARTG 382 and ART 380.
  • ARTG 383 - Graphic Design for the Web

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: One hour lecture; three and a half hours lab.
    Prerequisites: “C” or better in ARTG 380 
    Visual problem solving for graphic designers relating to illustration, typography, page layout and site design for the web.

  • ARTG 384 - Digital Painting

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: One hour lecture; three and a half hours lab.
    Prerequisites: ARTG 380  with a grade of “C” or better.
    Creation of imagery through use of digital coloring and inking techniques utilizing a variety of tools and approaches. Conceptualization and experimentation is emphasized.

  • ARTG 480 - Publication Design

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: One hour lecture; three and a half hours lab.(2-D)
    Prerequisites: Passing score of 2.5 or better in Junior Portfolio Review.
    Graphic design of large and/or complex publications such as magazines, books, annual reports and catalogs. Practice in file preparation for professional offset printing.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ARTG 480 and ART 480.
  • ARTG 481 - Advanced Graphic Design Production Techniques

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: One hour lecture; three and a half hours lab.
    Prerequisites: Passing score of 2.5 or better in Junior Portfolio Review.
    Advanced version of ARTG 281 - Graphic Design Production Techniques  and focuses on the professional development of the student’s portfolio, time management, software, and presentation skills. It is targeted to the motivated senior-level graphic designer. The class meets on a TBA schedule, usually five times during the course of the semester. The student is given a list of projects in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, then must meet the deadlines for finished work, which is presented during scheduled critiques.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ARTG 481 and ART 481.  This class will also be offered for graduate credit.
  • ARTG 482 - Packaging and 3-D Design.

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: One hour lecture; three and a half hours lab.
    Prerequisites: ARTG 381  and passing score of 2.5 or better in Junior Portfolio Review.
    Assignments in packaging and 3-D design for commercial and/or personal development.

    Note(s): ARTG 482 and ART 414 may be taken multiple times for credit.
  • ARTG 483 - Interactive Motion Graphics

    Credits: (3)

    Instructional Method: One hour lecture; three and a half hours lab.
    Prerequisites: Passing score of 2.5 or better in Junior Portfolio Review.

    Explore the use of graphics and sound to create time-based animations using the Adobe Flash software platform. Course will introduce the techniques of vector-based motion graphics, with an emphasis on interactive graphics, animation, presentations, and web-based application in a graphic design environment.

  • ARTG 484 - Senior Graphic Design Project

    Credits: (2)
    Instructional Method: Two hours studio.
    Prerequisites: ARTG 480 .
    This is the culminating project of the BFA in Graphic Design degree and is designed to synthesize and integrate the theories and skills of graphic design. Class will focus on exploration of complex design projects from concept to final product, demonstrating the student’s abilities in the following areas: technology, content knowledge, creativity, and organization. Students are required to give both a written and oral presentation of their project. Senior projects are evaluated by all members of the graphic design faculty.

  • ARTG 485 - Portfolio Preparation and Studio Management for Graphic Designers

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: One hour lecture; three and a half hours lab.(2-D)
    Prerequisites: Passing score of 2.5 or better in Junior Portfolio Review.
    Graphic design issues relating to personal web sites, CD portfolio and related print materials, as well as the organization and business practices of professional working environments.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ARTG 485 and ART 483.

Art History

  • ARTH 301 - Art History Bridge: Intermediate Level Special Topics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture/discussion.
    Prerequisites: ART 215  or ART 216  or permission of instructor.
    This course is intended as a special topics course for students who have completed their introductory level surveys but would like further study in art history before the level of specialization. Rather than focusing on traditional period-specific topics, these intermediate level courses will focus on topics relating to art to the humanities, bringing together developments in art, music, and literature.

  • ARTH 316 - Art Outside the Western Tradition

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture/discussion.
    A study in recognizing, understanding, and appreciating the art and architecture of one or more culture(s) outside the European tradition from a non-Eurocentric point of view. A focus on art forms as multireferential. The content of the course will vary depending on the culture(s) studied.

    Note(s): May be repeated for credit with different topics with permission of the instructor. Students can not receive credit for both ART 486 and ARTH 316.
  • ARTH 400 - Theory, Methods and Writing in Art History

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture and seminar.
    Prerequisites: ART 215  or ART 216  or permission of instructor.
    Art historians use a variety of critical methodologies in their work. The dominant theories of analysis have changed over time, sometimes in response to developments in other fields and sometimes in response to changes in art. This course will familiarize students with these theories and methods, focusing on the ways in which art historians arrive at their interpretations.

    Note(s): Students can not receive credit for both ART 446 and ARTH 400.
  • ARTH 401 - Cabinets of Curiosity: The History, Criticism and Aesthetics of Museums (MS)

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: ART 215  or ART 216  or permission of instructor.
    An introduction to museology or the study of museums, its focus is their history, their narratives, and their role in the communication (or suppression) of cultural values. Other students may use it to fill a 400-level art history elective if space permits.

    Note(s): Students can not receive credit for both ART 491 and ARTH 401.
  • ARTH 410 - Ancient/Classical Art

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture and seminar.
    Prerequisites: ART 215  or   or permission of instructor.
    A study of the art and architecture of the ancient Near East, Egypt, the Aegean, Greece and Rome.

    Note(s): Students can not receive credit for both ART 422 and ARTH 410.
  • ARTH 411 - Medieval Art

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture and seminar.
    Prerequisites: ART 215  or ART 216  or permission of instructor.
    Exploration of the origins, evolution, themes, and visual characteristics of European art of the early Christian through Gothic periods.

    Note(s): Students can not receive credit for both ART 424 and ARTH 411.
  • ARTH 412 - Renaissance Art

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture and seminar.
    Prerequisites: ART 215  or ART 216  or permission of instructor.
    An examination of the rebirth of the visual arts in Europe in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries.

    Note(s): Students can not receive credit for both ART 462 and ARTH 412.
  • ARTH 413 - Baroque and Rococo Art

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture and seminar.
    Prerequisites: ART 215  or ART 216  or permission of instructor.
    A study of the styles and themes of 17th and early 18th-century Western European art.

    Note(s): Students can not receive credit for both ART 482 and ARTH 413.
  • ARTH 414 - Special Topics in Pre-Modern Art History.

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours seminar.
    Prerequisites: ART 215  or ART 216  or permission of instructor.
    Topics offered might include a period defined more narrowly than “ancient/classical” (ART 410) or “medieval” (ART 411) – early Christian iconography, for example – or they may approach the period from a focus on a key monument (Hagia Sophia, for example), key medium (illuminated manuscripts), or a social/economic topic of importance to the period.

  • ARTH 420 - Twentieth Century Art

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture and seminar.
    Prerequisites: ART 215  or   or permission of instructor.
    Study of the development of the visual arts of the 20th century emphasizing chronological evolution, themes, and visual forms.

    Note(s): Students can not receive credit for both ART 428 and ARTH 420.
  • ARTH 423 - History of Photographic Media and Camera Arts

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture and seminar.
    Prerequisites: ART 215  or ART 216  or permission of instructor.
    Provides an overview of the history and invention of photography and the camera, an examination of issues related to the development of photography as a tool of science, historical documentation, and art; and the place of photography and more recent developments in digital and video media in the history of art.

    Note(s): Students can not receive credit for both ART 451 and ARTH 423.
  • ARTH 430 - Whimsy, Outrage and Seduction: Exhibiting Art in the 21st Century

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours seminar.
    Prerequisites:   or ART 216  or permission of instructor.
    Beginning with the premise that the role of museums and exhibitions has changed significantly in the late 20th century, this course will identify exhibitions that both support and challenge the idea that museums have returned to their roots as cabinets of curiosity. In the process of doing so, exhibition protocols, exhibitions that have made history, curatorial roles, and the variables that influence curatorial decisions will be examined.

  • ARTH 431 - Special Topics in Modern/Contemporary Art History

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours seminar.
    Prerequisites: ART 215  or ART 216  or permission of instructor.
    Some of these requirements may be waived for BFA majors; check with adviser or instructor. A more in-depth exposure to contemporary art will be particularly useful for those students who intend to pursue an advanced degree and/or a career in museum studies. Topics will vary, focusing at times on an especially important movement in the 20th century, a significant artist, or more frequently, the impact of changes in new media on contemporary art.

  • ARTH 499 - Art History Capstone

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours seminar and independent research.
    Prerequisites: Senior standing and Art History Concentration.
    The goal of the capstone is demonstration of the ability to apply appropriate art historical methodologies to a research question chosen by the student.

Art Studio

  • ARTS 101 - 2-Dimensional Art Foundations

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: One hour lecture; three and a half hours lab.
    Demonstration, exercises, studio projects and critiques regarding two dimensional principles an elements of design including color theory.

    Note(s): Recommended to be taken before any other studio art course. Students cannot receive credit for both ARTS 101 and ART 101.

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