Sep 27, 2024  
2013 - 2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
2013 - 2014 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


 The following section contains course descriptions.  Click here for information about how to read a course description .



  • DNCE 465 - Dance Production (TH)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture; two hours laboratory.
    Principles of preparation for a dance production, including costuming for dance, makeup for dance, organization and management. Offers experience in practical application of principles through work on a dance production. Fall, alternate years.

  • DNCE 470 - Methods of Teaching Dance (TH)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: DNCE 370 .
    Principles and techniques dance with emphasis on students in grades 6-12. Theory and field experience combine to provide pedagogical knowledge and skills. Students devise and implement learning experiences in dance which are appropriate and meaningful for middle and secondary students.

  • DNCE 480 - History and Philosophy of Dance (TH)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Traces development of dance during various historical periods. Covers primitive, Oriental, Egyptian, ancient Greek and Roman civilizations and the Christian era through the Middle Ages.

  • DNCE 481 - History and Philosophy of Dance (TH)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Traces development of dance during various historical periods. Covers the developments in dance from the Renaissance to the present.

  • DNCE 488 - Final Honors Project (TH)

    Credits: (2-3)
    Instructional Method: Hours and credits to be arranged.
    Prerequisites: Enrollment in the Honors Academy, completion of all other Honors Academy requirements, a minimum 3.5 GPA overall and in dance.
    This project and the topic to be explored will be determined by the student, the faculty member with whom the student works and the student’s major program area. (Honors Project may be a written or performance-based project.) In order to receive honors credit, a student must earn a grade of “A” or “B” for the final project.

    Note(s): Course may not be repeated.


  • DSN 100 - Design Fundamentals

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Six hours studio.
    An introduction to the elements and principles of design in two- and three-dimensional formats. The design process, including problem solving, creative expression and conceptual thinking, is emphasized.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both DSN 100 and DSN 111.
  • DSN 110 - Introduction to Design

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    The purpose of this 3-credit lecture course is for students to receive an overview of the field of design, encompassing the built environment, fashion, interiors, print, textiles and everyday objects in the world around us.

  • DSN 143 - Business of Design

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    An introduction to the business aspects and issues relative to the operations of design/merchandising firm/industries.

    Note(s): Students will not receive credit for both DSNF 133 and DSN 143.
  • DSN 173 - Design Psychology

    Credits: (2)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture.
    This course establishes an overview of select theories of psychology that relate to design including sensory perception, the environment-behavior link, and consumer behavior as they relate to design as an applied art.

  • DSN 220 - Media Presentation

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Six hours lab.
    Prerequisites: 2.5 in-major GPA; “C” or better in DSN 100 , DSN 110 , DSN 143 , DSNF 105  or DSNI 103  or DSNM 107 .
    An introduction to presentation and design software, in a “hands-on” computer lab environment.

  • DSN 223 - Textiles

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    A study of fibers, yarn, fabrics and finishes for use in computer textile products. Emphasis is placed on investigation of fibers/yarns/fabrics for interior and apparel products.

    Note(s): Students will not receive credit for both DSNF 223 and DSN 223.
  • DSN 340 - Pre-Internship Seminar

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: One hour lecture.
    Prerequisites: Passing of Second Year Portfolio Review and a minimum of a 2.5 GPA in major.
    A self-directed study to prepare the student for a summer internship experience in fashion design, interior design or fashion/interior merchandising.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both DSN 340 and DSN 390.
  • DSN 366 - Travel Study – Design

    Credits: (1-12)
    Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor Academic study involving domestic and/or international travel.
    Note(s): May be repeated for credit for a maximum of 12 hours. Grading option can be either A-F or pass/fail.
  • DSN 400 - Special Topics in Design

    Credits: (1-6)
    Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor.
    A study of a current topic that is of interest in the area of design, with emphasis on new developments, technology, or research in the various areas.

    Note(s): May be repeated for credit for a maximum of 9 hours, provided a new topic is explored each time. Grading option can be either A-F or pass/fail.
  • DSN 402 - Global Design Studio

    Credits: (2-3)
    Instructional Method: Four hours studio.
    Prerequisites: Senior standing and 2.5 GPA in-major, or permission of instructor.
    The purpose of this class is for students to become familiar with the events, trends, and problems facing citizens and designers in an increasingly interdependent, global world. Students will have a global view and weigh design decisions within the parameters of ecological, socioeconomic, and cultural contexts. In this interdisciplinary studio, students will address complex design problems through multi-disciplinary collaborations and consensus building.

  • DSN 488 - Final Honors Project

    Credits: (2-3)
    Prerequisites: Enrollment in Honors Academy; completion of all other Honors Academy requirements; senior standing in the Design major.
    This project and the topic to be explored will be determined by the student and the faculty member supervising the project. (Honors project may be a written or performance-based project). In order to receive honors credit, a student must earn a grade of “A” or “B” for the final project.

    Note(s): Course may not be repeated and students may not receive credit if they have previously taken.
  • DSN 498 - Independent Study

    Credits: (1-3)
    Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor.
    Investigation by the student in areas of interest under the direction of an advisor.

Design Merchandising

  • DSNM 107 - Visual Studio

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Six hours studio.
    Prerequisites: DSN 100  and DSN 110 ; 2.5 in major GPA.
    An application of design fundamentals and problem solving techniques to two- and three-dimensional design problems for the fashion and merchandising environments, with attention to human factors. Emphasis is on the design process, including conceptual thinking and creative expression.

  • DSNM 200 - Promotion for Design 2-D

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Six hours studio.
    Prerequisites: “C” or better in DSN 173 , DSN 143  and DSNM 107 ; 2.5 in-major GPA.
    The student is guided through the design process to develop promotional communication solutions that benefit both the retailer and its targeted consumers. Schematic design process (concept development, graphic identification, layout, greeking) and the application of critical thinking skills are emphasized. The student will explore how graphics, symbols, and other imagery can be manipulated to create “a.i.d.a.s.” (attention, interest, desire, action, and satisfaction) for selected apparel and interior products and services. Two-dimensional and multimedia advertising formats as well as target customer/advertiser needs are also examined.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both DSNM 200 and DSNM 243.
  • DSNM 205 - Promotion for Design - 3-D

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Six hours studio.
    Prerequisites: DSNM 200  and passing Basic Skills Assessment; 2.5 in-major GPA.
    This course introduces the student to the skills necessary to communicate graphically design in space.

  • DSNM 247 - Merchandising Mathematics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: DSNM 200 ; 2.5 in-major GPA.
    A study of the retail mathematics practices used in the procurement and sales of apparel and interior products.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both DSNM 263 and DSNM 247.
  • DSNM 300 - Visual Merchandising Studio

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Six hours studio.
    Prerequisites: DSN 220 , DSN 223 , DSNM 205 , DSNM 247 ; 2.5 in-major GPA; Passing Portfolio Review Assessment.
    This studio course prepares students to learn how to graphically represent visual merchandise products within a retail setting.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both DSNM 300 and DSNM 433.
  • DSNM 341 - Merchandising Internship

    Credits: (2)
    Prerequisites: DSN 340 , DSNM 300 ; DSNM 345 ; 2.5 in-major GPA; Passing Professional Skills Review.
    Course includes 200 hours of field experience in a merchandising center approved by the Departmental Internship Committee; 10 hours of experience within a community service organization approved by internship coordinator; two semester hours required.

    Note(s): This course may be repeated for no more than 8 semester hours of credit. A grade of Pass/Fail is awarded by the departmental internship coordinator. Students cannot receive credit for both DSNM 393 and DSNM 341.
  • DSNM 345 - Buying and Procurement for Design

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: DSNM 247 , DSNM 205 ; 2.5 in major GPA; passing Portfolio Review.
    An advanced analysis and manipulation of the professional procedures, formulae, and purchasing negotiations used in product procurement and sales at the trade and retail levels.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both DSNM 345 and DSNM 385.
  • DSNM 403 - Senior Showcase and Portfolio

    Credits: (2)
    Instructional Method: Four hours studio.
    Prerequisites: DSN 402 , DSNM 440 , 2.5 in-major GPA; or permission of instructor.
    This course is a culminating activity of four years or merchandising for design study. Students confront the challenge of designing and developing their individual portfolios and producing a senior exhibit and fashion show.

  • DSNM 440 - Design Products and Services

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: DSNM 341 , DSNM 345 ;2.5 in-major GPA; passing Internship Review Assessment.
    A study of apparel and interior products and services offerings from budget to designer price points. Emphasis is on market segmentation and target market manipulations.

    Note(s): Student cannot receive credit for both DSNM 420 and DSNM 440.
  • DSNM 442 - Economics of Design

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Senior standing; Passing Internship Review Assessment; ECON 105  with a “C” or better; 2.5 in-major GPA.
    This three-hour lecture course studies the economic, governmental and environmental factors which affect the various segments of the textile, apparel and interiors complex, individually and as a whole. The factors are reviewed and evaluated from a domestic and international perspective.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both DSNM 442 and DSNM 443.
  • DSNM 445 - Forecasting for Design

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: DSN 402 , DSNF 350 , DSNI 355 and DSNM 440 ; 2.5 in-major GPA.
    Methods and procedures for forecasting products and market trends in the apparel and interior industry. The capstone course for merchandising students.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both DSNM 445 and DSNM 493.

Early Childhood Education/Early Childhood

  • EDEC 321 - Early Development and Learning: Infants and Toddlers

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture, one hour laboratory.
    Pre- or Corequisites: 2.5 GPA; HUMD 300  or PSYC 317  or equivalent, or permission of instructor.
    Designed to provide knowledge of the dynamic interrelated physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of infants and toddlers, and a foundation for understanding learning patterns of young children from birth through three years. Application of appropriate practices that enhance learning will be explored. Theories and methods of child study and observation within cultural and family contexts will be addressed. Students will go to field sites regularly to observe and interact with infants and toddlers.

  • EDEC 322 - Early Development and Learning: Preschool through Primary Grades (Three years through age eight)

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture, one hour laboratory.
    Pre- or Corequisites: 2.5 GPA; EDEC 321 ; HUMD 300 , or PSYC 317  or equivalent, or permission of instructor.
    Designed to provide knowledge of the dynamic interrelated physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of children three through eight years of age. Theories of development and methods of child study within cultural and family contexts will be addressed. Learning patterns will be identified as will appropriate strategies and practices to enhance and support learning and development. Students will go to preschool settings regularly to observe and interact with preschoolers.

  • EDEC 323 - Language Arts and Literature for Young Children

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Pre- or Corequisites: EDEC 322 ; Sophomore or junior standing; 2.5 GPA
    Addresses the concurrent development and integration of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will establish, organize, and manage the learning environment, including materials, resources, literature, and opportunities for developing young children’s oral and written communication skills. Students will become familiar with a variety of genre of children’s literature. Various literature extension activities and the love of reading will be fostered. The development, evaluation, and use of media and technology will be integrated throughout the course.

    Note(s): Students who have received credit for HUMD 323 cannot also receive credit for EDEC 323.
  • EDEC 400 - Foundations, Programs, and Trends in Early Childhood Education

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing in IDEC or permission of instructor; 2.5 GPA.
    The historical, philosophical, and social foundations of early childhood education and how these foundations influence current thought and practice will be examined. Students will explore philosophical schools influencing the development of the profession and perspectives on early childhood. Public policies and current trends in America that impact young children and their families will be addressed. Students will research and critically examine various educational programs and curricula for young children.

  • EDEC 425 - Assessment-Based Instruction and Adaptations for Young Children (PreK-3rd Grade)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: IDEC major, successful completion of EDEC 322  and EDEC 323 , EDSP 360  or EDSP 361 ; 2.5 GPA.
    Corequisites: EDEC 430  or permission of instructor.
    Designed to provide pedagogical concepts and skills for preservice teachers working with preschool through primary grade children in inclusive classrooms. Informal assessment strategies are applied to individualize instruction and adapt curriculum. The central concepts and tools of inquiry in the social studies/sciences are used to develop integrated curriculum and learning experiences that enhance children’s development. Applied use of technology and media will be integrated throughout the course.

  • EDEC 430 - Practicum in Early Childhood Education

    Credits: (6)
    Instructional Method: 2 hours lecture, 4 hours practicum.
    Prerequisites: IDEC major; successful completion of EDSP 360 , EDEC 322 , and EDEC 323 , and 2.5 GPA.
    Corequisites: EDUC 425 ; or permission of instructor.
    A clinical practicum providing experience and opportunity for application of skills working with young children in inclusive settings under direct supervision for a minimum of 15 hours a week throughout the semester. Students are expected to abide by their cooperating professional’s schedule. Students begin the experience in observation and helping roles, and work toward assuming full teaching responsibilities. Weekly seminars focus on development of children’s conflict-resolution skills; facilitate self-reflection and professionalism.

    Note(s): This course is graded A-F.
  • EDEC 445 - Administration of Programs for Young Children

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture, one hour laboratory.
    Prerequisites: IDEC major; senior standing; successful completion of EDEC 321 , EDEC 322 , EDEC 323 , EDSP 360  or EDSP 361 ; 2.5 GPA; or permission of instructor.
    Addresses early childhood program administration including regulations, personnel, budget, schedules, health, safety, nutrition, anti-bias curriculum for young children, working with families based on family systems theories, documentation, and professionalism. This course requires extensive field experience.

  • EDEC 485 - Practicum in Administration of Programs for Young Children

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Two hours seminar; eight hours laboratory.
    Pre- or Corequisites: Successful completion of EDEC 445  and 2.5 GPA.
    A clinical practicum 16 to 18 hours a week throughout the semester that provides the opportunity to gain first-hand administrative experience in programs that address the needs of preschool children. Students gain direct experience in working with organizational management, budgeting, record-keeping, staffing, program evaluation, food management, legal issues and regulations. Students are expected to abide by their cooperating professional’s schedule. Ongoing seminars facilitate students’ applications of skills, reflection, and professional growth. Must be arranged with advisor and practicum coordinator two semesters in advance of enrollment.

  • EDEC 488 - Final Honors Project

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: Senior level standing, enrollment in the Honors Academy, completion of all other Honors Academy requirements, a minimum 3.5 GPA in all courses and in IDEC coursework.
    The project and topic to be explored will be determined by the student in conjunction with the faculty member with whom the student works and the IDEC program coordinator. Topics may include any of the areas addressed in the IDEC program. In order to receive honors credit, a student must earn a grade of “A” or “B” for the final project.

    Note(s): Course may not be repeated.
  • EDEC 498 - Independent Study

    Credits: (1-4)
    Prerequisites: Junior or senior level standing, minimum 2.5 GPA.
    Investigation by the student in areas of interest under the direction of an advisor. Prior permissions are required and arrangements must be made before registration. See “Independent Study”.

  • EDEC 500 - Foundations, Programs, and Trends in Early Childhood Education

    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing in IDEC or permission of instructor; 2.5 GPA.
    The historical, philosophical, and social foundations of early childhood education and how these foundations influence current thought and practice will be examined. Students will explore philosophical schools influencing the development of the profession and perspectives on early childhood. Public policies and current trends in America that impact young children and their families will be addressed. Students will research and critically examine various educational programs and curricula for young children.

  • EDEC 525 - Assessment-Based Instruction and Adaptations for Young Children (PreK-3rd Grade)

    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: IDEC major, successful completion of EDEC 322  and EDEC 323 , EDSP 360  or EDSP 361 ; 2.5 GPA.
    Designed to provide pedagogical concepts and skills for preservice teachers working with preschool through primary grade children in inclusive classrooms. Informal assessment strategies are applied to individualize instruction and adapt curriculum. The central concepts and tools of inquiry in the social studies/sciences are used to develop integrated curriculum and learning experiences that enhance children’s development. Applied use of technology and media will be integrated throughout the course.


  • ECON 101 - Survey of Economics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    A study of economic theory, institutions and issues. Emphasis on gaining a broad understanding of economic reasoning and its application to major contemporary issues.

    Note(s): Students who have completed ECON 105  and ECON 106  may not take ECON 101. This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in U.S. Perspectives.
  • ECON 105 - Principles of Macroeconomics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    An introduction into the study of scarcity and choice, supply and demand theory, national income accounting, money and banking, monetary and fiscal policy models and how government deals with the problems of inflation, unemployment and economic growth.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Social and Behavioral Sciences or U.S. Perspectives.
  • ECON 106 - Principles of Microeconomics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Concentrates on microeconomics: elasticity of demand and supply, consumer and producer behavior, market structure, labor market analysis and general equilibrium.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Social and Behavioral Sciences or U.S. Perspectives.
  • ECON 203 - Public Finance

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 105  or ECON 106 .
    All three levels of government are discussed with emphasis on financing federal government. Students are introduced to government taxation.

  • ECON 271 - Rural Economics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 106 .
    Investigates resource allocation and problems of the basic industries providing foods and fibers to the U.S. economy. The course analyzes problems arising in the ongoing evolution of demands for utilization of nonurban natural and man-made resources in achieving society’s economic objectives.

  • ECON 272 - Natural Resource Economics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 106 .
    Analysis of the development, conservation and preservation of natural systems, mineral and energy resources.

  • ECON 295 - Topics in Economics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Completion of one of the following: ECON 101 , ECON 105 , ECON 106 ; or permission of the instructor.
    Introduces students to topics of current national and global interest. This course will draw from other social sciences, humanities, and business disciplines while maintaining its emphasis on economics processes and applications Students may take course up to six credit hours under two different topics.

  • ECON 301 - The Economics of Entrepreneurship

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Examines the nature and significance of the entrepreneurial drive throughout history, focusing on the role that this drive has played in the economic growth of countries, how public policy has fostered this drive, and how this drive is unfolding, both locally and globally, in our current era of rapid technological innovation.

  • ECON 305 - Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 105  and ECON 106 .
    Analyzes the intersectoral determination of national income and employment and the general price level.

  • ECON 306 - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 106 .
    A theoretical study of the firm, markets, the price system and the allocation of resources.

  • ECON 307 - Mathematical Economics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 106 ; MATH 126 , or MATH 151 .
    Development of selected mathematical and quantitative techniques, with emphasis on the application of those techniques to economic theory and problems.

  • ECON 309 - Comparative Economic Systems

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 105  and ECON 106 .
    Critical study of capitalism, socialism and corporatism. Analysis of contemporary systems with case studies of Japan, France, China, the former Soviet Union, central and eastern European countries, the Baltic nations, and other selected countries.

  • ECON 311 - Economic Development

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 105  and ECON 106 .
    Study of issues, theories and policy alternatives in economic growth and development of less developed countries, poverty and income distribution, demographic factors, major theories of growth, resource limitations, development policies and agencies.

  • ECON 313 - Public Planning

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 106 .
    History of planning in the public sector, cost-benefit analysis, program budgeting, efficiency criteria and discounting analyzed and specific cases reviewed. Class reports on projects undertaken by local planning agencies.

  • ECON 330 - Money and Banking

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 105 .
    A study of the functions of money in economic society and of the impact of monetary policy on national income, prices, employment and interest rates. The role of banking in the money supply process is examined.

  • ECON 340 - Global Economy and Business

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    An overview of the global economic environment within which business is practiced and the opportunities and challenges managers face in doing business across national boundaries. A business core requirement.

  • ECON 350 - Investment Economics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 105 .
    Introduction to investment theory, securities markets, risk and returns, mechanics of investment and security analysis.

  • ECON 375 - Environmental Economics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 106 .
    Examines the nature and significance of threats to the environment, the history of environmental protection in the United States and the forces shaping public policy. Tools of economics analysis used to compare and contrast various legal and market-oriented approaches in dealing with environmental problems and sustainable development.

  • ECON 391 - Law and Economics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 106 .
    Analyzes the application of economic theory in the American judicial system. Investigates the choice of legal rules and regulations on the incentives faced by individuals. Considers the influence of economic development on the evolution of law.

  • ECON 408 - The History of Economic Thought

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 105  and ECON 106 .
    Economic thought studied in relation to: the environment of the contributor, historical perspective of the contribution and the part the contribution played in shaping contemporary economic thought.

  • ECON 421 - Econometrics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: STAT 200 ; ECON 105 , ECON 106 ; MATH 126  or MATH 151 .
    This course deals with the application of statistical methods to business and economic data. The reading and interpretation of statistics will be stressed in ECON 442 .

  • ECON 442 - International Trade Theory and Policy

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 105  and ECON 106 .
    An examination of classical and modern theories of international trade, and the consequences of tariffs, quotas, customs unions and other trade policies for the domestic and international economy.

  • ECON 443 - International Monetary Theory and Policy

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 105  and ECON 106 .
    An examination of the determinants of a nation’s balance of payments, exchange rate determination, implications of various exchange rate regimes for domestic stabilization policies and the international coordination of monetary and stabilization policy.

  • ECON 455 - Principles of Managerial Economics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 106  and STAT 200 .
    Demonstrates the use of microeconomic theory and quantitative methods in the formulation of business plans and the solution of business problems.

  • ECON 461 - Industrial Organization

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 106 .
    Investigates the relationships among market structures, market conduct and market performance. Examines the rationale for government intervention into or regulation of different industries.

  • ECON 480 - Labor Economics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 106 .
    Covers history of the labor movement, union-management relations, the nonunionized worker, wage theory and unemployment in context of the application of economic theory to problems of labor.

  • ECON 482 - Industrial Relations

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 106  and ECON 480 .
    Study of the industrial relations system as a subsystem of the social system and its linkages with the economic and political subsystems. Covers the collective bargaining system, its history and development, structural problems in industrial relations, public policy framework for collective bargaining, contract negotiations and administration, arbitration and related issues.

  • ECON 488 - Final Honors Project

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: Completion of economics requirements, enrollment in the Honors Academy, a minimum 3.5 GPA in all courses and in economics.
    To earn a bachelor’s degree with honors in economics, a student may conduct research and write a thesis or prepare for and take a comprehensive examination. In order to receive honors credit, a student must earn a grade of “A” or “B” for the final project.

    Note(s): Course may not be repeated.
  • ECON 490 - Economics Internship

    Credits: (1-3)
    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.
    A one- or two-semester program of work and study in the student’s major area and/or career interest. The number of hours of work, credit hours and grade for the work performed determined by the faculty member or members sponsoring the student. Students may take up to a total of six credit hours – no more than three credit hours per internship site.

  • ECON 495 - Current Topics in Economics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ECON 105  and ECON 106 , or permission of instructor.
    Investigates topics of current and continuing interest not covered in regularly scheduled courses. Students may take course up to six credit hours under two different topics.

  • ECON 498 - Independent Study

    Credits: (1-3)
    Instructional Method: One to three hours credit per semester.
    See “Independent Study .”

    Note(s): For a description of graduate courses, please consult the Radford University Graduate Catalog.


  • EDUC 200 - Exploring Education

    Credits: (2)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lab/field experience and seminars.
    ine the teaching profession and the “fit” between the career and their personal experiences, characteristics, and aspirations. Seminars provide a general overview of key concepts regarding teaching and teacher preparation and licensure in Virginia.

  • EDUC 304 - Foundations of Teaching Language Arts

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Pre- or Corequisites: EDRD 314 ; 2.5 G.P.A. in previous course work.
    Designed to provide teacher candidates with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions essential to implementing a comprehensive approach to language arts instruction in Pre- K through grade 6 classrooms, the course focuses on principles and practices of comprehensive approaches to language arts instruction, including literacy acquisition and development, the social context of literacy, literacy assessment, the needs of English language learners, critical literacy, and the integration of the language arts - oral language (speaking and listening), reading, writing, word study, and visual literacy - through the use of best practice strategies and high quality children’s literature.

  • EDUC 310 - Teaching and Learning Elementary Science

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: 2.5 overall GPA.
    Teacher candidates learn developmentally appropriate, research-based teaching methods for science in the elementary classroom. The pedagogy will build upon the science courses taken by students, and will provide concrete experiences for implementation and incorporation of national and state standards in planning and instruction.

  • EDUC 400 - Trends in Science Education

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Study of trends in science education.

  • EDUC 402 - Second Language Teaching Methods

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: FORL 400.
    Provides students with concepts necessary to analyze traditional and innovative second language teaching methods. Provides rationale for selection, application, and assessment of methodological choice.

  • EDUC 410 - Teaching and Learning Elementary Mathematics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education program.
    This pedagogy course builds on the mathematics courses taken by students and provides the skills needed to be effective elementary school educators. Students discuss applications of learning theories to mathematics education and are provided with concrete experiences that can be utilized in the elementary classroom. The incorporation of national and state standards in planning and instruction will be modeled.

  • EDUC 425 - Curriculum, Instruction, and Teaching: Social Studies Connections

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: Admission to Elementary Teacher Education program.
    Corequisites: EDUC 430 .
    Teacher candidates will plan, develop, implement, and evaluate social studies lessons and instructional units that are appropriate for elementary-aged children, and align with state and national standards. Using historical inquiry as an instructional focus, teacher candidates will learn how to teach to the curiosity of learners and provide authentic learning experiences that engage students as well as develop their critical thinking skills. Teacher candidates will also examine curricular materials to detect and avoid bias in order to create safe, equitable learning environments for all students.

  • EDUC 430 - Field Applications of Professional Studies in the Elementary Classroom

    Credits: (6)
    Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education Program.
    Corequisites: EDUC 410 , EDUC 425 , and EDRD 414 .
    Provides clinical experience in an elementary classroom with a qualified clinical faculty member and a cohort leader/field supervisor. Field experience begins with observation and limited participation and culminates in two-week classroom immersion experience and teaching of an instructional unit of study. Provides opportunities for interns to make applications from previous and concurrent pedagogy courses. Involves learning about classroom management strategies and creating classroom cultures that promote student learning. Provides opportunities for interns to make applications from previous and concurrent pedagogy courses. Involves applications of teaching practices appropriate for diverse students.

  • EDUC 440 - Teaching Grades 6-12

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: EDSP 361 , and admission into the Teacher Education program.
    Corequisites: EDUC 441 , EDRD 416 , EDET 445 .
    Will assist pre-service teachers in developing requisite knowledge and skills for teaching in grades 6-8 in science, mathematics, social sciences and English. This course is taught in conjunction with a field experience in grades 6-12.

  • EDUC 441 - Field Experience for Grades 6-12

    Credits: (3-6)
    Prerequisites: Admission in the Teacher Education program.
    Corequisites: EDET 445 , EDRD 416 , EDUC 440  and EDSP 362
    This field experience is taken in conjunction with EDUC 440 - Teaching Grades 6-12  (Science, Mathematics, Social Science, and English). It is intended for the pre-service content area teacher to learn the secondary adolescent culture, and to develop and practice skills appropriate for these learners.

    Note(s): Pass/Fail.
  • EDUC 442 - Teaching Grades 9-12

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: EDUC 440  and EDUC 441 , EDRD 416 , EDET 445 .
    Corequisites: EDUC 452 
    Will assist pre-service teachers in integrating their content, professional, and pedagogical knowledge and skills to devise learning experiences which are meaningful to secondary students in grades 9-12. Utilizing investigations, central concepts of their content area, inquiry, and knowledge of the reform movements, this course will allow students to practice skills and to explore the problems in planning learning activities, implementing lessons and teaching secondary science, mathematics, social sciences and English.

  • EDUC 450 - Student Teaching: Grades PreK-6

    Credits: (6-12)
    Prerequisites: Meet eligibility for student teaching.
    Provides extensive clinical experience on one or more grade levels appropriate to the certification area. Experience begins with observation and limited participation; culminates in assumption of full responsibility in the classroom. Special seminars are regularly scheduled to enhance professional development of student.

  • EDUC 451 - Student Teaching: Grades 6-8

    Credits: (6-12)
    Prerequisites: Meet eligibility for student teaching.
    Clinical experience on one grade level appropriate to licensure area; begins with observation and limited participation and culminates in assumption of full responsibility in the classroom. Taken in conjunction with EDME 413 .

  • EDUC 452 - Student Teaching Grades 9-12

    Credits: (12)
    Prerequisites: Meet eligibility for student teaching
    A clinical experience in grade levels 9-12 for persons seeking certification to teach secondary schools. Begins with observation and culminates in assumption of full responsibility in the classroom.

    Note(s): Pass/Fail.
  • EDUC 453 - Student Teaching: Grades K-12

    Credits: (6-12)
    Prerequisites: Meet eligibility for student teaching.
    Provides clinical experiences in at least two settings: one in an elementary school and one in a middle school or high school. Begins with observation and limited participation and culminates in assumption of full responsibility in the classroom. Special seminars regularly scheduled to enhance professional development of student.

    Note(s): Pass/Fail.
  • EDUC 460 - Current Problems in Education (Topic)

    Credits: (1-4)
    Prerequisites: Senior standing.
    Examines a major educational problem or trend, its implications and possible solutions or impact on education.

  • EDUC 488 - Final Honors Project

    Credits: (2-3)
    Prerequisites: Enrollment in the Honors Academy, completion of all other Honors Academy requirements, a minimum 3.5 GPA in all courses and in educational studies.
    The project and the topic to be explored will be determined by the student, the faculty member with whom the student works, and the student’s major program area. (Honors project may be a written or performance-based project.) In order to receive honors credit, a student must earn a grade of “A” or “B” for the final project. No student may enroll in the Honors project during the semesters of blocking or student teaching. See “Honors Academy .”

    Note(s): Course may not be repeated.
  • EDUC 498 - Independent Study

    Credits: (1-4)
    Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing.
    Prior permission required; arrangements must be made before registration. See “Independent Study .”

Educational Foundations

  • EDEF 320 - Introduction to Professional Education

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: A minimum GPA of 2.5 on all work at Radford University.
    Pre- or Corequisites: Course in human growth and development (HUMD 300 ; or PSYC 218  and PSYC 317 )
    Introduces students to teaching as a profession. Topics include teaching as a profession, the organization and culture of schools, legal rights and responsibilities of teachers and students, philosophical and psychological perspectives, historical developments underlying education in the United States, social issues in education, the application of learning theory to instruction and learning environments, basic concepts and principles regarding teaching strategies, assessment and evaluation of student learning, and teaching from a multicultural perspective.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both EDEF 320 and EDUC 320.

Educational Technology

  • EDET 411 - Technology for Middle School Teachers

    Credits: (2)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Admittance into Middle School Teacher Preparation Program.
    Strengthens skills involving technology and its integration in the middle school classroom. The concentration will be on learning about and manipulating many different types of technologies available in public middle schools. Students will gain ideas and brainstorm strategies to enhance instruction through integration. Students will build a solid resource of ideas for future use with a background of what technology is available.

  • EDET 445 - Integration of Educational Technology

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prospective teachers will develop critical awareness of instructional technologies in order to successfully integrate technology into their teaching. The course begins with an overview of the latest research on how people learn. This cognitive science research serves as a diagnostic lens to evaluate the efficacy of the instructional technologies the class uses over the course of the semester. Prospective teachers will be introduced to techniques and methods through modeling and direct hands on experience in a wide array of technologies. Along the way, students will develop skills for identifying appropriate technologies and making decisions concerning when to integrate technology.

  • EDET 454 - Educational Technology for Diverse Populations

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Cross-Listed: EDSP 454 

    Students will develop critical awareness of educational and assistive technologies that support students with disabilities, and other learners with diverse needs. The course begins with an overview of the latest research and evidence-based practice in educational technology applications with a focus on instruction. Participants will explore a wide range of these technology applications with a focus on assistive or adaptive technologies. The course focuses on the historical and legal mandates that guide the integration of assistive technologies into the educational programs of students with disabilities.


  • ENGL 200 - Literary Texts and Contexts

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Study of selected works of literature with an emphasis on developing: 1) critical reading skills within historical, cultural, national, and ideological contexts, and 2) an understanding of the various ways of reading and writing about human experience.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Humanities.
  • ENGL 201 - Readings in World Literature

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Study of selected works in World literature with emphasis on the development of critical reading skills within a historical, cultural, and ideological national context.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Global Perspectives.
  • ENGL 202 - British and Commonwealth Literature

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Study of selected works in British and Commonwealth literature with emphasis on the development of critical reading skills within an international context.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Global Perspectives.
  • ENGL 203 - Readings in American Literature

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Study of selected works in American literature with emphasis on the development of critical reading skills within a historical, cultural, and ideological national context.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in U.S. Perspectives.
  • ENGL 300 - Introduction to English Studies (WI)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: CORE 101  and CORE 102 .
    This writing-intensive course introduces students to fundamental skills of literary analysis, the conventions of different literary genres, the use of various literary critical practices, and research and writing in the discipline. The course also offers an overview of other aspects of the discipline – e.g., language and linguistics – with attention to possible career options.

  • ENGL 306 - Professional Writing

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: CORE 101  and CORE 102 , and junior or senior standing or permission of instructor.
    Introduces students to writing for their careers. Assignments may include instructions, a proposal, a resume, letters, memos, short reports, and computer graphics.


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