Sep 27, 2024  
2016 - 2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2016 - 2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


 The following section contains course descriptions.  Click here for information about how to read a course description .



  • MUSC 100 - Introduction to Music Literature

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Examination of music literature of all periods; emphasis on standard concert repertory. Development of essential listening skills and understanding of music of other cultures. Required of all music majors and open to students in other curricula.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Visual and Performing Arts.
  • MUSC 102 - Fundamentals of Music Therapy

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Music major (MUS or PMUS) or permission of instructor.
    Principles and practice in the field of music therapy. Required of all music therapy majors and open to students in other curricula with permission of instructor.

  • MUSC 104 - The Arts, Entertainment, and the Marketplace

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    An overview of the many diverse fields and career opportunities within the Arts and Entertainment industries is covered with an emphasis on music business related fields. A survey of career options and a study of relevant publications and industry resources related to arts and entertainment media, retail, management, marketing, and promotion is included.

  • MUSC 111 - Theory I

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Fundamentals of music and the principles of vertical and linear organization through analysis and exercises in part-writing.

  • MUSC 112 - Theory II

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 111  with a grade of “C” or better.
    Fundamentals of music and the principles of vertical and linear organization through analysis and exercises in part-writing.

  • MUSC 114 - Ear Training and Sight Singing I

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Two hours laboratory.
    Development of aural skills through exercises in sight singing, rhythmic reading and music dictation.

  • MUSC 115 - Ear Training and Sight Singing II

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Two hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 114  with a grade of “C” or better.
    Development of aural skills through exercises in sight singing, rhythmic reading and music dictation.

  • MUSC 117 - Technology in the Music Classroom

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: One hour lecture.
    Prerequisites: Declared concentration in Music Education.
    In order to successfully integrate technology into their teaching, music education majors will develop critical and applicable awareness of instructional and music technologies. Prospective music teachers will be introduced to techniques and methods through modeling and direct hands on experience in a wide array of technologies. Along the way, students will develop basic skills for identifying and applying technologies appropriate to K-12 music classrooms and programs.

  • MUSC 120 - Introduction to Music Education

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture/laboratory.
    Introduces the profession of music education to prospective school music teachers, including historical, philosophical and sociological foundations and legal issues affecting students and teachers. Students engage in critical thinking about the music teaching profession and examine themselves as potential music teachers.

  • MUSC 121 - The Art of Music

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Introduction to elements of music. Study of important forms, styles and media of Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and 20th century music.

    Note(s): For non-music majors. This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Visual and Performing Arts.
  • MUSC 123 - The Art of Jazz

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Study of the basic elements and history of jazz music through lectures and listening.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Visual and Performing Arts.
  • MUSC 127 - Introduction to Computer Music

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Music major.
    Introduction to current digital technologies used in the creation, manipulation, and distribution of sound and music using MIDI hardware and software applications. Develops skills that are essential for the production and distribution of music using digital technologies through project- based assignments and examinations.

  • MUSC 128 - Computer Music Techniques

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture; two hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 127 .
    Exploration of sound synthesis, digital sampling and computer-based sound editing techniques. Access to resources in the Center for Music Technology. Recital of student works given at the end of the spring semester.

  • MUSC 129 - Pro Tools

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 104 , Music major, or permission of instructor.
    Students learn the basic concepts and production techniques use with Pro Tools; topics include creating sessions, creating audio and MIDI recordings, navigating the recording session, mixing with Pro Tools and basic mastering techniques.

  • MUSC 134 - Jazz Combo

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Three hours rehearsal.
    Prerequisites: Audition.
    Performance of standard jazz literature in a small group setting. Emphasis on improvisation, development and building of a repertory of jazz tunes for performance. Presents programs throughout the year on and off campus. Open to all students by audition each semester.

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 143 - Diction for Singers

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Two hours laboratory.
    Corequisites: Applied Voice.
    English, Italian, French, German and Latin diction for singers, including an overview of basic grammar and vocabulary.

  • MUSC 144 - Diction for Singers

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Two hours laboratory.
    Corequisites: Applied Voice.
    English, Italian, French, German and Latin diction for singers, including an overview of basic grammar and vocabulary.

  • MUSC 145 - Chorus

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Three hours rehearsal.
    Prerequisites: Audition.
    Performance of challenging choral literature of all styles and periods for tenor and bass voices. Participation in various activities and concerts on and off campus. Joins with other university choral ensembles to form the RU Choral Union for the performance of extended masterworks. Open to qualified students of any major. Qualified members of this choir may perform contemporary a cappella music.

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit. A maximum of four credits may be used to meet the ensemble requirement for music majors.
  • MUSC 147 - Chorale

    Credits: (1)
    Prerequisites: Audition.
    Performance of challenging choral literature of all styles and periods for soprano and bass voices. Participation in various activities and concerts on and off campus. Joins with other university choral ensembles to form the RU Choral Union for the performance of extended masterworks. Open to qualified students of any major. Qualified members of this choir may perform contemporary a cappella music.

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit. A maximum of four credits may be used to meet the ensemble requirement for music majors.
  • MUSC 151 - Chamber Orchestra

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Three hours rehearsal.
    Emphasis on major works of chamber orchestra literature.

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit. Open to qualified students.
  • MUSC 160 - Beginning Class Piano

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: Audition/Interview.
    Keyboard skills at an introductory level are offered for non-keyboard music majors, minors, and non-music majors who have had limited experience. The course includes sight reading, analysis, memorization and performance of music; harmonization and transportation of melodic lines; playing “by ear” and other creative activities, including improvisation.

  • MUSC 161 - First Year Class Piano

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: (MUSC 161) Audition and music reading ability and (MUSC 162 ) Completion of MUSC 161 with grade of “C” or better.
    Keyboard skills at the first and second basic levels is offered for non-keyboard music majors and minors. This course includes sight reading, analysis, memorization and performance of music; technical skills to develop a “feel” for the topography of the keyboard: harmonization and transposition of melodic lines; playing by “ear” and other creative activities, including composition and improvisation.

  • MUSC 162 - First Year Class Piano

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: (MUSC 161 ) Audition and music reading ability and (MUSC 162) Completion of MUSC 161  with grade of “C” or better.
    Keyboard skills at the first and second basic levels is offered for non-keyboard music majors and minors. This course includes sight reading, analysis, memorization and performance of music; technical skills to develop a “feel” for the topography of the keyboard: harmonization and transposition of melodic lines; playing by “ear” and other creative activities, including composition and improvisation.

  • MUSC 169 - Applied Music

    Credits: (1-2)
    Instructional Method: One-half or one-hour private lesson.
    Note(s): May be taken again for credit. Hours earned may not be counted toward either the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, or Bachelor of Science major.
  • MUSC 170 - Applied Music

    Credits: (1-2)
    Instructional Method: One-half or one-hour private lesson.
    Note(s): May be taken again for credit. Hours earned may not be counted toward either the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, or Bachelor of Science major.
  • MUSC 171 - First Year Applied Music

    Credits: (1-3)
    Instructional Method: One-half hour (one credit) or one-hour private lesson (two or three credits). Three credits available to performance majors only.
    Prerequisites: Satisfactory entrance audition.
  • MUSC 172 - First Year Applied Music

    Credits: (1-3)
    Instructional Method: One-half hour (one credit) or one-hour private lesson (two or three credits). Three credits available to performance majors only.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 171  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • MUSC 202 - Clinical Orientation to Music Therapy

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture; two hours laboratory; one-two hours observation/participation per week.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 102 .
    This organization and structured experience in a clinical setting involves observation and participation in a clinical setting under the supervision of a board certified music therapist.

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 211 - Theory III

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 112  with a grade of “C” or better.
    Shaping features of texture, timbre, rhythm and tonal motion at various levels. Dissolution of tonality from late chromatic harmony through the emergence of 20th century techniques, including Impressionism, set theory, 12-tone technique, experimentation and neo-Impressionism.

  • MUSC 212 - Theory IV

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 211  with a grade of “C” or better.
    Shaping features of texture, timbre, rhythm and tonal motion at various levels. Dissolution of tonality from late chromatic harmony through the emergence of 20th century techniques, including Impressionism, set theory, 12-tone technique, experimentation and neo-Impressionism.

  • MUSC 214 - Training and Sight Singing III

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Two laboratory hours.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 115  with a grade of “C” or better.
    Continuation of First Year Ear Training and Sight Singing.

  • MUSC 215 - Training and Sight Singing IV

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Two laboratory hours.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 214  with a grade of “C” or better.
    Continuation of First Year Ear Training and Sight Singing.

  • MUSC 216 - Keyboard Harmony

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Two hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: Level 1 proficiency in keyboard.
    Practical application of harmonization, improvisation, score reading and figured bass realization.

  • MUSC 217 - Keyboard Harmony

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Two hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: Level 1 proficiency in keyboard.
    Practical application of harmonization, improvisation, score reading and figured bass realization.

  • MUSC 218 - Jazz Piano

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Two hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: Level 1 proficiency in keyboard.
    Development of piano skills necessary to perform jazz as a solo musician or within an ensemble setting. Emphasis on comping (jazz style accompanying) and solo improvisation with practical applications toward performance.

  • MUSC 219 - Jazz Improvisation II

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Two hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 162  with grades of “C” or higher.
    Advanced study of Jazz improvisation and performance practices for instrumentalists through direct listening, theoretical analysis, transcription, and performance.

  • MUSC 227 - Computer Music Applications

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ITEC 110 .
    Practical approaches to problems and solutions related to the use of computers in music education, composition, performance, commercial recording and activities where the digital representation of sound is important. Focus on application development.

  • MUSC 228 - Music in Podcasting

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Survey and critical evaluation of music in podcasting as an art form, including the design and production of original material appropriate for Internet distribution. Considers use of music and text to express ideas and concepts which have relevance to personal, cultural, and social contexts. Analysis of formal structures appropriate to the medium.

  • MUSC 257 - Singing for the Stage

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Three hours.
    Fundamental instruction in vocal technique, music literacy, and preparation of audition repertoire through computer-assisted programs, group tutorials, and class performance.

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 261 - Second Year Class Piano

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 162  with a grade of “C” or better or audition.
    Keyboard skills at the third and fourth basic level are offered for non-keyboard music majors and minors. The course includes sight reading, analysis, memorization, and performance of music; technical skills to develop a “feel” for the topography of the keyboard; harmonization and transposition of melodic lines; playing by “ear” and other creative activities, including improvisation.

  • MUSC 262 - Second Year Class Piano

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 261  with a grade of “C” or better or audition.
    Keyboard skills at the third and fourth basic level are offered for non-keyboard music majors and minors. The course includes sight reading, analysis, memorization, and performance of music; technical skills to develop a “feel” for the topography of the keyboard; harmonization and transposition of melodic lines; playing by “ear” and other creative activities, including improvisation.

  • MUSC 271 - Second Year Applied Music

    Credits: (1-3)
    Instructional Method: One-half hour (one credit) or one-hour private lesson (two or three credits). Three credits available to performance majors only.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 172  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • MUSC 272 - Second Year Applied Music

    Credits: (1-3)
    Instructional Method: One-half hour (one credit) or one-hour private lesson (two or three credits). Three credits available to performance majors only.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 271  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • MUSC 291 - Topics in Arts and Entertainment Business

    Credits: (1-3)
    Instructional Method: One to three hours lecture, two to six hours field study.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 104  and permission of instructor.
    Variable topic course. Will study major topics and issues in the arts and entertainment fields. The class content will draw from important and relevant industry issues, current events, and individual student interests and projects. Depending upon the topic, this course may be used to meet requirements for the minor in Women’s Studies.

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 300 - Field Experiences in Music Education

    Credits: (0)
    Prerequisites: Concentration in Music Education.
    This repeatable course functions as a shell for management of accrued pre-student teaching field experience hours. Students will accrue 2-6 hours of observational field experiences.

  • MUSC 302 - Clinical Orientation in Music Therapy

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory and one-two hours observation/ participation per week.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 102 .
    This organized and structured experience in a clinical setting involves observation and participation in a clinical setting under the supervision of a board certified music therapist.

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 305 - Music with the Disabled

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Application of music as therapy with the major disability categories: serves as a preparation for music therapy clinical practicum requirements.

  • MUSC 308 - Marketing the Arts

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 104  or permission of instructor.
    An intensive study of marketing and promotion as applied to the various arts disciplines. Areas addressed include market research, segmentation of populations, target audiences, development of promotional materials, and planning and implementation of marketing plans.

  • MUSC 310 - Wind Bands

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: One hour rehearsal.
    Wind Ensemble (auditioned seating) and Symphonic Band (open seating). Emphasis on study and performance of a wide variety of band literature. Concerts and sectionals are required in addition to weekly rehearsals. Open to qualified students.

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 313 - Functional Skill for Music Therapy

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 102 , MUSC 111 , MUSC 114 , MUSC 161 , MUSC 162 , MUSC 367 , and MUSC 368 .
    This course will meet three hours per week with a blend of music therapy theory and practical development and application of functional music skills. Specific attention is given to piano, guitar, voice, and percussion technique as they apply to clinical populations.

  • MUSC 314 - Functional Skill for Music Therapy

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 102 , MUSC 111 , MUSC 114 , MUSC 161 , MUSC 162 , MUSC 267, and MUSC 268.
    This course will meet three hours per week with a blend of music therapy theory and practical development and application of functional music skills. Specific attention is given to piano, guitar, voice, and percussion technique as they apply to clinical populations.

  • MUSC 315 - Contract and Copyright Law for Musicians

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 104  or permission of instructor.
    Provides an intensive study of legal and business issues in the arts and entertainment industries. Topics covered include copyrights, legal agreements, royalties, and the role of manager, agent, producer, and investor.

  • MUSC 321 - History of Music

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 100 .
    General survey of history and literature of music. Required of all music majors and open to students in other curricula.

    Note(s): Fall.
  • MUSC 322 - History of Music

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 100 .
    General survey of history and literature of music. Required of all music majors and open to students in other curricula.

    Note(s): Spring.
  • MUSC 323 - Applied Music: Trumpet

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 324 - Applied Music: French Horn

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits)

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 325 - Applied Music: Trombone

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 326 - Applied Music: Euphonium

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 327 - Applied Music: Tuba

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits)

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 328 - Applied Music: Flute

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 329 - Applied Music: Clarinet

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 330 - Applied Music: Saxophone

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 331 - Applied Music: Oboe

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits.

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 332 - Applied Music: Bassoon

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 333 - Applied Music: Percussion

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 334 - Applied Music: Piano

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 335 - Applied Music: Guitar

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 337 - Applied Music: Violin

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 338 - Applied Music: Viola

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 339 - Applied Music: Cello

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 340 - Applied Music: String Bass

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 341 - Applied Music: Voice

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 342 - Applied Music: Composition

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 343 - Applied Music: Organ

    Credits: (1-2)
    Half hour private lesson (one credit) or one hour private lesson (two credits).

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 344 - Methods and Literature for School Choirs

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 352  and MUSC 354  with minimum grades of “C”.
    A study of instructional methods and materials for teaching choral music in PreK-12 School settings. Includes a survey of exemplary choral literature with treble, cambiata, mixed choirs, and the investigation of performance practices for various style periods and multicultural/world music. At least six hours of observation/participation in public school music classes.

  • MUSC 346 - Methods and Literature for School Bands

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 352  and MUSC 354  with minimum grades of “C”.
    A survey of instructional methods and literature for beginning, intermediate and advanced school bands. Includes curriculum planning, rehearsal techniques, performance practices for various style periods and cultures. At least six hours of observation/participation in public school music classes and participation in Lab Band as conductor teacher and performer is required.

  • MUSC 348 - Woodwind Techniques

    Credits: (1)
    Development of skills, teaching methods and materials, field experiences, and knowledge in the fundamentals of playing, teaching and maintaining woodwind instruments: clarinet, saxophone, flute, oboe, and bassoon.

    Note(s): May be taken more than once for a total of 2 credit hours.
  • MUSC 349 - Brass Techniques

    Credits: (1)
    Development of skills, teaching methods and materials, field experiences, and knowledge in the fundamentals of playing, teaching, and maintaining brass instruments: trumpet, horn, trombone, euphonium, and tuba.

  • MUSC 350 - Percussion Techniques

    Credits: (1)
    Introduction to basic percussion instrument performance techniques.

  • MUSC 351 - String Techniques

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Three hours laboratory.
    Fundamentals of playing violin, viola, cello and bass; teaching skills; maintenance techniques.

  • MUSC 352 - Growth and Development of the Music Learner

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture; one hour laboratory.
    A study of the musical, mental, physical, behavioral- emotional, and social growth characteristics of students and of individual differences among students. Course focuses on the relationship between human development and the music curriculum. Students will address state and national standards through peer instruction. Laboratory includes at least nine hours observation in schools, exercises in peer teaching, and uses of technology in music education.

  • MUSC 353 - Classroom Instruments

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 120  with a grade of “C” or better.
    Study of instruments commonly used in general music classes in schools, including pitched and unpitched percussion, recorder, guitar, baritone ukulele, and autoharp. The course includes playing techniques for classroom ensembles, including western and non-western instruments, improvisation in general music, instrument construction, repertoire, and basic arranging for classroom instruments. Information on using the voice effectively in the classroom is also included. Students will address state and national standards through classroom instrument instruction.

  • MUSC 354 - Introduction to Conducting

    Credits: (2)
    Instructional Method: Three hours.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 100 .
    Pre- or Corequisites: MUSC 212  and MUSC 215 .
    Introduces basic techniques including application of aural and rhythmic skills.

    Note(s): Fall.
  • MUSC 355 - Choral Conducting

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 354 .
    Continuation of MUSC 354  with emphasis on conducting techniques, score interpretation and rehearsal methods inherent to conducting vocal music. Instruction covers vocal techniques, literature, and diction.

    Note(s): At least four hours of observation/participation in public school settings is required for Music Education majors.
  • MUSC 356 - Instrumental Conducting

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture/lab.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 354  and one semester each of Woodwind Class, Brass Class, Percussion Class and String Class.
    Continuation of MUSC 354  with emphasis on band and orchestral conducting. Score reading, instrumental score interpretation, instrumental rehearsal techniques, teaching musicianship, literature, instrumentation. Each student prepares score for rehearsal by large instrumental ensemble. Participation in Lab Band as conductor teacher and performer is required.

  • MUSC 357 - K-12 Vocal Pedagogy

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture, one hour laboratory.
    Study of vocal development from kindergarten through high school. The course incorporates both theoretical perspectives and practical experience with respect to guiding and working with the developing voice.

    Note(s): At least 6 hours of observation/participation in public school settings is required for Music Education majors.
  • MUSC 360 - Marching Band Techniques

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Two hour lecture, laboratory.
    A survey of the methods and materials necessary for the organization, administration, and instruction of school marching bands. At least four hours of observation/participation in public school music classes is required.

  • MUSC 364 - Jazz Techniques I

    Credits: (1-2)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture/laboratory.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 112  or permission of instructor.
    Development of skills and knowledge in the fundamentals of performing and improvising in the jazz idiom. Provides an overview of the methods and materials necessary for the development of high school/middle school jazz ensemble programs. Topics include jazz styles and phrasing, jazz theory, ensemble directing skills, pedagogical techniques, and development of improvisation through listening, analysis, transcription, and performance. At least four hours of observation/ participation in public school music classes is required.

  • MUSC 366 - Travel Study

    Credits: (1-12)
    Academic study involving domestic and/or international travel.

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit with different topics or areas of study.
  • MUSC 367 - Guitar Class

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Three hours.
    Beginning through intermediate guitar techniques intended primarily for students requiring functional skills.

    Note(s): Open to all students with consent of instructor. Fall
  • MUSC 368 - Guitar Class

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Three hours.
    Beginning through intermediate guitar techniques intended primarily for students requiring functional skills.

    Note(s): Open to all students with consent of instructor. Spring.
  • MUSC 369 - Fretboard Skills

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Two hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 368  and permission of instructor for non-guitar performance majors.
    Basic skills in harmonization, transposition, position studies and improvisation will be studied as they specifically apply to the fingerboard.

  • MUSC 370 - Fretboard Skills

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: Two hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 368  and permission of instructor for non-guitar performance majors.
    Basic skills in harmonization, transposition, position studies and improvisation will be studied as they specifically apply to the fingerboard.

  • MUSC 371 - Third Year Applied Music

    Credits: (1-3)
    Instructional Method: One-half hour (one credit) or one-hour private lesson (two or three credits). Three credits available to performance majors only.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 272  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • MUSC 372 - Third Year Applied Music

    Credits: (1-3)
    Instructional Method: One-half hour (one credit) or one-hour private lesson (two or three credits). Three credits available to performance majors only.
    Prerequisites: Completion of MUSC 371  with a grade of “C” or better.
    Pre- or Corequisites: One of the following courses: MUSC 115 , MUSC 433 MUSC 435 MUSC 436 MUSC 437 , MUSC 453, MUSC 455  or MUSC 457 .
  • MUSC 373 - Computer Music Composition

    Credits: (1-2)
    Instructional Method: Two hours (1) or four hours laboratory (2).
    Prerequisites: MUSC 127  and MUSC 212 .
    Original compositions using electronic sound sources are prepared for performance in a concert setting or as a vital component in an audiovisual presentation. Existing works composed for electronic sound sources are surveyed.

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 375 - Influence of Music on Behavior

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Upper level standing as a music therapy major.
    Pre- or Corequisites: MUSC 102 .
    Study of uses of music, past and present, and its effects and/or impact on man’s behavior. This is to include social, emotional, physical, medical, and spiritual behaviors.

  • MUSC 380 - The History and Pedagogy of Percussion

    Credits: (2)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: The student must have at least two semesters of applied percussion study.
    Many of the percussion students at RU are looking towards graduate work in percussion performance and pedagogy. As a result of this, it is important to offer an opportunity to enhance a student’s knowledge with regard to the history and pedagogy of percussion, considering there is limited time to do so during weekly lessons. The course would be a mixture of traditional lecture sessions, presentations, research, and a short performance followed by a critical discussion of the work performed.

  • MUSC 391 - Topics in the Arts and Entertainment Business

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: One lecture, two hours field study.
    Prerequisites: MUSC 104  and permission of instructor.
    Variable topic course. Will study major topics and issues in the arts and entertainment fields. The class content will draw from important and relevant industry issues, current events, and individual student interests and projects. Depending upon the topic, this course may be used to meet requirements for the minor in Women’s Studies.

    Note(s): May be taken again for credit.
  • MUSC 400 - Field Experiences in Music Education

    Credits: (0)
    Prerequisites: Concentration in Music Education.
      This repeatable course functions as a shell for management of accrued pre-student teaching field experience hours. Students will accrue 2-6 hours of micro-teaching field experiences.


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