Sep 27, 2024  
2016 - 2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2016 - 2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


 The following section contains course descriptions.  Click here for information about how to read a course description .


Foreign Language

  • FORL 409F - Study Abroad Practicum: French

    Credits: (3-18)
    Prerequisites: 18 hours of language instruction or four years in high school.
    A directed program of travel study designed to augment a student’s knowledge of the language and culture of a particular country (generally French, German, or Spanish). Students will receive a minimum of 15 hours per week of formal language instruction in addition to being involved in a total immersion living situation.

    Note(s): Permission by the department chair is required prior to enrollment. This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Foreign Languages.
  • FORL 409G - Study Abroad Practicum: German

    Credits: (3-18)
    Prerequisites: 18 hours of language instruction or four years in high school.
    A directed program of travel study designed to augment a student’s knowledge of the language and culture of a particular country (generally French, German, or Spanish). Students will receive a minimum of 15 hours per week of formal language instruction in addition to being involved in a total immersion living situation.

    Note(s): Permission by the department chair is required prior to enrollment. This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Foreign Languages.
  • FORL 409M - Study Abroad Practicum: Mandarin

    Credits: (3-18)
    Prerequisites: 18 hours of language instruction or four years in high school.
    A directed program of travel study designed to augment a student’s knowledge of the language and culture of a particular country (generally French, German, or Spanish). Students will receive a minimum of 15 hours per week of formal language instruction in addition to being involved in a total immersion living situation.

    Note(s): Permission by the department chair is required prior to enrollment. This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Foreign Languages.
  • FORL 409S - Study Abroad Practicum: Spanish

    Credits: (3-18)
    Prerequisites: 18 hours of language instruction or four years in high school.
    A directed program of travel study designed to augment a student’s knowledge of the language and culture of a particular country (generally French, German, or Spanish). Students will receive a minimum of 15 hours per week of formal language instruction in addition to being involved in a total immersion living situation.

    Note(s): Permission by the department chair is required prior to enrollment. This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Foreign Languages.
  • FORL 488 - Final Honors Project

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: Enrollment in the Honors Academy, completion of all other Honors Academy requirements, a 3.5 minimum GPA in all courses and in foreign languages.
    Project and topic to be explored will be determined by the student and the faculty member with whom the student works. (Honors project may be a written or a written and performance-based project.) In order to receive honors credit, a student must earn a grade of “A” or “B” for the final project.

    Note(s): Course may not be repeated.
  • FORL 498 - Independent Study

    Credits: (1-6)
    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.
    Design for advanced foreign language students who wish to carry out independent language and cultural studies or other scholarly study under the supervision of a faculty mentor. Students will study in consultation with their mentor and with approval by their department chair or directory. The student’s mentor will design the syllabus and assessments for the language and cultural studies. Students can also pursue their interests for further research. They can also design the research topics together with their mentor. See “Independent Study .”

Forensic Science

  • FOSC 210 - Introduction to Forensic Anthropology

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 101 , or permission of instructor.
    Cross-Listed: ANSC 210 

    Serves as an introduction to the field of forensic anthropology, the identification and analysis of human remains in a legal context. It includes a brief study of the major bones of the human body, their growth, development, variation, and initial treatment and examination. Through lectures, readings, and discussions, emphasis is placed on the major methods and techniques forensic anthropologists use to identify unknown human remains for law enforcement, including preliminary discussions of determination of age, sex, ancestry, and stature from the human skeleton. It also includes discussions of determination of time since death (or postmortem interval), manner of death, as well as differentiating antemortem, perimortem, and postmortem trauma. The role of the forensic anthropologist in mass disasters and human rights abuse cases is also considered.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 230 AND ANSC 210 .
  • FOSC 211 - Forensic Archaeology

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 101 , or permission of instructor.
    Cross-Listed: ANSC 211 

    An introduction to the major methods of forensic archaeology, the application of archaeological theory and method to crime scene investigation and recovery. A focus will be on field methods for search and recovery of human remains and other forensic evidence, including mapping and geophysical remote sensing methods, initial recognition and excavation of human and other forensic remains, and collection of soil, botanical, and entomological evidence. Through a combination of lecture and field exercises, the course will also consider the major variables which affect recognition and recovery of forensic remains, including the taphonomic effects of weathering, natural decay, water, fire, faunal and floral degradation.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 232 and ANSC 211 .
  • FOSC 301 - Innovations in Forensic Science

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; two hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: BIOL 104 :BIOL 105  or BIOL 131 :BIOL 132  or CHEM 101 :CHEM 102  or permission of instructor.
    Designed for students new to the Forensic Science Minor or those interested in the discipline, this course provides an overview of current and innovative concepts, methods, and controversies in the Forensic Sciences, including Forensic Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, and Digital Forensics. Topics include the nature of scientific inquiry, testing, and interpretation of evidence in the Forensic Sciences. Students participate in mock scientific forensic investigations from initial field search and recovery to final laboratory analyses of human remains and associated evidence.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both FOSC 201 and FOSC 301.
  • FOSC 302 - Forensic Science Instrumentation

    Credits: (2)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: FOSC 301 .
    An introduction to the use of instrumentation in forensic science, including instruments used in biological fluid, tissue, firearm, toolmark, trace evidence, and digital examinations.  It also serves as an introduction to microscopy.  Students will gain hands-on experience using comparison and polarized light microscopes as well as radiological, XRF, and other equipment.  A focus will be the use of this instrumentation in the analysis and interpretation of forensic evidence.

  • FOSC 401 - Advanced Research in Biomedical Forensic Science

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; two hours lab.
    Prerequisites: FOSC 301  and permission of the instructor.
    This course provides an overview of current research in the Forensic Sciences. Through seminar discussions of current literature, cutting- edge developments in Forensic Anthropology, Biology, and Chemistry, as well as Digital Forensics are investigated. Students will learn, through reading the primary literature, to critically evaluate research in the discipline and receive the background and training necessary to conduct their own original research in Forensic Science. Students are required to design and conduct their own directed research project in the field of Forensic Science of their choice. This course serves as the capstone experience for students with the Interdisciplinary Minor in Forensic Science.

  • FOSC 420 - Advanced Forensic Anthropology

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: ANSC 201 , ANSC 210 , ANSC 320 ; or ANTH 120, ANTH 230, ANTH 320; or permission of instructor.
    Cross-Listed: ANSC 420 

    Offers advanced hands-on experience and training in the identification of unknown human skeletal remains. Students will conduct skeletal analyses focusing on basic vital statistical parameters like age, sex, race, and stature. Other topics reviewed will include the role of the forensic anthropologist in crime scene investigation and recovery of skeletonized human remains, determination of time since death, skeletal trauma and pathology, and special techniques in forensic anthropology.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 420 and ANSC 420.
  • FOSC 430 - Criminalistics

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: FOSC 301 , FOSC 302 , CHEM 301 , CHEM 302 .
    An introduction to the primary methods criminalists use to analyze physical evidence recovered from crime scenes. The course offers an introduction to the recognition, collection, preservation, and analysis of physical evidence and its accurate and appropriate use in forensic casework.  It includes consideration of latent print, impression, trace evidence, blood spatter, toolmark, ballistic, and other physical evidence with a focus on proper recovery, curation, and examination of this evidence and presentation of it in court.

  • FOSC 495 - Seminar in Forensic Science

    Credits: (1-4)
    This seminar highlights topics of current interest in Forensic Science. It provides in-depth study through advanced readings and lectures of recent issues and controversies in the Forensic Sciences, leading to critical evaluation of these issues and generation of Best Practice guidelines in Forensic Science. May be repeated for credit when content differs.

  • FOSC 498 - Independent Study

    Credits: (1-6)

    Prerequisites: FOSC 301 ; permission of the instructor.
    FOSC 498 is designed for advanced Forensic Science students who wish to carry out independent research or other scholarly study under the supervision of a faculty mentor.  Students will, in consultation with their mentor and approval by their department chair or director, design and carry out a forensic science research project in Forensic Science.

    See “Independent Study .”

    Note(s): No more than six hours of Independent Study may be taken toward graduation. A maximum of nine credit hours of FOSC 498 and 499 total can be applied toward the Forensic Science Minor; any additional credit hours will apply as university electives. May be taken for honors credit with permission of the Honors Program. May be taken for letter grade or pass/fail. Independent Study course proposals must be approved by the School of Communication curriculum committee prior to the deadline for adding courses in the term in which the study is to be undertaken.

  • FOSC 499 - Internship in Forensic Science

    Credits: (3-12)
    Prerequisites: FOSC 301 
    Allows advanced Forensic Science students an opportunity to gain practical work experience in Forensic Science by interning in a part-time or full-time professional forensic science setting.   With prior approval by a faculty mentor, students will work in this professional forensic science company or organization under the supervision of the site supervisor as well as their faculty mentor. 

    Note(s): A maximum of nine credit hours total of FOSC 498 and 499 can be applied toward the Forensic Science Minor; any additional credit hours will apply as university electives.


  • FREN 100 - Elementary French

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture and language practice.
    An introduction to French; acquisition of a basic active command of French; emphasis on listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Foreign Languages.
  • FREN 200 - Intermediate French I

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture and language practice.
    Prerequisites: FREN 100  or two years of high school French.
    A continuation of the study of the fundamentals of the language and continued development of the language skills.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Foreign Languages.
  • FREN 210 - Intermediate French II

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture and language practice.
    Prerequisites: FREN 200  or two years of high school French.
    A review of basic French grammar and practice in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Foreign Languages.
  • FREN 300 - Readings in French

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture and language practice.
    Prerequisites: FREN 210  or three years of high school French.
    Devoted to developing reading, writing, oral and aural skills.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Foreign Languages.
  • FREN 320 - Topics in French Cinema

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: FREN 210 .
    Survey of contemporary French films and the history of French cinema from 1930 to the present, with the integration of French films in their cultural background.

    Note(s): Can be taken twice for credit with different topics. This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Foreign Languages.
  • FREN 361 - Advanced Grammar and Composition

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: FREN 300  or four years of high school French.
    Intensive study of grammar and composition.

  • FREN 362 - Advanced Readings

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: FREN 300  or four years of high school French.
    For students who wish to improve their reading ability in French. An intensive reading course in French.

  • FREN 451 - Survey of French Literature

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: FREN 300  or four years of high school French.
    A comprehensive view of French literature through analysis of selected major literary French works of the 19th and 20th centuries. All work conducted in French.

  • FREN 460 - Special Topics

    Credits: (3-4)
    Instructional Method: Three or four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: FREN 300  and junior standing.
    Advanced study of topics in language, literature, or culture. All work conducted in French.

    Note(s): May be taken twice for credit.
  • FREN 470 - Masterpieces of French Literature

    Credits: (3-4)
    Instructional Method: Three or four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: FREN 300 .
    A critical study of masterpieces of French literature by genre. All work conducted in French.

    Note(s): May be taken twice for credit.
  • FREN 498 - Independent Study

    Credits: (1-6)
    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.
    Design for advanced foreign language students who wish to carry out independent language and cultural studies or other scholarly study under the supervision of a faculty mentor. Students will study in consultation with their mentor and with approval by their department chair or directory. The student’s mentor will design the syllabus and assessments for the language and cultural studies. Students can also pursue their interests for further research. They can also design the research topics together with their mentor. See “Independent Study .”


Physical science courses, designated (PS), may meet the requirements for the required six to eight additional hours of science credits for the Bachelor of Science degree in some majors other than geography. Social science courses, designated (SS), meet requirements for the Social Science major. Courses in techniques used by geography are designated (T). Courses that qualify as a U.S. geography course for the Social Science major are designated with an asterisk. 

  • GEOG 101 - Europe and the Americas (World Geography)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Recommended for students preparing to teach. Comprehensive review of physical and cultural features of Europe, the former Soviet Union, the Americas and Australia.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Social and Behavioral Sciences or Global Perspectives.
  • GEOG 102 - Africa and Asia (World Geography)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Recommended for students preparing to teach. Comprehensive review of physical features and cultural history of Africa, Southwest, Southeast, South and East Asia.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Social and Behavioral Sciences or Global Perspectives.
  • GEOG 103 - Introduction to Human Geography

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Introduction to concepts and methods of examining human modification of earth’s surface; emphasis on processes fostering differences, similarities and change in cultural patterns through space and time in a comparative framework.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Social and Behavioral Sciences.
  • GEOG 140 - Introduction to Environmental Studies (SS)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Review of contemporary local, national and international environmental problems and of the various analytic and policy approaches for resolving such problems.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Global Perspectives.
  • GEOG 201 - North America * (SS)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Presentation of integrated spatial construction of the continent. Study of physical and human elements in the creation of the present diversity of life.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in U.S. Perspectives.
  • GEOG 202 - The Commonwealth of Virginia * (SS)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Examination of physical and human features of the state; emphasis on past and present human interpretations of the potentials of the land.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in U.S. Perspectives.
  • GEOG 203 - Appalachian Geography * (SS)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    A regional geography of Appalachia, this course examines the spatial interactions of people and the environment within Appalachia in historical and current contexts.

    Note(s): Depending upon the topic, this course may be used to meet requirements for the minor in Appalachian Studies. This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in U.S. Perspectives.
  • GEOG 211 - Perspectives in Geography

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Seminar which examines the points of view of the discipline of geography and introduces the methods used by professional geographers in the collection, analysis, and presentation of spatial data. Assists students in designing courses of study that support their interests and career goals.

    Note(s): Required of all incoming majors.
  • GEOG 280 - Regional Geography (SS)

    Credits: (3)
    In-depth examination of a selected non-U.S. world region. Includes physical, socioeconomic, historical and contemporary spatial patterns. Region covered will vary from semester to semester. May be taken for credit more than once when regions differ.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Global Perspectives.
  • GEOG 302 - Economic Geography (SS)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Introduction to principles governing distribution of economic activity. Emphasis on development of theoretical models and their real world application. Includes transportation and land use models, principles of industrial location, methods of measuring location and dispersion of economic activity and urban location.

  • GEOG 305 - Population Geography (SS)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: GEOG 101 , GEOG 102 , or GEOG 103 ; or permission of instructor.
    Study of basic demographic processes and exploration of their spatial/geographic dimensions.


  • GEOL 100 - Earth Resources and Natural Hazards

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; two hours laboratory.
    Examines the effect of geologic processes and hazards on human activities, the appraisal of human impact on the natural physical environment, and the geologic occurrence, availability and use of mineral and energy resources.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Natural Sciences.
  • GEOL 105 - Exploring Earth

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; two hours laboratory.
    Develops understanding of physical aspects of the science of geology, including study of the earth’s materials, processes and structure.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Natural Sciences.
  • GEOL 106 - The Earth Through Time

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture; Six hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 105 .
    Examines the historical aspects of geology, including the history of the physical events and life during the planet’s evolution. GEOL 106 will satisfy the College Core B laboratory science requirement. – Physical and Natural Sciences.

  • GEOL 310 - Mineralogy

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture; six hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 105 .
    Corequisites: CHEM 101  or permission of instructor.
    Introduces students to concepts and techniques involved in the study of minerals, both on a macroscopic and microscopic scales. Study of mineral formation, major mineral groups, their crystallography, compositions, structures, classification, identification and environmental aspects. Introduction to principles involved in the investigation of optical properties of minerals in thin section under petrographic microscope. Techniques include microphotography and automated, digital image analysis of minerals. Introduction and demonstration of the X-Ray Diffractometer, Scanning Electron Microscope and Electron Microprobe as instruments for mineralogical analysis.

  • GEOL 312 - Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture; six hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 310 .
    Introduction to composition, texture, classification, origin, evolution and distribution of igneous and metamorphic rocks based on established field relationships and experimental determinations. Laboratory emphasis on hand samples and thin-sections.

  • GEOL 320 - Sedimentary Petrology and Stratigraphy

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 310 .
    Introduction to origin, composition, texture, classification, transportation and deposition of sediments and interpretation of sedimentary deposits. Laboratory emphasis on collecting and analyzing sediments and sedimentary rocks, including hand samples and thin-sections.

  • GEOL 335 - General Paleontology

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; two hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 106 .
    Study of fossil plant and animal phyla; emphasis on principles of paleontology as well as the taxonomic classification, principal morphologic characters and general evolutionary development of important fossil groups.

  • GEOL 360 - Geomorphology

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 105 .
    Cross-Listed: GEOS 350 

    Introduction to surficial processes and landforms. Fluvial, eolian, glacial, karst and coastal zone processes analyzed. Map and air photo interpretation included.

  • GEOL 361 - Geology of Virginia

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 105  and either GEOL 100  or GEOL 106 .
    Survey of geologic features of Virginia, emphasizing minerals, rocks, fossils and physiographic/geologic provinces; development of Virginia through geologic time; mineral wealth, and environmental issues in Virginia.

    Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both GEOL 261 and GEOL 361.
  • GEOL 365 - Oceanography

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; two hours laboratory
    Prerequisites: Eight hours from any of the following natural sciences: Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Meteorology, Physical Science Processes, or Physics.
    Introduction to the physical, chemical, geological, and biological processes in the marine environment and their interaction. Includes analysis of topical issues such as global climate and sea level changes, mineral and energy resources from the sea, marine pollution, and law of the sea.

    Note(s): Student may not receive credit if previously taken GEOL 361  and GEOL 362.
  • GEOL 406 - Geophysics

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; two hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: PHYS 112  or PHYS 222 , GEOL 105 , and MATH 152 , or permission of instructor.
    Cross-Listed: PHYS 406  

    Examination of the basic principles and techniques of modern geophysical methods, and the applications of these methods to site investigations for engineering and environmental geologic projects. Some Saturday labs may be required.

  • GEOL 408 - Spatial Data Applications in Geology

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; two hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: 12 hours of geology and permission of the instructor.
    Introduction to the study of the theoretical and practical analysis of spatial data in geology. Included will be map reading, photo interpretation and the use of remote sensing, image processing, and geographic information systems to interpret geologic spatial information for resource exploration and environmental management.

  • GEOL 440 - Structural Geology

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 310 .
    Description and field recognition of geological structures of the earth’s crust; includes fundamentals of rock mechanics and applications of stress and strain theory to the origin of structures, tectonics of mountain-building, and global plate tectonics.

  • GEOL 441 - Geologic Field Methods

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Two hours lecture; four hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 440 .
    Introduction to techniques and basic concepts of geologic field methods. Emphasis is placed on data collection and mapping in a variety of field situations and in the reporting, interpretation, and presentation of field data in paper and electronic form.

  • GEOL 445 - Applied Geology Summer Field School

    Credits: (6)
    Instructional Method: Approximately two months correspondence and 40 hours of field work and classroom instruction per week.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 105 ; and either GEOL 100  or GEOL 106 .
    Intensive training in geologic field methods with emphasis on mapping, data collection and the geology of Virginia with applications to engineering and environmental concerns and to land use planning. The university campus serves as the base from which field studies are conducted. The course requires overnight excursions permitting the examination of a wide variety of geologic field conditions including field trip stops in all the geologic provinces of Virginia. Course may require transportation, food and camping fees. Course will not substitute for GEOL 441 , Geologic Field Methods, for students majoring in geology.

  • GEOL 451 - Regulatory Issues in Environmental Geology

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 474  (Hydrogeology); and either senior standing or permission of the instructor.
    Investigates the societal and regulatory framework within which much of the professional practice of environmental geology occurs. The relevant current and developing legislation will be addressed, along with the roles of federal, state, and municipal authorities in promulgation of the law. Class discussions and assignments will emphasize the functions of the practicing professional geologist in the various research, regulatory, and consulting roles related to environmental regulation.

  • GEOL 455 - Principles of Engineering Geology

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 105 ; and either GEOL 100  or GEOL 106 ; and mathematics through trigonometry.
    Minimum of one semester of physics is strongly recommended. A study of the application of geologic principles and data collection techniques to the evaluation of design and construction problems relating to engineering projects including dams, highways, landfills, tunnels and reservoirs, including an overview of availability and suitability of soil and rock as construction materials.

  • GEOL 460 - Senior Seminar In the Geological Sciences

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 312 .
    Introduces students to the geological profession, and how geoscientists communicate and present scientific data. Students will gain expertise in critical analysis of scientific and technical data, and critiquing information from both non-scientific and scientific sources. Students will gain practice in various written and oral presentation styles such as for professional presentations at meetings, and scientific articles and industry reports.

  • GEOL 461 - Regional Geology of the United States

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 320 .
    Regional survey of structural and stratigraphic framework of geologic provinces of United States; emphasis on geologic features and evolution of Appalachian and Western Interior regions.

  • GEOL 474 - Hydrogeology

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; two hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 105 ; and either GEOL 100  or GEOL 106 ; MATH 151 ; or permission of the instructor.
    Minimum of one semester of physics is strongly recommended. A qualitative and quantitative study of groundwater availability and movement, and the development of groundwater as a resource. Included will be pertinent geologic and engineering aspects of groundwater flow and the effect of man on the groundwater regime. Laboratory includes a field investigation.

  • GEOL 481 - Seminar in Modern Topics in Geology

    Credits: (1-3)
    Instructional Method: One to three hours lecture and/or field instruction.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 105 ; and either GEOL 100  or GEOL 106 ; and permission of instructor.
    Emphasis on geologic literature, classroom presentation, and group discussion of current geologic topics and/or on-site study of classic geological localities.

    Note(s): May be taken maximum for no more than nine semester hours of credit. Topic may not be repeated by a student.
  • GEOL 488 - Final Honors Project

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: Enrollment in Honors Academy and completion of all other Honors Academy requirements; a minimum 3.5 GPA in all courses and in geology.
    To earn a bachelor’s degree with honors in geology, a student must conduct research and write a thesis based on the research. In order to receive honors credit, a student must earn a grade of “A” or “B” for the final project.

    Note(s): Course may not be repeated.
  • GEOL 495 - Internship in Geology

    Credits: (1-6)
    Prerequisites: 8 credit hours in Geology or other laboratory science, 2.5 GPA in Geology courses, and permission of the department chair.
    Involves the application of skills and concepts learned in the classroom and laboratory in a real world situation through full- or part-time placement in a professional setting with a company or organization doing work in some area of geology. Students will be supervised by both the internship site personnel and by a geology faculty member.

    Note(s): This course is offered for pass/fail grade only.

Geospatial Science

Physical science courses, designated (PS), may meet the requirements for the required six to eight additional hours of science credits for the Bachelor of Science degree in some majors other than geography. Social science courses, designated (SS), meet requirements for the Social Science major. Courses in techniques used by geography are designated (T). Courses that qualify as a U.S. geography course for the Social Science major are designated with an asterisk.

  • GEOS 125 - Introduction to Geospatial Data (T)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture/laboratory.
    Prerequisites: Three hours of GEOG or GEOS or permission of instructor.
    Study of how physical and cultural information is presented on maps. Construction of maps, charts and graphs depicting geographic phenomena.

  • GEOS 130 - Physical Geography (PS)

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lectureand two hours asynchronous online labs and fieldwork.
    Introduction to the physical geography of the Earth (atmospheric systems, biosphere, and landforms) and the interrelationships among various environmental elements.

  • GEOS 241 - Environmental Regulation

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: GEOG 140  or permission of instructor.
    Review of pertinent U.S. and international environmental laws and regulations and of principal analytic tools that inform the creation and enforcement of such laws and regulations.

  • GEOS 250 - Introduction to GIS (T)

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Inverted Course: Three hours lecture (online) and two hours lab. Online Course: Three hours lecture (asynchronous) and two hours of lab (asynchronous).
    Cross-Listed: ITEC 250  

    Course is designed to introduce students to the general concepts of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and how to use GIS across a wide variety of disciplines.

  • GEOS 270 - Fundamentals of Cartography (T)

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture and laboratory.
    Prerequisites: GEOS 125  and GEOS 250 .
    Cartographic theory with a focus on map design will be discussed in lecture and in practice with a lab. Topics will include but not be limited to studying map layout, balance, typography, color use, use of map projections for presenting spatial information, use of map symbols, as well as learning to design different categories of maps including dot maps, proportional symbols, and choropleth maps.

  • GEOS 315 - Intermediate GIS Concepts (T)

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours demonstration and two hours online laboratory.
    Prerequisites: GEOS 250  
    Intermediate GIS concepts will be studied related to geoprocessing and analyzing geographic phenomena. Students will learn to use various extensions and tools for a variety of GIS routines. Data structures in GIS, date sources for GIS, and data and software compatibility issues in GIS will be covered.

  • GEOS 335 - Biogeography (PS)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: GEOS 130  , or BIOL 105 , BIOL 215 , or BIOL 216 , or permission of the instructor.
    Study of the processes influencing the distribution patterns of terrestrial organisms. Introduction to applied biogeography.

  • GEOS 350 - Geomorphology (PS)

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: GEOL 105 .
    Cross-Listed: GEOL 360  

    Introduction to surficial processes and landforms. Fluvial, eolian, glacial, karst and coastal zone processes analyzed. Map and air photo interpretation included.

  • GEOS 362 - Water Resources (PS)

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture, laboratory, and field work.
    Prerequisites: GEOS 130 , GEOL 100 , or GEOL 105 , and GEOS 250 , or permission of the instructor.
    An introduction to the science and policy aspects of water resources with emphasis on U.S. context.

  • GEOS 380 - Spatial Analysis Techniques (T)

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture and two hours synchronous labs.
    Prerequisites: GEOS 250  and STAT 200 .
    The course, which will consist of both lecture and GIS lab applications, is devoted to description and application of methods for analyzing spatial distributions and to evaluation and assessment of geographic research problems in the context of GIS technology.

  • GEOS 410 - Advanced GIS (T)

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture and laboratory.
    Prerequisites: GEOS 125 , GEOS 250 , GEOS 315 .
    Theory and practice of a geographic information system. Spatial data capture, manipulation of data sets, GIS Modeling, geodatabase considerations, manipulation of spatial data, and hardcopy map generation with a full-feature geographic information system.

  • GEOS 425 - Remote Sensing (T)

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture; three hours laboratory.
    Prerequisites: MATH 137  or higher MATH (except MATH 160 ), GEOS 130  or GEOL 105 , GEOS 125 , and GEOS 380 .
    Provides students the opportunity to (1) learn theory and practice of contemporary remote sensing products (digital aerial photographs, digital orthophotos, airborne and satellite sensor platforms and their images), (2) learn and experiment with the technologies utilized in the analysis, image processing, and interpretation of these products, and (3) learn the use of the products in analog and digital format for other geographic technologies.

  • GEOS 480 - Seminar

    Credits: (1-4)
    Instructional Method: Three hours seminar.
    Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing.
    Intensive study of a special field of geography. Topics determined by instructors and students’ interests.

    Note(s): May be taken maximum of three times for no more than nine semester hours of credit. Depending upon the topic, this course may be used to meet requirements for the minor in Appalachian Studies.
  • GEOS 488 - Final Honors Project

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: Enrollment in the Honors Academy, completion of all other Honors Academy requirements, a minimum 3.5 GPA in all courses and in geography.
    Project and topic to be determined by the student, the faculty member with whom the student works, and the department. In order to receive honors credit, a student must earn a grade of “A” or “B” for the final project.

    Note(s): Course may not be repeated.
  • GEOS 490 - Field Research Methods (T)

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture and field work.
    Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing. Basic elements of geographic field research performed in Radford area.
    Course focuses on tools of field analysis. Students prepare single or group projects as indication of acquisition of logic of spatial analysis. This course may be used to meet requirements for the minor in Appalachian Studies.

  • GEOS 492 - Land Use

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing.
    Study of concepts and detriments of land use. Course stresses compatibility of geoecologic systems and land use.

  • GEOS 493 - Planning Techniques

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing.
    Study of issues involved in comprehensive planning of communities and lands beyond urban realms. Emphasis on discussion of major planning concerns; particular attention paid to nature of rural problems and directions in future.

  • GEOS 495 - Directed Field Research

    Credits: (1-6)
    Instructional Method: Field course, variable number of weeks.
    Field course to regions in the United States and elsewhere in the world.

    Note(s): May be taken twice for credit but only six credits may be used to meet requirements for the major.
  • GEOS 496 - Senior Capstone Project

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours research.
    Prerequisites: Last semester senior standing; major in geospatial science.
    An individual or group project that applies the knowledge and skills obtained in any of the concentrations in the geography major.

    Note(s): Required of all GEOS majors.
  • GEOS 499 - Internship

    Credits: (2-9)
    Application of skills and concepts learned in classroom to a real life problem. As a junior or senior, participating student drafts and submits a work proposal to sponsoring agency and supervising instructor. Agency may pay student for work. Grade of “P” or “F” given upon successful completion of project.


  • GRMN 100 - Elementary German

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture and language practice.
    Balanced emphasis on listening, speaking, reading and writing.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Foreign Languages.
  • GRMN 200 - Intermediate German I

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture and language practice.
    Prerequisites: GRMN 100  or two years of high school German.
    Balanced emphasis on listening, speaking reading and writing.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Foreign Languages.
  • GRMN 210 - Intermediate German II

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture and language practice.
    Prerequisites: GRMN 200  or two years of high school German.
    Review of fundamentals using grammatical, literary and cultural materials.

    Note(s): This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Foreign Languages.
  • GRMN 300 - Readings in German

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture and language practice.
    Prerequisites: GRMN 210  or two years of high school German.
    Review of fundamentals using grammatical, literary and cultural materials.

    Note(s): May be taken twice for credit with different texts and films/videos. This course has been approved for Core Curriculum credit in Foreign Languages.
  • GRMN 301 - German Grammar and Composition

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: GRMN 210 .
    Intensive oral and written practice of the complete grammar as used by native speakers.

  • GRMN 302 - German Grammar and Composition

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: GRMN 210 .
    Intensive oral and written practice of the complete grammar as used by native speakers.

  • GRMN 303 - German Conversation

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: GRMN 210  or three years of high school German.
    Intensive situational practice of conversational skills.

    Note(s): May be taken twice for credit with different topics.
  • GRMN 304 - German Culture

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: GRMN 210 .
    Contrastive presentation of modern German culture and its historical background.

  • GRMN 450 - Survey of German Literature

    Credits: (4)
    Instructional Method: Four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: GRMN 300  or four years of high school German.
    A survey of literature in the German language through analysis of selected representative works in their historical, cultural and literary background.

  • GRMN 460 - Special Topics

    Credits: (3-4)
    Instructional Method: Three or four hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: GRMN 300 .
    Advanced study of topics in language, literature or culture. All work conducted in German.

    Note(s): May be taken twice for credit.
  • GRMN 498 - Independent Study

    Credits: (1-6)
    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.
    Design for advanced foreign language students who wish to carry out independent language and cultural studies or other scholarly study under the supervision of a faculty mentor. Students will study in consultation with their mentor and with approval by their department chair or directory. The student’s mentor will design the syllabus and assessments for the language and cultural studies. Students can also pursue their interests for further research. They can also design the research topics together with their mentor. See “Independent Study .”

Health and Human Services

  • CHHS 475 - Global Perspectives in Health and Human Services

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: Consult Program Director.
    Open to all students and majors. Seminar and field experience focusing on international health issues as they relate to political, social, cultural, ecological and economic factors in selected international/ intercultural settings.

Health Education

  • ESHE 205 - Introduction to Allied Health Sciences

    Credits: (1)
    Instructional Method: One hour lecture.
    Pre- or Corequisites: BIOL 105 .
    Introduction to educational and professional opportunities through the Allied Health Science program. The course provides an overview of practicum experiences and academic requirements for entry into professional allied health programs of study (e.g., Physical Therapy).

  • ESHE 225 - Allied Health Sciences Practicum I

    Credits: (1)
    Prerequisites: Minimum 3.0 GPA.
    Pre- or Corequisites: BIOL 310 .
    Clinical experiences designed to provide students with an appreciation of the various duties of allied health professionals. This course requires the completion of 40 hours of clinical experience.

  • ESHE 250 - Allied Health Sciences Practicum II

    Credits: (1)
    Prerequisites: ESHE 225 , BIOL 310 , and minimum 3.0 GPA.
    Clinical experiences designed to provide students with exposure to an allied healthcare setting distinct from ESHE 225 . This course requires the completion of 40 hours of clinical experience.

  • ESHE 325 - Allied Health Sciences Practicum III

    Credits: (1)
    Prerequisites: ESHE 225 , ESHE 250 , and minimum 3.0 GPA.
    Clinical experiences designed to provide students with exposure to an allied healthcare setting distinct from ESHE 225  and ESHE 250 . This course requires the completion of 40 hours of clinical experience.

  • ESHE 450 - Research Methods

    Credits: (3)
    Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
    Prerequisites: Minimum 2.5 GPA and 56 credit hours.
    The purpose of this course is to introduce descriptive, correlational, and experimental research designs. The course will require students to critically analyze empirical articles and to analyze/evaluate data. APA formatting will be used throughout the course.


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