Oct 01, 2024  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies

Responsibility of the Student

The student must become familiar with the academic policies, curriculum requirements and associated deadlines posted in this catalog. The academic advisor will advise the student on all matters related to his/her program of study and will aid the student in the interpretation of policies whenever necessary. However, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to be cognizant of and comply with all university policies and procedures and to meet all stated requirements for the degree. It is also the student’s responsibility to monitor campus e-mail on the university web portal frequently, as these electronic means of communication have replaced mass mailing as the university’s most effective and efficient ways to disseminate important information to the campus community. Failure to read official emails and university web portal communications in a timely manner does not relieve students from their responsibility to take appropriate action(s) on the information contained in them. For information about Radford University’s extensive technology services available free to all students. (See Technology Services .)


Academic Success Center

Radford University stresses the importance of academic advising and makes a concentrated effort to ensure all students receive effective and comprehensive advising services. The Radford University Academic Success Center (ASC) provides all of our undergraduate students with holistic support through a network of programs and services aimed at enhancing student engagement and belonging as a member of the Highlander family.  All incoming students, including freshmen and transfer students, will be provided with academic advising services through the ASC.  Students will also continue to be supported by the ASC, when and as needed, throughout their academic journey at RU. The ASC connects students to peers, faculty, staff, and resources throughout our campus community and provides students with a variety of quality academic support services to maximize their personal and academic goals and to empower them to achieve and succeed. Through meaningful interactions with faculty, staff, and peer mentors, students will become successful learners and engage in experiences that are relevant to their personal interests and passions, as well as their professional goals. Centrally located on the main campus in Young Hall (3rd and 4th floors), the ASC provides students with a welcoming environment to meet with academic advisors, work with faculty and graduate student success coaches, engage with peers, and gather together for educational and social programming.

All incoming students, regardless of whether they have decided on academic majors and/or minors upon joining the Highlander family, are matched with a dedicated academic advisor in the ASC. Students receive individualized academic advising from trained advisors who not only assist with the exploration and determination of academic pathways, but with the transition to college life as well. ASC academic advisors assist students in planning an organized education program, including course selection and scheduling to meet requirements for general education, major and minor areas of concentration, and electives. Students do not need to feel pressured to choose a major or minors right away. In fact, students are supported and encouraged to use their first year to consider and investigate interests, values, and abilities. Students must consult with their academic advisors prior to registration each semester. It is the responsibility of each student to be sure all of the necessary requirements for graduation are met.

Students are encouraged to connect with an academic advisor at any time Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.:

  • Stop by the ASC on the 3rd floor of Young Hall;
  • Call the ASC at (540) 831-2139;
  • Email the ASC via success@radford.edu;
  • Make an appointment with their dedicated academic advisor via Starfish at www.radford.edu/asc.

The Advising Center for Major Exploration

The Advising Center for Major Exploration advises students who have not decided on an academic major. At RU, students do not need to feel pressured to choose a major right away. In fact, students are encouraged to use the first year to explore interests, values and abilities. As Major Exploration, students have the opportunity to investigate and discuss various majors and programs offered at RU. Students receive individualized academic advising from trained advisors who not only assist with deciding on a major, but with the transition to college life as well. For an appointment or information, students can stop by the Academic Success Center on the 3rd floor of Young Hall or call (540) 831-2139.

Standards of Academic Progress for Financial Aid Recipients

Financial aid recipients are required to meet progress requirements in addition to grade requirements. Students must meet at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average. Recipients also must complete at least 50 percent of enrolled hours (if the student has attempted less than 48 cumulative hours) or 75 percent of enrolled hours (if the student has attempted greater than 49 cumulative hours.) Students may only receive financial aid for attempted hours that do not exceed 150 percent of the total hours required in their program. All coursework including transfer hours are included in determining progress. More detailed information regarding Standards of Academic Progress for financial aid recipients may be obtained from the RU Financial Aid Office or on the RU Financial Aid Office website at www.radford.edu/~finaid.

Class Attendance

All students are expected to be officially registered and to attend classes on a regular basis. No absences of any nature will be construed as relieving the student from responsibility for the completion of all work assigned by the instructor.

A student registering late for a class will be responsible for all work assigned and material covered during the class sessions missed due to the late registration.

The first class meeting of an evening class, which meets one night per week for 14 weeks, represents about seven percent of the total class time; this first meeting is a regular class.

If students wait until the second class meeting to enroll, the class could be cancelled due to inadequate enrollment at the first class meeting.

During the first week of each course, the instructor shall inform students of the attendance policies for the course. Class attendance policies are determined by the instructor and should allow for a reasonable number of absences which are required due to documented official university-sponsored activities, health problems, other emergencies and a student’s religious holidays (which must be reported by the student during the first week of class). It is the student’s responsibility to make acceptable arrangements with the instructor to complete work missed during the student’s absence from class.

Official university-sponsored activities include, but are not limited to, those events which students attend as official delegates funded by the university or in which they represent a university-funded, all-campus organization, intercollegiate athletic team or performing group and academic course-related field trips in which participation is mandatory as approved by the appropriate academic dean. Students who have questions concerning the interpretation of the class attendance policy should ask the department chairperson or academic dean.

Class Absence Notices

Faculty and students are encouraged to deal directly with one another concerning all student absences. At the request of the professor or the student, the Dean of Students Office will issue absence notices to faculty only under the following circumstances:

  1. When the student expects to be away from the university for a week or more of classes and the student is unable to make contact with his/her professors.
  2. When the student is dealing with a significantly traumatic situation which the student is unable or reluctant to discuss with his/her professors.
  3. When the student will be absent from classes due to his/her participation in official university-sponsored activities (i.e. conferences attended as an official delegate funded by the university or in which the student represents a university-funded all-campus organization, conduct hearings, special meetings with the Board of Visitors or other dignitaries). Notices may be issued by other offices concerning absences of students participating in intercollegiate athletic teams, performing groups and academic course related field trips in which participation is mandatory, as approved by the appropriate academic dean.

The Student Health Center will issue absence notices to students only if it is evident to the clinical provider that the student should not be in class due to illness. No generic ‘seen and treated’ notes will be issued to students. In all other circumstances, students should communicate directly with their professors about their absences from class for reasons of illness or other reasons for which they are requesting special consideration.

NOTE: When the Student Health Center or the Dean of Students Office agrees to issue absence notices to students or faculty, these notes do not excuse the absence, nor do they guarantee the student will be permitted to make up tests or other missed assignments. Only the student’s professors can make those decisions. The absence notes simply document that the student’s illness or other circumstances indicate that they should not or are unable to participate in class for the time period designated.

Grades and Credit

Grading System

A Excellent work
B Work that is distinctly above average
C Work of average quality
D Work of below average quality
F Indicates failure and means the class must be taken again with a passing grade before credit is awarded
N Indicates the student audited the course. See “Auditing Courses” below.
I Work is incomplete. See “Incomplete Grades .”
NR No grade was recorded by instructor (for temporary administrative use only)
ON Temporary grade awarded for classes that are not designed to be completed during the term of initial enrollment; used in some situations for Study Abroad, Internships, and other selected classes. See “Ongoing Courses” below.
P Passed with satisfactory work of “C” or better. See “Pass/Fail Grades .”
W Student withdrew, without penalty, from the course after schedule adjustment but before the end of the tenth week or 70 percent of the term. No credit was awarded.

Grade Point System

The quality of work completed is recognized by the assignment of grade points to various letter grades. The student’s academic standing depends upon the number of semester hours of work successfully completed and upon the number of grade points accumulated. Radford University uses a four-point system in which grade points are assigned to grades as follows:

A = 4.0 points
A- = 3.7 points
B+ = 3.3 points
B = 3.0 points
B- = 2.7 points
C+ = 2.3 points
C = 2.0 points
C- = 1.7 points
D+ = 1.3 points
D = 1.0 point
D- =   .7 points
F =    0 points

 A student’s grade point average (GPA) is computed by:

  • Multiplying the number of semester hours (SH) for each course taken by the number of grade points (GP) corresponding to the grade earned for the course. (See table above.)
  • Adding up the total number of grade points for the appropriate period (a single semester, for example, or an entire academic career at Radford University)
  • Dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted (TSHA) during that same period

For example (see above for abbreviations):

Course Grade GP SH Total  
ABC 101 A- (3.7)    x   3    = 11.1  
DEF 102 B (3)       x   2    =  6  
GHI 101 C+ (2.3)    x   3    =  6.9  
JKL 201 D (1)       x   4    =  4  
MNO 102 A (4)       x   4    = 16  
Total     16    = 44  

Grade Point Average (GPA): 44 GP/16
TSHA = 2.75 GPA

While courses passed with a grade of “C” or better at other institutions do satisfy certain course requirements, these grades are not used in computing the Radford grade point average.

Auditing Courses

A student who audits a class attends and participates but receives neither an A-F or P/F grade nor credit for the course. Students may audit classes on a space-available basis with written permission of the class instructor and the department chairperson. Students who audit a course may not transfer to regular status in the course after the census date. Auditing students are expected to attend class on the same basis as regular students. The instructor may delete from the roll any auditing student who does not meet course requirements. Tuition and fee rates for audited courses are the same as those for credit courses.

Incomplete Grades

Occasionally, students are unable to complete course requirements because of circumstances beyond their control: e.g. a disabling accident or illness, or a family-related issue that creates a clear hardship for the student and precludes the completion of final assignments or exams. At the discretion of the faculty member, a grade of “I” (Incomplete) may be assigned. Incomplete grades are to be awarded only in those cases in which all but a small portion of the course work has been completed. Otherwise, the burden in completing unfinished assignments would be severe, and withdrawal from the course or the university is appropriate and recommended. Incompletes are also not to be awarded because students want or need additional time to complete assignments to avoid low grades, or so that students have time to do “extra credit” work to improve their grades. Prior to the time when the extenuating circumstances emerged, the student should have been making satisfactory progress in the class and not be in danger of earning a grade lower than “C.” Finally, grades cannot be changed to incompletes after the term has ended; arrangements for incompletes must be made before the end of the term and prior to the awarding of final grades.

A Course Completion Contract specifying the work to be completed and the deadline for its completion (no later than the last day of classes of the following semester) must be submitted by the faculty member electronically along with final grades. The “I” grade will automatically revert to “F” if it is not otherwise changed before the last day of classes of the next (Fall or Spring) semester. A copy of the Course Completion Contract will then be automatically e-mailed to the student, the professor, and to the Registrar’s Office.

Radford University will not award degrees to tentative graduates with “I” grades on their records. For a student to be considered a fall graduate, the “I” must be replaced with an A-F grade by the census date for the following spring semester; to be a spring graduate, by the census date for the following Summer II term; and to be a summer graduate, by the census date for the following fall.

Conversion of “I” and “ON” Grades to A-F or P/F Grades

Grades of “I” or “ON” will automatically revert to “F” if not satisfactorily removed by the last day of classes of the next (Fall or Spring) semester. Once a grade of “I” or “ON” is placed on the transcript, it remains on the transcript until it is replaced by the appropriate grade when all course requirements are completed or when the deadline for completion (one semester) has passed.

If, due to extenuating circumstances, a student is unable to complete his/her required coursework by the established deadline, the student has the option of requesting a one semester extension through the academic petition process. Approval of an extension for an incomplete is not guaranteed and depends on the student’s unique circumstances.

A student cannot re-enroll for a course for which an “I” or “ON” is recorded on the transcript. A degree cannot be awarded to a student with an incomplete or “ON” grade on his/her record.

Ongoing Classes

Grades of “ON” (Ongoing) will be assigned at the end of the semester for classes designed to cross traditional academic term boundaries. In such courses, students are not expected to complete all class requirements within the original term of enrollment. Classes eligible for “ON” grading must be approved by the department chair or school director before they are entered into the schedule of classes. The “ON” grade will apply to all students in the class and not to selected students. Recitals and internships are examples of classes eligible for “ON” grading; other classes may be approved for “ON” grading as determined by departments offering the classes.

Pass-Fail Grades

Any course taken pass-fail, and passed successfully, will count as a general elective. The course may not be used to meet requirements for the REAL Curriculum, major, minor or other specified degree or certification/licensure requirements. Courses within the major or minor may be taken pass-fail, but only if all major or minor requirements, including number of hours within the major or minor, will be fulfilled by other courses, or if the required course was designed to be a pass/fail course for all students. The following guidelines apply to pass-fail courses:

  • A Pass-Fail request must be signed by the student’s advisor and submitted at the Office of the Registrar by the deadline specified in the academic calendar. The pass-fail option may not be changed after this deadline.
  • The pass-fail option is limited to students with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00.
  • A passing grade is awarded if the student would otherwise have earned a “C” or better in the course. The passing grade adds to total hours completed without affecting GPA. A Fail grade is calculated into the GPA as an “F” grade.
  • Other than mandatory pass-fail courses, a student may take no more than 12 semester hours of pass-fail courses during his/her academic career at Radford University.
  • Pass-Fail courses passed successfully may not be repeated for a letter grade.  

Grade Changes/Corrections

Students who feel they received a grade in error should contact the appropriate faculty member. If the faculty confirms that an error has indeed been made, then the faculty member must process a grade change form and submit it to the Office of the Registrar no later than one year after the submission of the original grade (excluding Incompletes).

Grade Appeals

Students wishing to appeal grades received in courses should refer to the Radford University Procedures for Formal Grade Appeals. The appeal procedure and associated forms are posted on the registrar’s website: http://www.radford.edu/content/registrar/home/about/academic-policies/grade-appeal.html.

Repetition of Courses

The Repetition of Courses policy allows students to improve his or her grade point average. All courses completed and the grades earned will remain on the student’s transcript. This policy applies only to the repetition of courses taken at Radford University.

Repeat Courses – In the first three (3) times in which a student re-enrolls in any course(s) already attempted, the additional enrollments will be designated as “repeats.” Within the three repeat limit, a student may repeat as many as three different courses, or the same course may be repeated as many as three times. Repeating the same course more than once shall be considered multiple repeats. For example, if a student fails his/her first attempt at SOCY 110  and then repeats the course, this constitutes one repeat, regardless of whether or not the student passes the course. If a student registers for the same class for a third time, this constitutes the use of a second repeat. The student would have only one remaining repeat opportunity. Repeat courses are subject to the following conditions:

  1. The grade earned in the Repeat Course will replace the original grade in the course repeated.
  2. The Repetition of Courses policy is applied automatically by the registrar.
  3. If the student receives a lower grade while attempting a repeat, the most recent grade will count in calculating the student’s GPA. If a student repeats a course in which he or she received a passing grade and fails the repeat course, the credit earned previously will remain but both the original and repeat grades will be calculated in the GPA.
  4. Additional credit hours will not be awarded unless the course grade was “F.”
  5. If the third Repeat Course is taken in a semester or summer session in which one or more other courses are being retaken, the student will be asked by the Office of the Registrar to identify the course to be treated as the third repeat. If the student does not respond to this request, the Repeat Course will be the one in which the grade earned most improves the student’s cumulative grade point average. Other courses being retaken will be counted as explained below.

Retake Courses – Courses in which a student re-enrolls after the three repeat courses have been designated are subject to the following conditions:

  1. Unless otherwise stipulated by departmental requirements, there is no limit on the number of courses that may be re-taken, or on the number of times a particular course may be retaken.
  2. Additional credit hours for the courses retaken will not be awarded unless the original grade was “F” or unless the course description indicates that the course may be taken for credit more than once.
  3. All attempted credit hours and all earned grade points in each enrollment, original and retakes, will be included in all GPA calculations.
  4. Unless a course may be taken for credit more than once, a student may not retake a course in which the original grade was “B” or higher.
  5. Some courses may be taken multiple times for credit as if each enrollment were for a different course. In these courses the content or specific subjects covered differ for each enrollment and the credits and grades earned in each enrollment are counted toward degree requirements. There may be limits to the number of retakes permitted for these courses. Students should review the catalog course descriptions to determine if a course may be retaken for additional credit.

Other Academic Information

Challenge Examinations

Challenge examinations provide a mechanism for students to demonstrate knowledge they have acquired through work, life or educational experiences. Students who are able to justify that their previous experiences are relevant to a particular course may choose to earn credit for that course by challenge examination. Challenge examinations are comprehensive and carry a processing charge. Individual departments are responsible for determining which courses, if any, may be challenged for credit. Students cannot challenge a course for which they are currently enrolled nor can they challenge a course they have already completed. A passing grade of “C” or better on the challenge examination will be recorded as a “P” on the transcript. Credits earned will be Radford University hours.

Unsuccessful attempts at challenge examinations will not be recorded on the transcript and may not be repeated. Challenge Examination applications are available in the Office of the Registrar.

Transfer Credit

Students wishing to transfer credit to Radford University, after earning that credit as a transient student at another institution, must complete the form, Radford University Permission to Take Courses for Transfer Credit (AA 21), and must furnish the university with an official transcript after completing the course work. For the transcript to be considered official, it must be sent directly from the issuing institution to the Office of the Registrar. No courses taken as pass/fail, or courses with a grade of “C-” or lower will be considered for transfer credit. Accepted transfer work may satisfy certain course requirements but the grades are not used in computing the Radford grade point average, and the Radford repeat policy may not be applied.

Radford University will consider for transfer credit only those credits earned from a regionally accredited college or university as recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), as well as military service at levels consistent with the American Council on Education (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation of Education Experiences in the Armed Services.

Radford University will respect the credit awarded by other accredited institutions by evaluating such credit based upon its own transfer credit policies. Any denial of transfer credit awarded by another accredited institution will include an educationally grounded rationale.

Independent Study

Independent Study courses are offered by several departments/schools and are designed to permit students to investigate specific problems or areas of interest independently under the direction of a supervising professor. An Independent Study proposal must be signed by the student’s academic advisor, the department’s/school’s chairperson, and the department’s/school’s curriculum committee chairperson (if required by the department/school) prior to the deadline for adding courses in the term in which the study is to be undertaken. Independent Study courses may be taken either on a pass-fail basis or for a letter grade. No student may apply more than six hours of credit for Independent Study toward graduation requirements.

A faculty member may offer a maximum of six credit hours of Independent Study per semester.

Practical Experiences

Some undergraduate programs require students to participate in a supervised practical experience. Such experiences include internships, practica, clinical courses, student teaching and other types of fieldwork. Departments will provide written information to potential majors about the qualities of character and interpersonal skills that are normally expected of participants for them to complete successfully the practical experience. Potential problems that the student may have in a practical experience are identified, and appropriate recommendations are offered.

Students may obtain from the department the written criteria for entry into a practical experience and the procedures for implementation of those criteria; performance standards during the experience; circumstances under which the student may be withdrawn from, or denied entry to, the experience; and processes, including appeals, which regulate such withdrawals.

Departments and programs governed by the above include, but are not limited to: Communication Sciences and Disorders; Counseling Psychology; Counselor Education; Criminal Justice; Educational Studies; Music Therapy; Nursing; Physical Education (Teaching Concentration); Recreation, Parks and Tourism; Social Work; Special Education; Sociology. Policies specific to each program will be on file in each department office. Students planning to take such courses should obtain a copy of the relevant departmental policies and procedures before registration in the course.

Class Standing

The class standing of a student is determined at the beginning of each semester and will not be changed during that semester. Any student with 26 semester hours of credit will be classified as a sophomore, 56 semester hours of credit as a junior, and 86 hours of credit as a senior.

Dean’s List

Students will be placed on the Dean’s List for a given semester if they:

  • have 12 semester hours graded A-F; and
  • obtained a grade point average of at least 3.4 for the courses not graded on a pass-fail basis; and
  • obtained no grade below a “C”; and
  • received no “Incomplete” grades.

Academic Leave

Occasionally, Radford University students want to take advantage of either of two special experiential learning opportunities—non-credit bearing internships and non-RU study abroad programs—that require that they not be enrolled at RU for a semester. These students may apply for the status of “academic leave.”


  1. The student anticipates that the internship or study abroad experience will necessitate that he/she be away from RU no more than one academic semester.
  2. The student fully intends to enroll at RU during the semester after the experience has concluded.
  3. The student has attained sophomore status and is in good academic standing.

Benefits of Academic Leave

The status of “academic leave” entitles the student to virtually all of the same privileges as enrolled students, including receipt of communications from the university, registration and housing selection at the time commensurate with their number of hours earned, library access, mailboxes and e-mail accounts. Since they are not enrolled as RU students, they will not be billed as RU students for the semester away.

By definition, no RU credit will be awarded for non-credit bearing internships. Credits from study abroad experiences offered by institutions other than Radford University will be treated as transfer credits. Students should obtain transfer course approval before departure. While grades of “C” or better from the host institution are required for the student to receive credit for the courses, grades earned elsewhere have no effect upon the student’s GPA at Radford University.

Application Process

Students wishing to apply for academic leave must complete an “Application for Academic Leave” form. These forms are available in the Center for Experiential Learning and Career Development, the Office of Global Education and Engagement, and the Office of the Registrar.

In addition to the form, students must submit a copy of their letter of acceptance for the experiential program in which they plan to participate. The application must be approved by the student’s academic advisor, department chair, dean, and the director of experiential learning and career development and/or the director of international programs, and then submitted to the Office of the Registrar. Applications for academic leave must be received by the Office of the Registrar no later than 30 days before the beginning of the semester the student will be away.

Term of Academic Leave

Leave Academic leave is granted for one semester. Students who wish to extend their leave must reapply by contacting the Office of the Registrar no later than 30 days prior to the next semester. Students are limited to two semesters of academic leave during their academic careers at Radford University.

Upon conclusion of the semester of academic leave, the student’s status will automatically be returned to “active.” In the unlikely event that the student is unable to return to Radford University following the semester of academic leave, he/she must notify the Office of the Registrar of his/her intent no later than 30 days before the beginning of the semester following the leave. Students wishing to return to RU after the conditions of their leave have expired must submit an application for readmission (refer to Readmission).

Non-Academic Leave Withdrawal

Periodically, students may need to withdraw from the university for non-academic reasons. Non-academic reasons for withdrawal from the university may include medical, psychological and/or other personal reasons such as extended illness in the immediate family, deaths of significant others, legal requirements to appear in court for an extended period of time, call to active military duty and others.

Typically the student will be required to meet with the vice president for student affairs or his/her designee. See the military leave policy for withdrawals resulting from a call to active duty.

Documentation Requirements: In order to withdraw from the university for non-academic reasons, documentation of the condition necessitating the withdrawal will be required. Examples may include medical records, psychological records and other forms of documentation appropriate to other types of non-academic withdrawals.

Procedures: Upon receiving the required documentation, the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs will examine and evaluate the documentation. As needed, the vice president for student affairs will consult with the originator of the documentation, the Council of Deans at Radford University or others, duly employing appropriate student disclosure permission.

After evaluating the case, the vice president for student affairs will determine whether the student should be provided an exception to the university’s withdrawal policies. Should an exception be granted, then corresponding grades of “W” will be recorded on the student’s transcript and pro-rated refunds of tuition and fees may be made if applicable.

If an exception is not granted, the student may appeal his/her case as provided in this policy. All decisions regarding withdrawal requests will be promptly communicated to the student in writing.

Grades: When a student withdraws from the university for non-academic reasons, typically grades of “W” will be recorded for all classes attempted during that semester. Only in rare cases, under special circumstances, will students be allowed a mixture of grades and “W’s” or Incompletes.

Refunds: For students withdrawing for non-academic reasons exceptions may be made for a pro-rated refund of tuition and fees. For resident students board fees and room rent refunds will be granted only in accordance with university policy.

Partial Non-Academic Withdrawals

Withdrawal from one or more classes but not all classes: A pro-rated refund of tuition and fees may be granted if the withdrawal drops the student below 12 credit hours (undergraduate) or 9 credit hours (graduate).

Appeals: Any student who is not satisfied with the outcome or process pertaining to his/her withdrawal situation may appeal. The procedure for appealing is:

  1. The student must write a brief document stating the facts of his/her situation and the basis for the appeal.
  2. The document must be presented to the vice president for student affairs or his designee within 10 days of the decision about his or her situation.
  3. The vice president for student affairs will then take the student’s written document and other materials as necessary and appropriate to the Council of Deans which will then make a final decision.

Readmission to the University: When a student has withdrawn from the university for non-academic reasons, the university takes seriously its obligation to the student who withdrew and to the university community. Therefore, when a student is completely withdrawn from the university a block will be placed by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs upon the student’s ability to resume his/her studies pending receipt and evaluation by the vice president for student affairs of required professional and/or other documentation that supports resumption of studies.

Call to Active Military Duty

The university has adopted a separate leave policy for students called to military active duty. The intent of this policy is to assist, whenever possible, a student’s withdrawal and subsequent reentry to the university so that the student suffers no financial or academic hardship that was beyond the student’s control. This policy may also apply to students whose spouse is called to military active duty.

Procedures: Students called to active duty should complete a Military Active Duty Withdrawal form and submit it to the Office of the Registrar along with a copy of the active duty paperwork. If circumstances are such that the student is unable to complete the required paperwork prior to leaving campus, they or their designated representative should contact the Office of the Registrar at their first opportunity, but before the conclusion of the semester in which the student left.

Grades: Students will receive grades according to standard grading options (no grade if before the census date, and “W” or “F” after the census date or “I” as arranged with each professor). This would entitle the student to the appropriate pro-rated refund (of tuition and fees) based on the withdrawal date.

The student may elect to withdraw and receive “W’s” for all courses in which the student is enrolled. The reason for granting “W’s,” regardless of the student’s current grade status, is based in part on the uncertainty that has led up to the student’s departure and how that has probably affected the student’s ability to perform in the classroom. Under no circumstances will a student be eligible to receive a letter grade without completing the course.

Tuition Charges and Refunds: If a student elects to receive “W’s” for all courses, tuition and fees will be refunded to the student. However, during the withdrawal process, students can request financial credit be given for a future term.

If a student’s withdrawal is within the last 10 class days of the semester, the student may request “I’s” in classes which can be completed. In that case, tuition and fees will be charged for the number of “I” credits as a proportion of the total credits enrolled. The remaining money will be refunded or applied to a future term.

In making any refund or “credit” of tuition monies, first consideration will be made to repaying any financial aid awards as appropriate.

Room and Board: Room and Board will both be refunded on a daily basis according to the official date of withdrawal.

Deposits: Any deposit for future academic terms (specifically the housing deposit) will be completely refunded.

Textbooks: A 100 percent credit will be issued on all textbooks, whether new or used, on all books returned to the university bookstore. (Note: The credit will be kept on file at the Bookstore until the next term for which the student enrolls).

Reinstatement/Readmission: A student will be readmitted under the standard readmission procedure through the Admissions Office. A readmission application is necessary for all students wishing to re-enroll so that required adjustments in the student information system can be made and so the university can inform the student about academic advising, registration procedures, housing options, tuition charges and financial aid options.

Readmitted students who have been away less than two consecutive semesters will be allowed to continue with the academic requirements of their original entry to Radford University (matriculation term), wherever possible (i.e. using the same catalog). Students readmitted to Radford University who have been away for two or more consecutive semesters must meet the degree requirements in effect at the time of readmission. Recognizing that tours of duty frequently exceed one year, RU will make every effort to accommodate through exceptions and substitutions the special academic needs of students returning from active military duty. However, such exceptions and substitutions can be made only to the extent that they do not compromise the quality or integrity of the student’s degree. The student must meet the required GPA, financial and disciplinary requirements of any other student.

Withdrawal Procedures

Withdrawal from One or More, But Not All Courses

The student must secure a withdrawal form on the Office of the Registrar website. Undergraduates wishing to withdraw from an on-campus course must have the form signed by the student’s academic advisor or an advisor in the student’s advising center and then return to the Office of the Registrar. Undergraduates wishing to withdraw from an off-campus course must have the withdrawal slip signed by the student’s academic advisor (preferred), an advisor in the student’s advising center or the instructor of the course from which the student is withdrawing. The withdrawal is not complete until the signed slip has been returned to the Office of the Registrar. If a full-time student withdraws from all classes, but at different times during a given fall or spring semester, the individual withdrawals are changed to a university withdrawal.

Students must contact the Student Accounts Office in Heth Hall to initiate a request for a refund of tuition if they drop a class or classes prior to the census date and if the reduced class load qualifies them for a tuition refund.

A student who drops a class prior to the conclusion of schedule adjustment will receive no grade. A student who withdraws from class after schedule adjustment but before the end of the tenth week of the semester (or 70 percent of the total class meetings of a summer session or any other non-traditional course, whichever comes first) will receive a grade of “W.” Students may not withdraw from individual classes following the end of the tenth week of the semester.

A student may not withdraw from more than five classes during the course of undergraduate studies at Radford University. After a student has withdrawn from five classes, any subsequent withdrawal will result automatically in a grade of “F.”

Withdrawals from classes prior to Fall Semester 1988, courses dropped during schedule adjustment, or withdrawal from all classes at the university do not enter the five-class withdrawal limitation.

Withdrawal from the University (All Courses)

Students withdrawing from all courses during a given semester must contact the office of Student Success in Young Hall (Academic Success Center).  This process must be followed to ensure the student will receive any eligible refunds and the appropriate grades for the semester.

Students who withdraw from the university (all classes) before the census date will receive no grades. Students who withdraw from the university after the census date but prior to the end of the 12th week of the semester (80 percent of summer sessions) will receive “W’s” in all classes. Students who withdraw from the university after the 12th week will receive “F’s” in all classes.

Any student who withdraws from the university during a fall or spring semester must apply for readmission. Please refer to Readmission for more information about readmission.

Financial Aid Recipient Withdrawal from the University

Financial Aid recipients who withdraw from the university may be required to repay some or all of the financial aid funds they have received. Students who need to withdraw from the university should contact the Financial Aid Office to determine the effect on financial aid funds. Additional information can also be obtained from the RU Financial Aid website at www.radford.edu/~finaid.

Withdrawal by Part-Time Students

Part-time and full-time students each receive the same number of withdrawals: five (5) withdrawals from individual courses.

Part-time students who withdraw from all courses during a semester will be assessed a course withdrawal from each of the courses, not a University Withdrawal. However, if such a student has already used all five course withdrawals, and he/she withdraws from all courses, this action will be considered a University Withdrawal.

Withdrawals from Wintermester and Summer Session Courses

Withdrawals from courses during Wintermester and summer sessions do not count against the five withdrawal limit. Although – for financial aid and other reasons– this action must be handled administratively as a University Withdrawal.

Refund Checks

It is university policy to hold the enrolled student liable for charges incurred; therefore, refund checks are issued in the name of the student.

Exceptions to Withdrawal Procedures

Exceptions to the withdrawal procedures may be granted upon recommendation of the vice president for student affairs in cases of documented medical or other non-academic reasons (i.e., medical leave of absence).

Fall and Spring Tuition and Fees

Students who withdraw from the university through to the census date will not be charged any tuition and fees. For fall and spring semesters only, students who withdraw from all courses after the census date will be charged a percentage of the applicable tuition and fees based on the effective date of the withdrawal as recorded by the Office of the Registrar and the number of weeks past the census date. The census date is specified in the academic calendar for each semester. The proration of fees does not apply to certain fees including matriculation, lab, bowling, music, and late fees. The schedule for allocation of tuition and fees between amounts charged and amounts credited is listed below. This schedule is subject to change.

Weeks (based on days following census date) Percent
Days 1 - 7 20 80
Days 8 - 14 40 60
Days 15 - 21 50 50
Days 22 - 28 60 40
After Day 28 100 0

No credit will be granted after the census date for partial withdrawals, i.e. dropping individual courses. Any refunds owed to the student as a result of withdrawal will first be offset against any other amounts owed to the university.

Students who receive financial aid and withdraw prior to the completion of 61 percent of the enrollment period must repay Title IV funds (i.e. PLUS, Perkins, Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, Pell, SEOG, HETAP and CSAP) to their sources. The percentage is determined by dividing the number of days attended by the number of days in the semester.

Wintermester and Summer Session Tuition and Fees

For Wintermester and summer sessions, students who withdraw from the university through to the census date will not be charged any tuition and fees. No proration of tuition and fees will be made for students who withdraw after the census date.

Residence Hall and Apartment Rent

For all semesters, students who withdraw through the census date will be charged a flat fee of $200 ($100 for summer sessions). No proration of rent will be made for students who withdraw after the census date.

Meal Plans

For all semesters, students who withdraw prior to the census date will be charged a flat fee of $200 ($100 for summer sessions). After census date and through the last day to withdraw and receive a grade of “W”, refunds will be prorated based on the number of weeks or actual usage, as applicable. No proration will be made after the last day to withdraw and receive a grade of “W” for that semester.

Academic Probation and Suspension

Academic performance is measured by quality points and grade point averages (GPA).

Each student must maintain a specified grade point average to remain in good standing and to prevent being placed on academic probation or being suspended for academic reasons.

Students are urged to confer regularly with their advisors to seek assistance in improving academic standing.

Academic Probation

Any student not subject to academic suspension or dismissal (see below) will be on academic probation at the conclusion of any semester, summer session, or Wintermester in which he or she has achieved less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA. Note: The minimum grade point average required for graduation from Radford is 2.00. However, some majors require a GPA higher than 2.00 in order for a student to declare that major and/or to graduate with a degree in that major.

Academic probation is an indication of serious academic deficiency and may lead to academic suspension. A student on academic probation may not carry more than 16 semester hours during a regular academic year semester.

Academic Suspension

Suspension Policy

All students must meet the below GPA threshold by the conclusion of each spring term:

      GPA Hours                                        Cumulative GPA Required to Avoid Suspension

          13-23                                                                               1.00

          24-35                                                                               1.50

          36-47                                                                               1.80

          48 or more                                                                       2.00

Students may attend summer sessions at Radford University to improve their GPAs and avoid suspension.  Courses taken at other institutions will not affect the student’s Radford University GPA.

Additional Information about Suspension

Simultaneous Academic and Disciplinary Suspensions 

Occasionally, a student whose actions during a semester result in disciplinary suspension for the following semester subsequently earns grades for the semester that also cause him/her to fall below the academic suspension threshold. In such cases, the following semester’s suspension will be considered an academic suspension for the purpose of determining the number of times a student has fallen below the academic suspension threshold. 

Terms of Suspension

A student suspended for the first time may not enroll in the next regularly scheduled semester. (Please see readmission information below.) A student who has been suspended for a second or more times may not enroll for one full academic year.

Suspension Appeals

Students may submit an Appeal of Suspension to the Suspension Appeals Committee, which includes representation from academic and student affairs, within 10 business days following notification of suspension.  Appeals of suspension are not automatically granted.  Generally, suspension appeals are only approved when the student is able to sufficiently demonstrate that his/her academic performance suffered as a result of factors outside the student’s control and/or the student has shown significant academic progress since falling below the suspension threshold.       

Transfer Credit During the Period of Suspension

A student on academic suspension from Radford University may receive transfer credit for work taken at another college or university during the period of enforced suspension. To ensure proper credit for any courses taken at another institution, students are strongly encouraged to verify course transferability with their College Advising Center prior to enrolling in such courses. While courses passed with a grade of “C” or better qualify for transfer (“C-” grades are not acceptable), these grades are not used in computing the Radford grade point average and the Radford repeat policy cannot be applied. In order to be eligible for readmission to Radford University, students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher on all work attempted at another college during the term(s) of their suspension. Readmission to the university, however, is never automatic. (See below.) 


Students who do not maintain continuous enrollment at Radford University for any reason and wish to return must submit a Request for Readmission Form (see https://radfordug.radiusbycampusmgmt.com/ssc/aform/x7873JEKN70kx6700oKs.ssc) to the Office of Admissions regardless of their academic status. A readmission application is necessary for all students wishing to re-enroll so that required adjustments in the student information system can be made and so the university can inform the student about academic advising, registration procedures, housing options, tuition charges and financial aid options.

Students readmitted to Radford University who have been away for two or more consecutive semesters must meet the degree requirements in the Radford University Undergraduate Catalog at the time of readmission.

Students Who Left the University in Good Standing

Students who left the university in good academic standing (i.e., whose cumulative grade point average at Radford University is 2.0 or higher) and whose records include no conduct/disciplinary offenses or criminal offenses must apply for readmission no less than five business days, but no more than six months prior to the beginning of the term in which re-enrollment is desired. For those students who left the university in good academic standing, eligibility for readmission will be determined by the Office of Admissions, provided that the student has maintained a minimum GPA of 2.00 at all schools attended since last enrolled at RU. Students who left RU in good standing but who have not maintained a minimum GPA of 2.00 at all schools attended since last enrolled at RU will have their eligibility for readmission determined by the Readmission Committee. These students’ applications for readmission should include a narrative explaining why the performance at other institutions was below average. Only students who left the university in good academic standing are eligible to apply for readmission for Augustmester and Wintermester terms.

Students Who Did Not Leave the University in Good Standing

The Readmission Committee also will review the applications of those students who were academically suspended or who left the university while on academic probation. Academic Renewal (see below) may be an option for students who have been absent from the university for two or more years. To be eligible for readmission, students who did not leave the university in good standing must have maintained a minimum GPA of 2.00 at all institutions attended since leaving Radford University. Students are encouraged to send their transcripts to support their application at the time of reapplying. Final decisions about readmission may be deferred pending receipt of an official/final transcript, and offers of readmission may be rescinded if a review of a readmitted student’s transcript subsequently reveals that the student did not maintain the requisite 2.0 GPA at other institutions.

Students who left the university are not automatically eligible to return, especially if they were suspended or left while on probation. Only those students who appear to have potential for success in general and within their selected major will be readmitted. The Readmission Committee will evaluate requests for readmission on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. The student’s written statement in which:
    1. The student explains why his or her academic performance leading to suspension was so poor, with documentation provided if the student is claiming that external factors are to blame;
    2. compelling reasons are offered for wishing to return to Radford University;
    3. the student’s activities or accomplishments during the period of suspension or absence are described; and
    4. the student indicates how and why academic performance will improve if readmitted;
  2. Quality point deficit;
  3. Number of “Repeats” available to use as strategy to bring up GPA;
  4. Previous academic history;
  5. Requested readmit major;
  6. Evidence of improved academic performance at any institution attended while absent from Radford University; and
  7. (If applicable) Performance at Radford University during their semester(s) of probation

Students are most likely to be readmitted if:

1.       They take responsibility for the choices and behaviors that led to their suspension; they have clear academic goals; they have made good use of the time they have been away from Radford, either by taking classes or being employed; and they state clearly and in detail the actions they will  take to return to good academic standing;

2.       Their quality point deficit is nine points or fewer. Students who have questions about the calculation of their grade point deficit should contact their college advising center;

3.       They have multiple “Repeats” available;

4.       Their academic record demonstrates at least some evidence of past success at Radford University;

5.       They are not requesting readmission into a major that has academic expectations that exceed the 2.00 suspension threshold. (Note: students are occasionally readmitted to the university only if they agree to change majors);

6.       They earned mostly grades of “A” and “B” if they have attended other institutions during their suspension from Radford; and

7.       (If applicable) They participated fully in academic recovery programs during their semester(s) of probation.

Please note that the committee reviews only written materials and that individual appearances before the committee are not permitted.

Once a decision has been made regarding the application, the student will be notified in writing. Additionally, housing information will be sent when on-campus housing is requested. Registration information will be sent when it becomes available. 

The Readmission Committee reserves the right to revoke any offer of readmission. Students who are readmitted will be on probation. Continuation of enrollment in subsequent terms is contingent upon the student achieving the requisite cumulative GPA (see “Suspension Policy,” above) by the conclusion of all summer sessions (for spring readmits) or by the conclusion of Wintermester (for fall readmits). Failure to do so will result in permanent dismissal from the university. (See “Suspension Policy,” above).

Academic Renewal Policy

The Academic Renewal Policy is designed to benefit students who are returning to the university to continue pursuit of an initial undergraduate degree at Radford University after an extended absence of no less than two calendar years and whose cumulative GPA when they were last enrolled was less than a 2.0. (Students may use academic renewal only once.) Students who meet these conditions may apply for academic renewal simultaneously with their application for readmission. Such applications are made to the Office of Admissions.

Academic renewal permits eligible students to re-enroll at the university to begin their studies anew. Under the provisions of academic renewal:

  1. All previously earned letter grades remain on the student’s official transcript, but the student carries no GPA at the time of re-enrollment.
  2. The student retains credit hours for all courses passed with a grade of “C” or better. The student loses credit for courses passed with a grade of “C-” or lower.

If academic renewal is granted, a student must earn a 2.0 grade point average or better for the first 12 hours attempted upon returning. Failure to do so will result in academic suspension. Students who have returned under the academic renewal policy must earn 60 credit hours after returning to be eligible to graduate with Latin Honors.

Class Load

Fall and Spring Semesters

Any undergraduate student who is carrying 12 or more semester hours of credit is considered to be a full-time student. To be eligible to live in a residence hall, a student must carry an academic load of nine or more semester hours.

The normal class load during a regular session is 15-16 semester hours. No student may carry more than 18 semester hours without the written permission of the student’s academic dean.

Summer Sessions

Any undergraduate student who enrolls in 12 or more semester hours of credit during one or any combination of summer sessions will be considered a full-time student.

Any undergraduate student who enrolls in six to 11 semester hours of credit during one or any combination of summer sessions will be considered a part-time student.

The maximum course loads permitted during the summer sessions are: Maymester - seven (7) credit hours*; Summer I – ten (10) credit hours* (*or a combined total of ten (10) credit hours for Maymester and Summer I); Summer II – ten (10) credit hours; Summer III – eighteen (18) credit hours. A student may enroll for a maximum of eighteen (18) semester hours of credit using any combination of enrollments in the summer session. No student may attempt more than the maximum number of credit hours per session or for the entire summer without the written permission of the student’s academic dean.


Students may enroll in one course for Wintermester.

Records and Reports of Students

Grades filed with the Office of the Registrar are final, except where an error of judgment has occurred or an error has been made in computation or transcription. Shortly after the close of each semester or summer term, currently enrolled students receive password-secure Internet access to their grade report showing the final grade received in each course for which they were enrolled that particular semester or summer term.

A transcript is the official record, compiled by the registrar, of a student’s academic career. For each semester or summer term, the transcript shows the courses, credits and grades; semester or summer term grade point average; and notice of academic suspension or withdrawal. Transfer credit also is recorded, but without grades.

The completed transcript records the degree and major, minor and/or concentration as appropriate, final graduation grade point average and the date the degree was conferred.

For more information on ordering official transcripts please visit our Transcript Request page at www.radford.edu/transcripts.

Student Record Policy
(Confidentiality of Student Records)

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Radford University student record policies and practices are in full compliance with the Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

The university will not release information about a student from records, except directory information, to people (including parents) other than a specified list of exceptions without obtaining the written consent of the student.

Upon request, the university will grant students who are or have been in attendance access to their educational records, except those excluded by law, and will provide an opportunity for a hearing to challenge such records.

Federal and state law does permit the University to release information it has identified as directory information with respect to each student unless the student informs the University that all designated directory information should not be released without the student’s prior consent. Forms to request a restricted release of directory information are available online and should be filed at the Office of the Registrar.*

While the University understands that there are sometimes very legitimate reasons why a student may want to restrict their directory information, please note that placing a restriction on the release of a student’s directory information means that RU personnel can’t even acknowledge the existence of the student to a third party such as prospective employers, graduate or professional schools, or loan servicers. This may cause the student and their parents some inconveniences related to the verification of enrollment and/or graduation for insurance, loan deferment, and employment purposes.

Radford University has identified the following as directory information.

  • Student’s name, date-of-birth, local and home address, phone listing and e-mail address
  • Whether a student is currently enrolled
  • Major field of study
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Weight and height of members of athletic teams
  • Dates of attendance
  • Degrees and awards received

While FERPA stipulates that universities may disclose directory information to third parties without the student’s consent, they are not required to do so. It is Radford University’s policy to refrain from disclosing student addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and dates-of-birth without the student’s consent; however, the University may use this information for verification purposes.  A student can, however, authorize the University to disclose their contact information (addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses) by completing and turning in a Contact Information Release Form to the Registrar’s Office.  The University does not disclose social security numbers, personal identification numbers, photographs, grades, grade point averages, or class schedules without the written consent of the student.

A full statement of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and information explaining how students may exercise the rights accorded them by this policy are posted to the RU website and are available from the Office of the Registrar and the Dean of Students Office.

*The restriction on the release of student information does not apply to university officials or to designated persons or agencies operating on behalf of the university. For example, faculty, advisors and academic support staff, may access student information needed to perform their official responsibilities. Selected individuals or agencies operating for the university, such as the National Student Clearinghouse, may have access to academic records to verify enrollments and degrees. The university may disclose records to state agencies for the purpose of program review and evaluation.

As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education’s FERPA regulations expand the circumstances under which your education records and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records — including your Social Security Number, grades, or other private information — may be accessed without your consent. First, the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or state and local education authorities (“Federal and State Authorities”) may allow access to your records and PII without your consent to any third party designated by a Federal or State Authority to evaluate a federal- or state-supported education program. The evaluation may relate to any program that is “principally engaged in the provision of education,” such as early childhood education and job training, as well as any program that is administered by an education agency or institution. Second, Federal and State Authorities may allow access to your education records and PII without your consent to researchers performing certain types of studies, in certain cases even when we object to or do not request such research. Federal and State Authorities must obtain certain use-restriction and data security promises from the entities that they authorize to receive your PII, but the Authorities need not maintain direct control over such entities. In addition, in connection with Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems, State Authorities may collect, compile, permanently retain, and share without your consent PII from your education records, and they may track your participation in education and other programs by linking such PII to other personal information about you that they obtain from other Federal or State data sources, including workforce development, unemployment insurance, child welfare, juvenile justice, military service, and migrant student records systems.

Honor System

The Radford University Honor System provides the foundation for a university community in which freedom, trust and respect can prevail. In accepting admission to Radford University, each student makes a commitment to support and uphold the Honor System without compromise or exception. Individuals have the responsibility to be honorable in their own conduct and to insist other students act honorably.

Lying, cheating and stealing are considered to be acts of dishonor, and will, therefore, cause a student to be subject to temporary or permanent suspension from the university community. Students who commit an honor violation or any members of the Radford University community who have knowledge that a student has committed an honor violation are expected to comply with the reporting procedures.

The Honor Pledge: I shall uphold the values and ideals of Radford University by engaging in responsible behavior and striving always to be accountable for my actions while holding myself and others to the highest moral and ethical standards of academic integrity and good citizenship as defined in the Standards of Student Conduct.

Students are expected to become familiar with the Honor Code and the Standards of Student Conduct. For more information about the Honor Code and the Standards of Student Conduct, please refer to the 2011-2012 copy of the Standards of Student Conduct available in the University Planner, in the Dean of Students Office and/or online at: https://www.radford.edu/content/dam/departments/administrative/policies/StudentAffairsPoliciesandProcedures/SA-PO-1300_StandardsofStudentConduct.pdf.

Completing a Degree

Degree Requirements

No fewer than 30 credit hours for a Bachelor’s level degree; 25% of credit hours for an Associate’s level degree must be earned at Radford University to be eligible for graduation. No more than six (6) credit hours of Independent Study coursework can be used toward graduation requirements. In addition to all other requirements, in order to fulfill the REAL Curriculum, students must complete at least 15 credit hours, not including foundational math and foundational writing, in courses taught outside the departments or schools that house their first majors.

Students in the Virginia Western Community College partnership programs must complete 25 percent of the semester hours at Radford University.

The total number of grade points earned by students, both overall and in their major field, must be at least twice the total semester hours of credit attempted, both overall and in their major at Radford. Students in teaching, nursing and certain other fields must earn a higher grade point average. Specific requirements for each major are listed under the appropriate department sections of this catalog. As a minimum, 120 semester hours are required for graduation.

Fulfilling More Than One Requirement with the Same Credit/Course

  1. Courses used to fulfill the B.S. requirement can also be used for minor requirements but not major requirements.
  2. Courses used to fulfill major requirements can also be used to fulfill minor requirements, unless otherwise specified by the department. (See here  for definitions of major, minors, concentrations and options.)
  3. Courses used to fulfill major or minor requirements cannot be used to fulfill concentrations or option requirements within Interdisciplinary Studies.
  4. Students who are fulfilling the requirements for B.S. degrees in two different majors (i.e., pursuing a double major) must fulfill the B.S. requirements for each. However, if the student successfully completes common course(s) that meet the B.S. requirements for each major, he/she will fulfill the B.S. requirements for both majors simultaneously.

Completing a Second Bachelor’s Degree – Previous RU Graduate
Please refer to here .

Completing a Second Bachelor’s Degree – Transfer Student
Please refer to here .

Graduation Policy

A currently enrolled full-time student may meet the graduation requirements listed in the Radford University Undergraduate Catalog in effect at the time of the student’s initial enrollment at Radford, or the individual may select to meet the requirements in any subsequent catalog published between enrollment and graduation, as long as the catalog is no more than five years old. A student may not follow requirements for graduation listed in a catalog in effect prior to the student’s enrollment at Radford.

A regularly enrolled part-time student may complete the graduation requirements in effect when the student enrolled at Radford, or the student may complete requirements listed in any subsequent catalog, as long as the catalog is no more than seven years old when the student graduates.

Whichever option is chosen, it is highly recommended that students maintain continuous enrollment at Radford to avoid jeopardizing their preferred catalog year. Academic departments reserve the right to determine the requirements for graduation for students who change majors following their enrollment at Radford University. (See below.)

Any course work in the major more than 10 years old at the time of matriculation may be reviewed by the chair of the department in which the student is housed, and the chair may require the student to take more current courses in lieu of those previously taken.

Students so affected may request an opportunity to demonstrate currency in the area(s) covered by those courses previously taken.

Students who have been absent from the university for two or more consecutive semesters must meet the degree requirements in force in the Radford University Undergraduate Catalog at the time of graduation.

Each student who expects to complete requirements for a degree must submit a graduation application to the student’s college advising center, except for students with majors in Humanities and Behavioral Sciences and Science and Technology, where applications must be submitted directly to the student’s major department.

Requirements for Students who Change Majors

Ordinarily, students who change majors following their enrollment at Radford University will retain the right to choose the catalog specifying their graduation requirements, as noted in the policy above. However, so that graduates in rapidly changing disciplines might not be disadvantaged by meeting obsolete requirements in outdated catalogs, academic departments reserve the right to determine the requirements for graduation (i.e., to require that students adopt requirements as listed in the catalog in effect at the time of the major change) for students who change majors. Students must ascertain which requirements they will be expected to fulfill before making the final decision about changing majors.

Graduation Application Submission Deadlines

Contact your College Advising Center for graduation application deadlines.

Commencement Exercises

Students completing degree requirements during spring and fall semesters are urged to attend commencement unless extenuating circumstances justify their absence. Diplomas will be mailed to students after confirmation that their degree requirements have been completed.

Participation in Commencement

Radford University restricts participation in commencement exercises to those students who will complete their degree requirements by the time of commencement or who can complete the requirements during the immediately following summer session. Those who wish to participate in commencement ceremonies who will not have met all requirements at the time of commencement must submit a declaration of their intent to participate along with the application for graduation. Graduation applications and petitions to participate in commencement exercises must be turned in to the appropriate advising center (or student’s major department within the Colleges of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences or Science and Technology).

Graduation With Honors

Radford University awards two types of honors degrees, Latin Honors and Honors in the Major through the Honors College.

Students whose cumulative grade point average in all courses attempted at Radford University is greater than or equal to 3.50, but less than 3.70, will graduate cum laude. Those whose cumulative grade point average is greater than or equal to 3.70, but less than 3.85, will graduate magna cum laude. Those whose cumulative grade point average is 3.85 or greater will graduate summa cum laude. To be eligible to receive Latin Honors, a student must have earned a minimum of 60 semester hours at Radford University. Students who have returned under the Academic Renewal Policy must earn 60 credit hours after returning to be eligible to graduate with Latin Honors. Students whose cumulative grade point average is greater than or equal to 3.50 but who do not earn 60 credit hours at Radford University will graduate “With Distinction.”

Students who complete the 27-credit hour honors curriculum and earn at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA at Radford University graduate as Highlander Honors Scholars, the highest academic distinction for Radford University undergraduates. Students who complete the 15-credit honors curriculum and earn at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA at Radford University graduate with the Highlander Honors Distinction. These distinctions appears on the student’s diploma and are recognized with special regalia at graduation.

Licensure for Teaching

Students interested in pursuing licensure to teach in Virginia and elsewhere must complete the approved teacher education program and all licensure requirements. Please see the Center for Academic Advising and Student Support Services or the Field Experience Office in Peters Hall 104 for more information. All the applications for licensure must be submitted through the Center for Academic Advising and Student Support Services.

Graduate Credit for Radford University Undergraduates

Seniors with an overall grade point average at Radford University of 3.00 or better may be permitted to take up to nine credit hours of graduate-level courses during their final year of undergraduate work. Students have the option of counting the course(s) toward their undergraduate degree or toward a graduate degree, if all admission requirements are met. Graduate courses taken to meet baccalaureate requirements may not be used toward a graduate degree, except in approved accelerated bachelor’s/master’s programs. (See below.)

Undergraduate students who wish to take courses for graduate credit must receive specific approval from the instructor and the dean of the Graduate College. Request forms are available online or in the Graduate College Office in Whitt Hall. For complete information concerning graduate programs and entrance requirements, consult the Radford University Graduate Catalog.

Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Programs

Students accepted for approved bachelor’s/master’s accelerated programs may take up to 12 graduate credits and these may count toward both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees, except students in the accelerated BBA/MBA program, who may take up to 9 graduate credits and these may count toward both degrees. To be eligible for participation in an accelerated degree program, students must have completed at least 60 undergraduate credits and have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00. Individual departments may impose stricter eligibility requirements. Admission and completion requirements for specific accelerated degree programs are described in the catalog.

The objective of accelerated bachelor’s/master’s degree programs is to provide a means by which exceptional undergraduate students at Radford University may complete the requirements for both the baccalaureate and master’s degrees at an accelerated pace.


Students must have completed a minimum of sixty (60) undergraduate credit hours and have at least 24 credits remaining in their undergraduate programs. Transfer students must have completed a minimum of two semesters as a full-time student at Radford University, a minimum of 24 hours. Students must have a minimum accumulated grade point average (GPA) of 3.00.

Application to an Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Program

A prospective student should meet with the Graduate Program coordinator to review the requirements for an accelerated bachelor’s and master’s degree program. Students applying to an accelerated program must submit:

  • Application for Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Programs form;
  • Transcripts of any courses taken at a college or university other than Radford University;
  • “Application for Graduate Admission” form;
  • $50 non-refundable application fee;
  • Appropriate test scores, if required by the graduate degree program to which the prospective student is applying. If scores are required, they must be submitted no later than the second week of the term in which conferral of the bachelor’s degree is anticipated;
  • Any other materials required for admission to the graduate program to which the applicant is seeking admission.

Upon review of the materials submitted, a letter of acceptance (or denial) to the master’s program, contingent on meeting the accelerated requirements and completing the bachelor’s degree, will be sent to the student.

Participation and Graduation

Students must complete the bachelor’s degree prior to entering the master’s program. Students in an accelerated program may not elect to by-pass the baccalaureate degree. Students must receive a grade of “B” or better in the double counted graduate-level courses. Courses with a grade of “C” or below cannot be double counted between the two degrees. No more than twelve (12) hours of graduate work may be counted towards the requirements of both degrees. Students must complete the master’s degree within six years of the start of their first graduate course. If the master’s program is not completed within these time limits, none of the graduate courses taken as an undergraduate will be counted toward the master’s degree. Permission to pursue an accelerated degree program does not guarantee an admission to the Graduate College. Admission is contingent on meeting eligibility requirements at the time of entering the graduate program.


A student may at any time withdraw from an approved accelerated program, by informing the Graduate Program coordinator in writing. A copy of this should be sent to the Graduate College. If a student completes the baccalaureate degree requirements with an accumulated GPA of less than 3.0, then he/she is no longer eligible to pursue the accelerated program. Individual departments may have higher requirements and a failure to meet these requirements will make a student ineligible to participate in the accelerated program. A student who does not follow the approved accelerated degree requirements may become ineligible to participate in the accelerated program. A student who is ineligible to participate in (or withdraws from) the accelerated program, cannot double count any courses for both bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

Exception to Academic Policy

The Radford University Undergraduate Catalog is the basic authority for academic requirements at Radford University. All students are expected to follow the catalog in the pursuit of their degrees. On occasion, extraordinary circumstances may, however, justify minor departures from the catalog requirements. Students who believe their situation warrants a deviation from academic policy may petition for an exception. Students should consult with their academic advisor to explore the feasibility of petitioning for an exception to academic policy.

Undergraduate students who need to petition for an exception to academic policy must work with their academic advisor to complete the Undergraduate Student Academic Petition form, available in the Academic Success Center. . There are several academic requirements for which exceptions are never made, even through the academic petition process: the minimum grade point average (2.00) to graduate, the minimum number of semester hours (120) to graduate; the minimum number of semesters hours (30) earned at Radford University to graduate; the number of class withdrawals (5) a student may use; the number of repeats (3) permitted; the number of earned credits (60) at Radford needed to qualify for Latin Honors.

The college dean of the petitioning student has the authority to approve or disapprove the student’s request for an exception to academic policy upon review of recommendations from the student’s academic advisor, department chair and instructor (as appropriate), and – if deemed necessary – in consultation with the registrar. The dean will submit the form to the Office of the Registrar.