Oct 25, 2024  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fees and Financial Information

Graduate Student Tuition and Fees for the 2023-2024 academic year can be found on the Student Accounts/Cashier’s Office website.

Enrollment in more than 18 hours is charged on a per credit hour basis.

Graduate students are also eligible to purchase optional meal plans. For more information, contact the ONE Card Office at (540) 831-5054 or (540) 831-6449.

Every effort is made not to change fees after they have been published; however, if this should become necessary, public notice will be given prior to the semester in which the increase goes into effect. Refer to the website for the most up to date information: www.radford.edu.


Overload Fees and Tuition

Graduate students who enroll in 17 or more credit hours in any given semester will incur an overload fee. In addition, overload tuition charges may be assessed. Graduate students are strongly advised to consult the Bursar’s Office for more information about overload charges.

Summer Session Fees

The cost for summer sessions will be based on the semester-hour charges for students.

Applied Music Fee

An applied music instruction fee is charged at the rate of $250 per credit per semester. Applied music fees may be waived for level system applied lessons with the approval of the dean of the College of Visual and Performing Arts for students majoring in music, and students registered in Department of Music ensembles and studying in a performance medium relevant to their ensemble participation. Fee waivers do not apply for MUSC 107, 169, 170, 470 and MUSC 670  .

Application Fee

A non-refundable application fee is required of each student. The fee must be submitted with the completed formal application.

Parking Fee

Students may park motor vehicles and motorcycles in university parking lots if they have obtained a parking decal from the Parking Services Office located in Heth Hall. See “Parking”  for more details.

Thesis/Dissertation Binding Fee

McConnell Library no longer offers binding services for thesis/dissertations. Students who are interested in having their thesis/dissertation bound may visit the library’s website for a list of binderies.

Commencement Costs

All students participating in the hooding and commencement exercises must wear appropriate academic regalia, which is available through the campus bookstore. There is a charge for a cap, gown, tassel and hood. For more information contact the campus bookstore at (540) 831-5144 or (540) 831-5498.

Continuous Enrollment

Students enrolled in GRAD 799 must pay $50.  For information regarding continuous enrollment, see here  .

Responsibility for Payment of Tuition and Fees

Payment of tuition, fees and other charges owed to Radford University is the responsibility of the student. Billing statements will be emailed to the student at their Radford email address given to them by the university.

Unpaid Tuition, Fees or Fines

Failure to pay tuition and fees could result in administrative withdrawal from the university. In addition, the student’s signature on the Application for Admission constitutes an agreement to pay 25 percent attorney’s fees, late fees, interest, and other reasonable collection costs necessary for the collection of any amount not paid when due. The university reports past due accounts to a credit-reporting bureau.

Alternative Financing

Virginia Educator’s Reduced Tuition Rate

Full-time Virginia educators (K-12) are eligible to apply for a reduced tuition rate for Radford University courses offered on and off campus. Educators (teachers, administrators, supervisors, etc.) can be enrolled for a graduate degree, additional endorsements or for re-licensure. Radford University has implemented this policy as recognition of the importance for Virginia educators to enhance their professional knowledge and skills. The reduced rate in 2023-2024 is $464 per credit hour. An application for the Virginia Educator’s Reduced Tuition rate needs to be completed only once annually and is effective for both the academic year and the following summer session. The following eligibility guidelines apply:

  1. A baccalaureate degree is required for kindergarten through grade 12 public and private school teachers, counselors, administrators, supervisors, librarians and coaches. Admission to the Radford University Graduate College as a matriculated or non-degree student is required.
  2. Eligible personnel must be full-time contractual employees of a public school division or private school within the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  3. Individuals on official leave from their assignments are eligible for reduced tuition.
  4. There is no restriction on the number of hours that can be taken.
  5. Courses for which educators request reduced tuition must be for professional development, not for planned career changes outside of education.

For more information or to receive application forms, please call the Graduate College at (540) 831-5431 or go to the online form at http://gradcollege.asp.radford.edu/admissions.html.

Nelnet Automatic Payment Plan

In a continuing effort to assist with the payment of educational expenses, Radford University offers the AMPP Monthly Payment Plan as an alternative to standard payment arrangements.

Simple steps to enroll in the Payment Plan:

  • Have student login to the OneCampus portal.
  • Search for and then click on Account Summary.
  • On the left side of the page you will click on Payment Plans.
  • Click the term under “Available Payment Plans” and then click Sign Up for New Payment Plan and follow the steps.

For more information, see here.

Senior Citizens Higher Education Act of 1974

The Commonwealth of Virginia allows senior citizens who meet certain requirements to take courses at state colleges or universities free-of-charge. To be eligible, persons must have reached 60 years of age before the beginning of the semester in which they wish to enroll and must have had legal domicile in Virginia for one year prior to the semester in which they plan to enroll.

Senior citizens may register for and enroll in courses as full-time or part-time students for academic credit if their federal taxable income does not exceed $15,000 for the year preceding the year in which enrollment is sought. Senior citizens may register for and audit courses for academic credit regardless of their federal taxable income. In all cases, senior citizens are entitled to register for courses only after all tuition-paying students have been accommodated. Applications are available in the Admissions Office.

Virginia Military Survivors & Dependents Education

The Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP) provides education benefits to spouses and children of military service members killed, missing in action, taken prisoner, or who served in covered military combat and has been rated by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs as totally and permanently disabled or at least 90 percent permanently disabled as a result of such service. Military service includes service in the United States Armed Forces, United States Armed Forces Reserves, the Virginia National Guard, or the Reserves. Armed conflict includes military operations against terrorism, on a peace-keeping mission, as the result of a terrorist act, or any armed conflict.

The purpose of VMSDEP is to promote access to high-quality education at Virginia’s public colleges and universities for survivors and dependents of qualified Veterans. Benefits are available for up to 4 academic years. Download the VMSDEP flyer here.

In addition, an amendment to Section 23-7.1 now allows for tuition-free educational benefits for survivors and dependents of certain law enforcement officers, correctional and jail personnel, sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, fire fighters, members of rescue squads and alcoholic beverage control agents who have been killed in the line of duty while serving or living in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Eligibility for this benefit is determined by the chief administrative officer of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, emergency medical services agency, law-enforcement agency, Superintendent of the State Police or other appropriate agency.

If this is a first-time enrollment, contact the VA Office in Roanoke. More information is available at https://www.dvs.virginia.gov

Refund of Charges Policy

It is the university’s policy to hold the enrolled student liable for charges incurred; therefore, refund checks will be issued in the name of the student at their request.

Meal Plans

The university will refund the remaining balance of the ONE Card and/or Campus Card account if there is a remaining balance of $10 or more upon one of the following conditions:

  1. Graduation or withdrawal from Radford University.
  2. Refund request during the last 15 days of the spring semester. All refunds will be processed and paid according to state policy.

Withdrawal from One or More But Not All Courses

A student who withdraws from a class by the census date will be credited the difference in tuition and fees for the reduced number of credit hours, if any. After the census date, there will be no reduction.

Withdrawal from the University (All Courses)

Fall and Spring Tuition and Fees: Students who withdraw from the university through the census date will not be charged any tuition and fees. For fall and spring semesters only, students who withdraw from all courses after the census date will be charged a percentage of the applicable tuition and fees based on the effective date of the withdrawal as recorded by the Office of the Registrar and the number of weeks past the census date. The census date is specified in the academic calendar for each semester. The proration of fees does not apply to certain fees including matriculation, lab, bowling, music and late fees. The schedule for allocation of tuition and fees between amounts charged and amounts credited is listed below. This schedule is subject to change. 

Weeks Past Percent Percent
Census Date Charged Credited
1 20% 80%
2 40% 60%
3 50% 50%
4 60% 40%
5 100% 0%

No credit will be granted after the census date for partial withdrawals, i.e. dropping individual courses. Any refunds owed to the student as a result of withdrawal will first be offset against any other amounts owed to the university. Students who receive financial aid and withdraw prior to the completion of 61 percent of the enrollment period must repay Title IV funds (i.e. PLUS, Perkins, Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, Pell, SEOG, HETAP and CSAP) to their sources. The percentage is determined by dividing the number of days attended by the number of days in the semester.

Summer Session Tuition and Fees: For summer sessions, students who withdraw from the university through census date will not be charged any tuition and fees. No proration of tuition and fees will be made for students who withdraw after the census date.

Refund Policy for State and Institutional Aid

The policy will affect students who completely withdraw from all classes in a semester and who are receiving state or institutional financial assistance. It does not apply to students who withdraw from some but not all classes within a semester. All financial programs are covered under this policy. State Student Loan, Last Dollar and VTG MUST be reduced to tuition costs only before any further refund is considered. The portion of the Commonwealth grant and VGAP funds that the student is entitled to receive will be calculated on a percentage basis by comparing the total number of days in the semester to the total number of days that the student completed before he/she withdrew. Funds from the Virginia Teaching Scholarship Loan Program must be returned to this program in full.

Enrollment Deposit Refunds

Those students in programs that require an enrollment deposit who fail to appear upon admission, will not receive a refund.

Financial Services

Banking Facilities

Three banks are located near the Radford University campus: SunTrust Bank, Wells Fargo and BB&T. In addition, the city is serviced by Stellar One, Bank of Floyd, Bank of America and National Bank. SunTrust Bank, Wells Fargo and Stellar One operate automatic teller machines on campus. Checks presented by Radford University students are accepted by the university subject to the following limitations and policies:

  • The university accepts checks for tuition/fees, room and board, the exact amount of goods or services and fines owed to the university.
  • The Post Office accepts checks and the ONE Card for the amount of purchase.
  • The university bookstore will cash checks between $5 and $25. A service charge of 50 cents will be assessed for each check cashed.
  • Checks written directly to a student by the Commonwealth of Virginia or by Radford University may be cashed at the bank indicated on the check or at a bank where the student has an account.
  • A student who knowingly writes a check with insufficient funds in his or her checking account may be charged with an honor code violation and may be prosecuted under the criminal law of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  • If a check written for tuition/fees or room and board is returned from the bank for any reasons, future tuition/fee or room and board payments may be required to be made with cash, money order, certified check or cashier’s check, and the student may be administratively withdrawn from the university. In addition, the student will be assessed a $25 service charge and a late fee of either 10 percent of the amount of check or $75 (whichever is less) if applicable.
  • A student may be blocked from registration and transcripts may be held if a check is returned from the bank and remains unpaid.
  • A service charge will be applied to all checks returned from the bank for any reason.

Financial Aid

Helping qualified students who would be unable to attend the university because of a lack of funds is the aim of Radford’s financial aid program.  Primary responsibility for funds for education belongs to students. The difference between the student’s contribution prior to higher education loan, and the cost of attending the university determines the financial need of the student. The criteria used for selecting student aid recipients involve both the computed need and the academic progress standing of the individual student. Top consideration for awarding financial aid dollars will be given to those who demonstrate the greatest need, who have valid applications submitted by the deadline, and who are admitted to Radford by the deadline. Should funds not be available to meet all these needs, the aid will be prioritized by need among eligible applicants.

After a student has been admitted to Radford and has demonstrated financial need, the university tries to meet that need by offering a financial aid package, which may consist of a scholarship, grant, or loan.

Some private funds established through the Radford University Foundation are available. For additional information, refer to the Radford University Financial Aid website: www.radford.edu/content/financial-aid/home.html

Applying For Financial Aid

To determine need in a consistent way for aid applicants, Radford suggests that students seeking financial aid submit a completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by December 1. Forms and further information about the needs analysis system may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office or the Radford University Financial Aid website at: http://www.radford.edu/content/financial-aid/home.html.

Currently enrolled students may obtain FAFSA worksheets from the university’s Financial Aid Office or complete the FAFSA through the web at: http://fafsa.ed.gov/.

The FAFSA for renewal students also should be filed by December 1.

Radford awards financial aid separately for the academic year and the summer terms.

Students who plan to be enrolled during the summer must submit a separate university summer Financial Aid Application. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid form, however, needs to be completed only once annually and is effective for both the academic year and the following summer sessions.

Disbursement of Financial Aid

All types of financial aid are credited to the student’s account at the beginning of each term with the exception of some loans. These financial aid funds must be used first to pay the required university charges outstanding at that time. All awards will be disbursed equally over the course of the two academic semesters unless the student applies for only one term. Financial assistance awarded for the summer terms will be indicated for the specific term.

Radford University participates in Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) of William D. Ford Direct Lending Education Loan funds.

This option of disbursing loan proceeds is an additional service that the university offers its students. Financial aid applicants will receive information with their award package regarding this service.

Refund of Excess Financial Aid

If a student’s Federal and/or Alternative Loan funds are received electronically he/she may have the excess aid deposited into his/her checking or savings account. If this option is not chosen, a refund check will be mailed to the student’s mailing address upon request.

Satisfactory Progress

Financial aid awards are conditional on students maintaining satisfactory progress in their course of study according to academic and progress requirements. Satisfactory progress for financial aid purposes requires that the student meet the university’s progress requirements and maintains progress toward a degree. Additional progress requirements exist for the state financial aid programs. For financial aid recipients, the policy can be obtained from the Radford University Financial Aid Office or from the Radford University Financial Aid website: http://www.radford.edu/content/financial-aid/home.html.

The academic progress of students who fail to meet the minimum standards will be reviewed each semester of the school year. At that time financial assistance may be awarded, if available, to those students who improve satisfactorily.

Rights and Responsibilities of Student Recipients

As a recipient of state or federal aid, each student has certain rights and responsibilities. Knowing what they are will place the student in a better position to make decisions about educational goals and how they best can be achieved. If at any time there are questions about financial aid, students should come to the Financial Aid Office where there is additional information available concerning their legal rights and responsibilities.

The student has a right to know:

  • the total cost of attending Radford University for an academic year, including tuition and fees and estimated costs of personal expenses, books and transportation;
  • the due dates for mandatory fees and the payment procedures for those receiving financial assistance;
  • the deadline for submitting applications;
  • how the financial need was determined;
  • how much of the estimated financial need has been met;
  • the types of financial aid offered by Radford University and the terms of those types of aid which were received;
  • how satisfactory academic progress is measured; and
  • the university refund policy for students who withdraw.

The student is responsible:

  • for submitting honest and accurate information concerning enrollment and family financial circumstances;
  • for adhering to all agreements signed in the course of applying for and receiving financial assistance;
  • for reporting a change to less than full-time enrollment during the award period;
  • for reporting promptly to the Financial Aid Office the receipt of scholarships, grants or loans awarded by organizations or agencies other than Radford University;
  • for becoming familiar with the deadlines for application, the terms of financial aid received and refund policies for students who withdraw;
  • for knowing the loan repayment responsibilities and abiding by the terms of the promissory note; and
  • if awarded student employment, for performing the job in a satisfactory manner. An unsatisfactory performance may result in removal from the work program.


Federal Direct Lending Student Loan

Information on these loans is available from the Department of Education, online at http://www.finaid/org.loans/ or at the Office of Financial Aid (http://www.radford.edu/content/financial-aid/home.html). Federal Loans require the student to establish financial need for Subsidized Federal Loans. Those students not eligible for Subsidized Federal Loans or partial Subsidized Federal Loans will be eligible for Unsubsidized Federal Loans. Therefore, all students applying for Federal Loans must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid to establish eligibility. Generally, half of the proceeds of the loan will be available in the fall and the remaining amount available in the spring to be applied toward charges for each semester.

Direct Federal Graduate PLUS Loan

Direct Graduate PLUS Loans enable graduate and professional students with good credit histories the opportunity to borrow funds to pay their educational expenses.

For students who wish to apply for a Graduate PLUS loan you will need to make sure you have completed the following requirements:

Complete the FAFSA
All students who wish to apply for a Graduate PLUS loan must have a completed FAFSA on file

Complete a PLUS Loan application
You have the option to apply online or by submitting a paper form to our office for processing.
Apply online at www.studentloans.gov
Submit the Direct PLUS Loan Request Form

Allow up to 7 business days for result information - The Department of Education will notify you regarding the outcome of your loan application.

If your loan is approved complete the PLUS Loan Master Promissory Note

Veterans Information

Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014

The following individuals shall be charged a rate of tuition not to exceed the in-state rate for tuition and fees purposes:

  • A Veteran using educational assistance under either chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill – Active Duty Program) or chapter 33 (Post-9/11 G.I. Bill) of title 38, United States Code, who lives in the Commonwealth of Virginia while attending a school located in the Commonwealth of Virginia (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone using transferred Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in the Commonwealth of Virginia while attending a school located in the Commonwealth of Virginia (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of the transferor’s discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. § 3311 (b)(9)) who lives in the Commonwealth of Virginia while attending a school located in the Commonwealth of Virginia (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of the Service member’s death in the line of duty following a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.*
  • Anyone described above while he or she remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same school. The person so described must have enrolled in the school prior to the expiration of the three year period following discharge, release, or death described above and must be using educational benefits under either chapter 30 or chapter 33, of title 38 United States Code.
  • An individual using educational assistance under chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) who lives in the Commonwealth of Virginia while attending a school located in the Commonwealth of Virginia (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) effective for courses, semesters, or terms beginning after March 1, 2019.
  • For courses, semesters, or terms beginning July 1, 2017, in-state tuition will be charged for anyone using transferred Post-9/11 G.I. Bill benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in Virginia while attending a school located in Virginia (regardless of his/her formal state of residence) and the transferor is a member of the uniformed service who is serving on active duty.

* For courses, semesters, or terms beginning July 1, 2017, language is updated to state: Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. § 3311 (b) (9)) who lives in Virginia while attending a school located in Virginia (regardless of his/her formal State of residence).

A person described above will retain covered individual status as long as he/she remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between terms) at the public IHL.

The in-state tuition provisions do not apply to those individuals on active duty using benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill and Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty.

Please visit the GI Bill website for more information regarding the Choice Act.

This institution is approved to offer GI Bill® educational benefits by the Virginia State Approving Agency.

The Virginia State Approving Agency (SAA), is the approving authority of education and training programs for Virginia. The SAA investigates complaints of GI Bill beneficiaries. While most complaints should initially follow the school grievance policy, if the situation cannot be resolved at the school, the beneficiary should contact the SAA via email saa@dvs.virginia.gov.

Delayed Payment Procedure for Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill & Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation

In view of the large number of applications received by Veterans Affairs (VA) under the Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill and Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation benefits, and the potential for delays in the receipt of the Certificate of Eligibility (COE) forms, Radford University will defer payment and waive late fees for fall or the spring semester upon the presentation of the following documents:

    1. Screenshot of the DOD Transferability of Education Benefits (TEB) website showing a Request Approved status.
    2. Copy of the dependent’s submitted VA Form 22-1990E, Application for Transfer of Entitlement (TOE).

This documentation must be submitted to the Office of the Bursar, Box 6922, Radford, VA 24142.  Documentation may also be submitted by fax to (540) 831-5501 or as an email attachment to bursar@radford.edu.  The Office of the Bursar will then notify the Registrar’s Office.

Under S2248 PL 115-407 Section 103, Radford University will not impose a late fee, denial of access to facilities, or other penalty against a veteran or eligible dependent due to a late payment of tuition and/or fees from the VA up to the certified benefit amount within 90 days after the semester begins for which benefits are being utilized.  Any portion of the student bill not covered by VA benefits (ie: out-of-state cost, room & board, etc.) is still expected to be settled by the due date.  Radford University will also not require a Chapter 31 or Chapter 33 recipient to borrow additional funds to cover the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of a payment by the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs.


Application Procedures for Post 9/11 Chapter 33 GI Bill:
  • Individuals may apply for benefits under the Post-9/11(CH33) GI Bill online through the GI Bill website using Form 22-1990.
  • Once approved for CH33 benefits you will receive a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Please submit a copy of this COE to the Office of the Registrar.

Application Procedures for Transferring Post 9/11 Chapter 33 benefits to dependents:

  • Please visit the GI Bill website for instructions on how to transfer Post 9/11 CH33 benefits to a spouse or dependents.
  • Once approved for transfer of CH33 benefits through the DOD, and a dependent child or spouse has applied and been approved for benefits using form 22-1990E, he/she will receive a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) from the Dept. of Veterans Affairs in his/her name. Please submit a copy of this COE to the Office of the Registrar.


Starting in the 2017-18 academic year, Radford University began offering the Yellow Ribbon Program to 2 Undergraduate and 2 Graduate Students.  The total funds allocated by Radford University for each academic year will be $1,000.00 per student ($500.00 per semester fall/spring).  The Department of Veteran’s Administration will match the contribution made by Radford University.

In order to submit an application for the Yellow Ribbon Program at Radford University you must meet the following criteria:
    • Must be 100% eligible for the Post 9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) and submit a Certificate of
      Eligibility (COE) showing this benefit.
    • Must not be on active duty.
    • Must be charged out-of-state tuition and not covered under The Choice Act Section 702 for
      in-state tuition rates.
    • Must be in good academic standing.
    • Must be enrolled in a VA approved degree seeking program.
    • Must remain continuously enrolled with no break in enrollment (with the exception of the
      summer and the Wintermester sessions).

Yellow Ribbon Applications for the 2022-23 Academic Year will be accepted beginning Friday, June 30, 2017 until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 7, 2017.  Application: Radford University Yellow Ribbon Program Application for the 2017-18 Academic Year

Yellow Ribbon Information through the GI Bill website:

Contact Information

Gail Wright is the primary veterans information contact person in the Registrar’s Office. She can be reached during our regular office hours at:

Phone: (540) 831-6131
Fax: (540) 831-6642
Email: gwright@radford.edu

Transferring Military Service and Training

Radford University will consider for transfer credit only those credits earned from a regionally accredited college or university as recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), as well as military service at levels consistent with the American Council on Education (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation of Education Experiences in the Armed Services.  For additional information, please visit our Transfer Information web page.

Work Programs

Residence Hall Assistantships

The resident director (RD) is responsible for the total operation of a residence hall housing 130-300 students. Qualifications for the position include effective interpersonal and communication skills, a strong commitment to working with a diverse student population and relevant experience. Compensation includes tuition and fees, furnished one bedroom apartment (can accommodate RDs who are single or married), full meal plan and a monthly stipend for nine months. Additional information and application materials are available through the Office of Residential Life or at http://www.radford.edu /res-life.

Graduate Assistantships for Master’s and Specialist Degree Students

Graduate assistantships provide the university with a means of recruiting and retaining highly talented students in graduate programs. Assistantships enhance graduate study by providing professional experience and financial support. Graduate coordinators recommend students from their programs for an assistantship based on merit. To be considered for an assistantship, students must submit an online assistantship application available on the Graduate College website and must be on regular or temporary admission status.

Types of Assistantships

There are four primary types of assistantships and fellowships. First- or second-year students who assist professors with research and sporadic instructional duties or who work in an administrative/departmental office for 10 or 20 hours per week are referred to as graduate assistants (GAs). Students – typically in their first year of study – who work 10 or 20 hours per week assisting a faculty member with instructional duties are called graduate teaching assistants (GTAs). Second-year graduate students who work 20 hours per week as sole instructors of record for a course are called graduate teaching fellows (GTFs). Detailed descriptions of the requirements associated with these positions appear below and on the Graduate College website.

Assignments are based on merit and credit hour considerations. GAs, GTAs, and GTFs must enroll in a minimum of 9 graduate credit hours during each 14-week Fall/Spring term. Alternatively, 9 credits may be taken over two consecutive 7-week sessions within a regular Fall/Spring semester. All types of graduate assistants will be evaluated each term. Based upon performance in the assistantship and/or budgetary considerations, students cannot be guaranteed receipt of an award in a subsequent year. Failure to renew an award based upon performance issues may be appealed. Students who resign from any type of assistantship without notice and without providing written justification approved by the dean of the Graduate College within five days of the resignation will not be eligible for an assistantship in the future.

Graduate Assistants

GAs receive an annual stipend depending on whether they are assigned to work 10 or 20 hours per week. Stipends for GAs who work for one term only may also be available. It is expected that most GAs will assist faculty members with scholarly/creative activities or instruction, although some are assigned to administrative duties. A GA must have no regular teaching responsibility. GAs must be allowed the flexibility to first attend to academics while fulfilling the expectations of their assignments.

A limited number of GA positions are available in the summer for students enrolled in at least six graduate credit hours.

Graduate Teaching Assistants

GTAs receive an annual stipend plus a partial in-state tuition award. It is expected that GTAs will directly and regularly assist the instructor with teaching responsibilities for 10 or 20 hours per week each semester. Though some teaching may and should be required, a GTA is not responsible for the conduct of a course. GTAs must be allowed the flexibility to first attend to their own academics while fulfilling the expectations of their assignments. A GTA’s supervising instructor is expected to provide regular formal mentoring. GTAs are expected to be available for training during the week before classes start in the fall. The specific scheduling and content of this training will vary by degree program.

Graduate Teaching Fellows

GTFs receive an annual stipend plus a partial in-state tuition award. The stipend award is more than that of the GTA stipend award. It is expected that GTFs will generally teach two sections of a 100-level (or with prior approval from the Graduate College, a 200-level) course each semester as Professor of Record. A GTF must have successfully completed at least 18 graduate credit hours in her/his degree program, be enrolled in 9 credit hours (as outlined in the “Types of Assistantships” section), and have successfully undergone pedagogical training with mentoring. While the GTF will have primary responsibility for the course being taught, formal mentoring by a full-time faculty member is required. GTFs should only be selected if they clearly have the ability to balance their own academic responsibilities with those of their assignment. GTFs are expected to be available for training during the week before classes begin in the fall. The specific scheduling and content of this training will vary by degree program.

For an expanded list of financial aid programs available to graduate students, visit http://finaid.asp.radford.edu/grprog.html

Financial Support for Doctoral Students

Pending budgetary availability, the university offers financial support for students enrolled full-time in doctoral programs. Please consult the specific doctoral program coordinator/director for detailed information on the level and type of support.