Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog Program: Management, B.B.A. (R, A, L) Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Management, B.B.A. (R, A, L)

  • Management Concentration
  • Entrepreneurship Concentration
  • Human Resources Management Concentration
  • General Business Concentration

The Management Major offers students the opportunity to develop the competencies and leadership skills needed for success in a wide variety of in demand careers.  Students can gain general management skills or specialize in entrepreneurship, human resource management, or data analytics.  In all cases, the students have the opportunity to engage with experienced faculty dedicated to student success. 

REAL Curriculum

This major fulfills the R, A and L areas of the REAL Curriculum. Students develop scientific and quantitative reasoning by applying statistical and mathematical models to assist decision makers in solving business problems.  The interaction of cultures and behaviors are examined within the contexts of the domestic and global economic environment, individual and group behavior in organizations, and the practices used by organizations to create value, enhance satisfaction, and manage customer relationships.  The exploration of professional practice occurs through the application of knowledge, skills, and critical reflection in the various business disciplines. Students need majors and/or minors to fulfill the E area to complete the REAL Curriculum requirements.

REAL Foundational Requirements

Foundational Writing (3 credits)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ENGL 111 - Principles of College Composition (GE)

Foundational Math (3 credits)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
MATH 100 - Quantitative Reasoning (GE)
MATH 121 - Math Content for Teachers I (GE)
MATH 125 - Precalculus I (GE)

REAL Cornerstone Requirements

Writing Intensive (WI) Courses (6 credits)

Writing Intensive courses are denoted below with a (WI). Two writing intensive courses are required to graduate, with at least one at the 300- or 400-level.

General Education Requirements

General Education courses will be denoted below with a (GE). Students are required to take at least 30 credit hours of general education designated courses within their degree requirements. The Management major includes 33 general education credits.

Major Requirements (66 credits)

B.B.A. Core Requirements (42 credits)

These courses are required for all B.B.A. students in the Davis College of Business and Economics.

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ACTG 211 - Fundamentals of Financial Accounting (GE)
ACTG 212 - Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting
BLAW 203 - Legal Environment of Business (GE)
ECON 105 - Principles of Macroeconomics (GE)
ECON 106 - Principles of Microeconomics (GE)
ECON 340 - Global Economy and Business
FINC 331 - Introduction to Business Finance
ITEC 281 - Data Management and Analysis with Spreadsheets (GE)
MGNT 322 - Organizational Behavior (GE)
MGNT 333 - Business Analytics and Information Systems
MGNT 357 - Operations and Information Systems Management
MGNT 428 - Business Strategy
MKTG 340 - Principles of Marketing (GE)
STAT 200 - Introduction to Statistics (GE)


Students concentrating in Human Resources Management must take the HR designated section of MGNT 333 - Business Analytics and Information Systems. 

Concentrations (24 credits)

Management Concentration (24 credits)

The management major provides students the opportunity to develop the high demand competencies required to help individuals, teams and organizations achieve high levels of performance. These competencies include many of the job skills forecasted to be most in demand in the future. These include highly valued soft skills such as communications, change management, leadership, professional development, planning, influencing, decision making, problem solving, people development, and human resources management. It also includes some of the fastest growing areas in business including innovation and design thinking, supply chain management, operations management, data analysis and presentation, strategic thinking, and entrepreneurship. As a result, management majors are highly sought after by employers in a wide variety of industries for a wide variety of jobs.

Required Courses (12 credits)
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
MGNT 101 - Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship (GE)
MGNT 223 - Introduction to Human Resource Management
ENTR 240 - Social Entrepreneurship (GE) OR
ENTR 250 - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (GE)
MGNT 421 - Leadership and Organizational Development
Choose four courses from the following list: (12 credits)


Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ENTR 350 - Managing New Venture Creation
ENTR 425 - Entrepreneurial Leadership
ENTR 450 - Owning and Managing a Business
MGNT 271 - Introductory Topics in Management
MGNT 324 - Legal Issues in Human Resources Management
MGNT 330 - Managing Technology and Information Resources
MGNT 361 - Managing Professional Communication and Negotiation
MGNT 375 - Staffing and Performance Management
MGNT 430 - Winning Decisions with Analytics
MGNT 436 - Managing Cultural Diversity
MGNT 440 - Project & Event Management
MGNT 452 - Business Consulting
MGNT 457 - Technology and Innovation Management
MGNT 460 - Business and Society
MGNT 471 - Special Topics in Management
MGNT 472 - Independent Study
MGNT 481 - Management Study Abroad
MGNT 490 - Management Internship

Entrepreneurship Concentration (24 credits)

The Entrepreneurship Concentration provides students the opportunity to learn the skills and mindset needed to effectively create, own, and manage their own business or to act as intrapreneurial leaders within existing organizations. In addition to the courses required of all Management Majors, students taking the Entrepreneurship Concentration must complete the following:

Required Courses (18 credits)
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ENTR 240 - Social Entrepreneurship (GE) OR
ENTR 250 - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (GE)
ENTR 350 - Managing New Venture Creation
ENTR 450 - Owning and Managing a Business
MGNT 101 - Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship (GE)
MGNT 223 - Introduction to Human Resource Management
MGNT 421 - Leadership and Organizational Development
Choose two courses from the following list: (6 credits)
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ACTG 411 - Federal Taxation
ECON 301 - The Economics of Entrepreneurship
FINC 336 - Principles of Real Estate
FINC 341 - Insurance I
ENTR 425 - Entrepreneurial Leadership
MGNT 271 - Introductory Topics in Management
MGNT 324 - Legal Issues in Human Resources Management
MGNT 330 - Managing Technology and Information Resources
MGNT 430 - Winning Decisions with Analytics
MGNT 436 - Managing Cultural Diversity
MGNT 440 - Project & Event Management
MGNT 452 - Business Consulting
MKTG 360 - Professional Selling
MKTG 446 - Marketing Research

Human Resources Management Concentration (24 credits)

A concentration in Human Resources is designed to provide students the skill sets needed to address current issues within the human resources field and to provide students who want to work as professionals in human resources management the opportunity to obtain industry recognized certification.  In addition to the courses required for the Management Major, students completing the Human Resources Concentration are required to complete the following:

Required Courses (21 credits)
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ENTR 240 - Social Entrepreneurship (GE) OR
ENTR 250 - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (GE)
MGNT 101 - Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship (GE)
MGNT 223 - Introduction to Human Resource Management
MGNT 324 - Legal Issues in Human Resources Management
MGNT 421 - Leadership and Organizational Development
MGNT 375 - Staffing and Performance Management
MGNT 436 - Managing Cultural Diversity
Elective (3 credits)

Choose one:

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
MGNT 452 - Business Consulting
MGNT 490 - Management Internship

General Business Concentration (24 credits)

This major is intended for students seeking to earn a business degree online (the B.B.A. in Management). This major is only available to students who are unable to complete a business degree on campus.

Required Courses (24 credits)
  • Courses selected from the following prefixes: ECON, FINC, MGNT/ENTR, and MKTG, where:
    • A minimum of 3 credit hours are taken from each prefix
    • No more than 9 credit hours are taken from the same prefix
    • A minimum of 18 credit hours must be taken at the 300 or 400 level

Additional Degree Requirements

Students must earn a major GPA of 2.25.  The major GPA is defined as all courses in the B.B.A. core and all courses prescribed for the major. 

Open Credit Hours (54 credits)

These credits can be used to fulfill additional courses, majors, minors, and/or REAL Curriculum requirements, including Foundational Writing and Foundational Math.

Total Credits Needed for Degree 120

