Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog Program: Nursing, B.S.N. (L) or (R, A, L)* Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Nursing, B.S.N. (L) or (R, A, L)*

  • Pre-licensure Traditional BSN
  • Pre-licensure Accelerated BSN
  • Post-licensure RN-BSN

Pre-licensure Traditional BSN (R, A, L)

REAL Curriculum

The Nursing major fulfills the R, A, and L areas of the REAL curriculum. The Nursing R and A areas fulfill the pre-requisites for the foundational knowledge necessary for the nursing profession.  These include a focus on the sciences and the understanding of human behavior. The Nursing L areas demonstrates the applied learning and culmination of skills during the nursing program.

REAL Foundational Requirements

Foundational Writing (3 credits)
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ENGL 111 - Principles of College Composition (GE)
Foundational Math (3 credits)
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
MATH 100 - Quantitative Reasoning (GE)
MATH 121 - Math Content for Teachers I (GE)
MATH 125 - Precalculus I (GE)

REAL Cornerstone Requirements

Writing Intensive (WI) Courses (6 credits)

Writing Intensive courses are denoted below with a (WI). Two writing intensive courses are required to graduate, with at least one at the 300- or 400-level.

General Education Requirements

General Education courses will be denoted below with a (GE). Students are required to take at least 30 credit hours of general education designated courses within their degree requirements. The Traditional Nursing major includes 23-27 general education credits.

Major Requirements (94-98 credits)

Required Courses (60 credits)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
NURS 340 - Health Assessment Throughout the Lifespan
NURS 345 - Foundations of Nursing Practice
NURS 352 - Mental Health Nursing
NURS 362 - Nursing Research
NURS 364 - Nursing of the Adult I
NURS 366 - Nursing of Childbearing Family
NURS 368 - Nursing Pharmacology
NURS 443 - Nursing of Children
NURS 444 - Gerontological Nursing
NURS 448 - Nursing of the Adult II
NURS 451 - Community Health Nursing
NURS 453 - Leadership in Nursing
NURS 454 - Clinical Nursing Practicum
NURS 457 - Transition to Licensure

Required Outside Courses (34-38 credits)

Prerequisite courses for the Nursing program.

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
CHEM 120 - Chemistry of Life (GE) OR
CHEM 111 - General Chemistry I (GE) AND
CHEM 112 - General Chemistry II (GE)
PSYC 121 - Introduction to Psychology (GE)
PSYC 230 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology (GE)
SOCY 110 - Introduction to Sociology (GE)
NUTR 214 - Introduction to Nutrition (GE)
STAT 130 - Understanding Statistics in Society (GE) OR
STAT 200 - Introduction to Statistics (GE)
BIOL 310 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I (GE)
BIOL 311 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II (GE)
BIOL 334 - Microbiology
NURS 321 - Pathophysiology

Additional Degree Requirements

A minimum grade point average of 2.5 in the nursing major is required for graduation. All courses with an NURS prefix are used in this calculation.

Open Credit Hours (25-29 credits)

These credits can be used to fulfill additional courses, majors, minors, and/or REAL Curriculum requirements, including Foundational Writing and Foundational Math.

Total Credits Needed for Degree 123

Pre-licensure Accelerated BSN

This four-semester, 16-month program is designed for students looking for an intensive, accelerated path to the BSN. Students entering are expected to have an earned bachelor’s degree in a non-nursing field and have the commitment to study full-time for 16 months, including fall, spring and summer semesters. It is a full-time program, and thus students are not encouraged to carry outside employment while enrolled as an ABSN student. We are looking for motivated students with backgrounds that demonstrate the ability to handle challenging work in a fast-paced environment.

Students seeking entry into the Accelerated Baccalaureate Nursing program who have failed any previous nursing courses at any institution, are not eligible for admission to this track. 

Application Deadlines:

  • Fall cohort: January 15 (Previous Bachelor’s degree must be completed by the preceding spring semester. All prerequisites must be completed prior to the start of the program)
  • Spring cohort July 1 (Previous Bachelor’s degree must be completed by the preceding summer semester.  All prerequisites must be completed prior to the start of the program)

Required for Admission (27 credits)

  • Baccalaureate Degree (18 credits)
  • English Credits - Grammar and Composition I and II; Literature (9 credits)
  • Foundations of Ethics (Core Waiver) (3 credits)
  • Social/Behavioral Sciences (Core Waiver) (3 credits)

Prerequisite Courses (32 credits)

Nursing majors are required to take the following prerequisite courses prior to beginning Nursing courses.

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
BIOL 322 - Human Anatomy and Physiology for Pre-Nursing Majors
BIOL 334 - Microbiology
CHEM 120 - Chemistry of Life (GE)
NURS 321 - Pathophysiology *
NUTR 214 - Introduction to Nutrition (GE)
PHIL 112 - Introduction: Ethics and Society (GE)
PSYC 230 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology (GE)
STAT 200 - Introduction to Statistics (GE)


*May be taken concurrently in the 1st semester.

Major Specific Nursing Core Requirements (63 credits)

Courses must be taken sequentially in the order presented.

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
INDS 100 - Introduction to Healthcare Delivery Systems
NURS 300 - Pharmacology
NURS 301 - Dosage Calculations
NURS 303 - Foundations for Professional Nursing Practice
NURS 340 - Health Assessment Throughout the Lifespan
NURS 351 - Professional Nursing Skills for ABSN
IPEH 200 - Fundamentals of Teamwork
NURS 314 - Nursing Process Psychiatric/Mental Health
NURS 317 - Nursing Process in Gerontology ABSN
NURS 320 - Informatics & Technology in Healthcare
NURS 354 - Nursing Process Applications for ABSN I
NURS 358C - Clinical Practice for ABSN I
IPEH 350 - Interprofessional Healthcare Exploration
NURS 334 - Nursing Process for the Childbearing Family
NURS 336 - Nursing Process for Children
NURS 361 - Nursing Process Application ABSN II
NURS 362 - Nursing Research
NURS 369C - Clinical Practicum for ABSN II
NURS 457 - Transition to Licensure
NURS 423 - Community and Population Health
NURS 453 - Leadership in Nursing
NURS 461 - Nursing Process Applications ABSN III

Total Credits Needed for Degree 122

Post-licensure RN-BSN

Students in the RN-to-BSN have been prepared for licensure as a Registered Nurse through an associate or diploma program. Students will provide transcripts to demonstrate their prior educational experiences.

REAL Curriculum

The RN to BSN, post-licensure, track fulfills the L areas of the REAL curriculum. Per the Transfer Implications of REAL Curriculum, students who transfer in at least 56 credit hours and have at least 3 credit hours mapped to each of the REAL areas will only need to complete their major. If students are not bringing in at least 56 transferrable credit hours, they will need to complete the R, E, and A areas of the REAL Curriculum through majors and/or minors, or they complete additional transfer credits to have 56 transferable credit hours. The nursing department will allow nursing courses from regionally accredited programs to transfer in as NURS 1ELE in the equivalent number of credit hours.

REAL Foundational Requirements

Foundational Writing (3 credits)
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ENGL 111 - Principles of College Composition (GE)
Foundational Math (3 credits)
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
MATH 100 - Quantitative Reasoning (GE)
MATH 121 - Math Content for Teachers I (GE)
MATH 125 - Precalculus I (GE)

REAL Cornerstone Requirements

Writing Intensive (WI) Courses (6 credits)

Writing Intensive courses are denoted below with a (WI). Two writing intensive courses are required to graduate, with at least one at the 300- or 400-level.

General Education Requirements

General Education courses will be denoted below with a (GE). Students are required to take at least 30 credit hours of general education designated courses within their degree requirements.

Major Requirements (48 credits)

Required Courses (30 credits)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
NURS 400 - RN Strategies for Professional Nursing
NURS 401 - RN Theoretical Foundations of Nursing
NURS 402 - RN Healthcare Informatics and Technology
NURS 403 - RN Healthcare Policy
NURS 404 - RN Community Health Nursing
NURS 405 - RN Gerontological Nursing
NURS 406 - RN Holistic Nursing
NURS 407 - RN Nursing Leadership and Management
NURS 408 - RN Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice
NURS 409 - RN Interprofessional Clinical and Capstone

Required Outside Courses (18 credits)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
BIOL 310 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I (GE)
BIOL 311 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II (GE)
BIOL 334 - Microbiology
NUTR 204 - Nutrition for Nursing and Health Care OR
NUTR 214 - Introduction to Nutrition (GE)
STAT 130 - Understanding Statistics in Society (GE) OR
STAT 200 - Introduction to Statistics (GE)

Additional Degree Requirements

Courses are offered online in a seven-week format with 6 potential starts per academic year. NURS 400 must be taken in the first session and NURS 409 must be taken in the final session.

RN-to-BSN students who need additional credit hours to achieve the 120 required credit hours for graduation can request to take up to 9 credit hours of graduate courses while in their ‘senior year’. A list of approved graduate courses is available upon request.

Open Credit Hours (52 credits)

These credits can be used to fulfill additional courses, majors, minors, and/or REAL Curriculum requirements, including Foundational Writing and Foundational Math.

Total Credits Needed for Degree 120
