Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog Program: Mathematics, B.S. (R) or (R, L)* Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Mathematics, B.S. (R) or (R, L)*

  • Applied Mathematics Concentration (R, L)
  • Statistics Concentration (R, L)
  • Traditional Mathematics Concentration (R)
  • Mathematics as a Second Major Concentration (R)

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers a broad curriculum leading to a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. Concentrations in Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Traditional Mathematics, and Mathematics as a Second Major are available. (Students seeking secondary education licensure to teach mathematics should take the Traditional Mathematics concentration.) Depending upon the particular course of study taken, the student will be prepared for a career in industry, government, or education. Mathematics and statistics are needed to solve a variety of real-world problems, not only in physical science and engineering, but also in computing, business, economics, medicine, social sciences, and many other fields.

REAL Curriculum

This major’s fulfillment of the REAL Curriculum differs by concentration. All four concentrations fulfill the R area through courses that apply scientific and quantitative reasoning to questions about the natural world, mathematics, or related areas. These requirements are accomplished through a wide variety of courses that train students to logically analyze and solve problems in a variety of mathematical areas. The Applied Mathematics and Statistics concentrations also fulfill the L area through courses that apply mathematical knowledge and skill to explore how mathematics is used in professional practice. Students develop these skills by applying programming and numerical solutions to analyze practical applications of mathematics and developing statistical models of real-life data.

REAL Foundational Requirements

Foundational Writing (3 credits)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ENGL 111 - Principles of College Composition (GE)

Foundational Math (3 credits)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
MATH 100 - Quantitative Reasoning (GE)
MATH 121 - Math Content for Teachers I (GE)
MATH 125 - Precalculus I (GE)

(Recommended for Mathematics majors due to required course prerequisites. Requirement may be fulfilled through placement testing.)

REAL Cornerstone Requirements

Writing Intensive (WI) Courses (6 credits)

Writing Intensive courses are denoted below with a (WI). Two writing intensive courses are required to graduate, with at least one at the 300- or 400-level. The Mathematics major includes 0-6 credits of writing intensive courses

General Education Requirements

General Education courses will be denoted below with a (GE). Students are required to take at least 30 credit hours of general education designated courses within their degree requirements. The Mathematics major includes 10-23 general education credits.

Major Requirements (54-66 credits)

B.S. Requirements

B.S. requirements are listed with the respective concentrations.

Required Courses (27-29 credits)

All majors in mathematics must take:

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ITEC 109 - Problem Solving and Programming (GE)


ITEC 118 - Principles of Programming I (GE)


ITEC 120 - Principles of Computer Science I (GE)


MATH 171 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I (GE)


MATH 169 - Calculus I with Integrated Precalculus II (GE)


MATH 172 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry II (GE)
MATH 271 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry III
MATH 260 - Introductory Linear Algebra
MATH 300 - Mathematical Foundations
MATH 430 - Advanced Calculus I
STAT 301 - Probability and Statistics I


A grade of at least a “C” is required in MATH 172 and MATH 271. Any departmental majors receiving credit for MATH 271 cannot subsequently receive credit for any 100-level mathematics course unless the course is required for their concentration.



Applied Mathematics Concentration (R, L) (29 credits)

Required Courses (23 credits)
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
MATH 261 - Linear Algebra Computer Lab
MATH 346 - Differential Equations
MATH 431 - Advanced Calculus II
MATH 434 - Numerical Analysis I
MATH 435 - Numerical Analysis II
STAT 302 - Probability and Statistics II
PHYS 221 - Physics I (GE)
ENGL 306 - Professional Writing (WI)
Six credits chosen from the following:
  • MATH 280 or any 300- or 400-level mathematics or statistics course, except MATH 306 or MATH 312
  • Any ITEC course numbered 200 or above with the exception of ITEC 200, ITEC 202, and ITEC 281.
  • Any physics course numbered 300 or above
  • Any chemistry course
  • Any astronomy course
  • GEOS 250 or GEOS 380 
  • Other courses approved by the department.
B.S. Requirements (7 credits)
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
PHYS 222 - Physics II (GE)
Three credits from:
  • Any physics course numbered 300 or above
  • Any astronomy course
  • Any biology course
  • Any chemistry course
  • Any geology course
  • GEOS 130

Statistics Concentration (R, L) (21 credits)

Required Courses (18 credits)
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
MATH 431 - Advanced Calculus II
STAT 302 - Probability and Statistics II
STAT 420 - Modern Regression Analysis
STAT 421 - Design of Experiments
  • Three credits of 300- or 400-level statistics courses.
  • ENGL 306 - Professional Writing (WI)
    Three credits chosen from the following:
    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
  • Any 300- or 400-level statistics or mathematics courses, except MATH 306 or MATH 312.
  • ANSC 303 - Quantitative and Computer Methods in Anthropology
    CRJU 385 - Research Methods in Criminal Justice
    ECON 321 - Econometrics
    GEOS 250 - Introduction to GIS (T)
    GEOS 380 - Spatial Analysis Techniques (T)
    ITEC 375 - Data Science
    MGNT 333 - Business Analytics and Information Systems
    MGNT 357 - Operations and Information Systems Management
    PSYC 301 - Analysis of Psychological Data
    PSYC 302 - Research Methods in Psychology
    SOCY 380 - Introduction to Social Research Methods
  • Any biology course
  • Any chemistry course
  • Other courses approved by the department
  • B.S. Requirements (6 credits)
    Three credits from:
    • PHYS 221
    • Any astronomy course
    • Any biology course
    • Any chemistry course
    • Any geology course
    • GEOS 130
    Three credits chosen from the following:
    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
    ANSC 303 - Quantitative and Computer Methods in Anthropology
    CRJU 385 - Research Methods in Criminal Justice
    ECON 321 - Econometrics
    GEOS 250 - Introduction to GIS (T)
    GEOS 380 - Spatial Analysis Techniques (T)
    ITEC 375 - Data Science
    MGNT 333 - Business Analytics and Information Systems
    MGNT 357 - Operations and Information Systems Management
    PHYS 222 - Physics II (GE)
    PSYC 301 - Analysis of Psychological Data
    PSYC 302 - Research Methods in Psychology
    SOCY 380 - Introduction to Social Research Methods
  • Any biology course
  • Any chemistry course
  • Other courses approved by the department
  • Traditional Mathematics Concentration (R) (21 credits)

    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
    MATH 142 - Discrete Mathematics
    MATH 235 - Fundamentals of Geometry (GE)
    MATH 431 - Advanced Calculus II
    MATH 423 - Concepts of Abstract Algebra
  • Nine additional credits from any 300- or 400-level mathematics or statistics courses, except MATH 306 and MATH 312. Students pursuing Secondary Education Licensure must take MATH 321, MATH 335, and MATH 412.
  • B.S. Requirements (6 credits)

    Six credits in:

    • Any physics course numbered 200 or above
    • Any astronomy course
    • Any biology course
    • Any chemistry course
    • Any geology course
    • GEOS 130 
    • ITEC 119, ITEC 120 or any ITEC course numbered 200 or above with the exception of ITEC 200 or ITEC 202 
    • EDUC 467 
    • Other courses approved by the department

    Students who wish to pursue Secondary Education Licensure must take MATH 321, MATH 335, and MATH 412. Additional courses in professional education are required for licensure. Students should contact the College of Education and Human Development for details.

    Mathematics as a Second Major Concentration (R) (27 credits)

    • MATH 431 or MATH 434 or MATH 428
    • Twelve additional credits of 300 or 400-level MATH or STAT courses, excluding MATH 306 and MATH 312, with at least three credits at the 400 level
    • Twelve credits in 300 or 400-level ITEC or PHYS courses or other courses approved by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics
    B.S. Requirements (6 credits)

    Six credits in:

    • Any physics course numbered 200 or above
    • Any astronomy course
    • Any biology course
    • Any chemistry course
    • Any geology course
    • GEOS 130
    • Other courses appoved by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics

    Students may not simultaneously receive the Mathematics as a Second Major concentration and a different concentration of the major in mathematics.

    Open Credit Hours (54-66 credits)

    These credits can be used to fulfill additional courses, majors, minors, and/or REAL Curriculum requirements, including Foundational Writing and Foundational Math.

    Additional Degree Requirements

    To graduate with a major in Mathematics, a student must have a grade point average of 2.0 or higher in all required MATH, STAT, ITEC, and PHYS courses for the Applied Mathematics Concentration; MATH, STAT and ITEC courses for the Statistics Concentration; MATH and STAT courses for Traditional Mathematics and Mathematics as a Second Major concentrations.

    Total Credits Needed for Degree 120

