Mar 02, 2025  
2012 - 2013 Graduate Catalog 
2012 - 2013 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


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Psychology (M.A./M.S.)

Hilary M. Lips, Chairperson
Ann Elliott, Graduate Program Coordinator (Clinical-Counseling)
C. Allen Gorman, Graduate Program Coordinator (I/O)
Jenessa Steele, Graduate Program Coordinator (Experimental)
Graduate Faculty
See Graduate Faculty list at:

Admission Requirements

In accepting applicants for admission, the department considers an applicant’s grade point average, scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), letters of recommendation and the applicant’s work, life and academic accomplishments. Although there is not a required minimum GRE score, the majority of students admitted to the psychology graduate program has a GRE score of at least 1,000 (Verbal + Quantitative) and a GPA above 3.0. To be admitted on Regular Status, applicants must have completed a minimum of 18 semester hours of undergraduate psychology coursework.

Applicants are required to submit:

  • GRE scores (the subject portion is not required).
  • Official transcripts from all colleges attended.
  • Three letters of reference, with at least one from a faculty member in a psychology department (two preferred).
  • Short statement (approximately two pages) regarding why she/he is interested in psychology and future plans.

Deadline for completed application is February 15th. Late applications will be considered on a space-available basis. Admission is competitive.


Graduate Program

The Psychology Department offers graduate courses designed primarily for those students who wish to concentrate their studies in experimental, clinical-counseling, industrial-organizational or school psychology. Graduate standing is a prerequisite to all 600-level courses.

Because of the sequencing and/or infrequent offering of certain psychology courses, students making up undergraduate deficiencies or students beginning graduate work during a semester other than fall semester might experience scheduling problems which can delay completion of the required program of studies. Upon admission to the Graduate College, each student is assigned a temporary advisor. The student must select a permanent advisor prior to submitting the Program of Study. This should be done on a “Petition for Program Changes” form available in the Graduate College office.

Students who, for personal or programmatic reasons, decide not to continue in a concentration in which they were originally admitted, may request admission to the General option. Students will not be admitted to this option upon admittance to the Graduate College. A minimum of 36 hours is required for completion of this option. All core requirements must be met. Selection of courses to meet the 36 hour minimum requirement must be made in consultation with the department chair.

Additional Admissions Requirement

In addition to general requirements for admission to the Graduate College, the department requires that all graduate students have a basic understanding and knowledge of psychology.

Applications must be accompanied by at least one letter of recommendation from a faculty member from the applicant’s major department. If the applicant’s major is not psychology, then at least one letter should be from a psychology faculty member (preferably two).

Applicants without GRE scores on file (Verbal + Quantitative) will be subject to deferral pending receipt of such.

The Psychology GRE is not required for admission. However, it is recommended that students take this examination and submit the score along with their application. For students who may wish to enhance their chances of acceptance into a competitive program, the Psychology GRE score may be helpful for the committee’s consideration of their credentials.

For graduate students in psychology, a minimum grade point average of 3.0 is required in graduate-level psychology courses. Failure to maintain this requirement after completion of 15 semester hours in graduate course work will result in termination from any/all programs leading to any graduate degree in psychology.

Core Requirements

All Master of Arts and Mater of Science students in psychology, regardless of specialization, are required to take a common core consisting of the following courses:

PSYC 610.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Analysis of Behavioral Data. 3 Credits

PSYC 611.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Methodology and Program Evaluation in Psychology. 3 Credits

PSYC 612.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Psychometric Theory, Assessment, Appraisal and Application. 3 Credits


PSYC 631.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Cognitive Intellectual Assessment Techniques. 3 Creidts

PSYC 798.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Professional Internship. 3 Credits                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


School Psychology (Ed. S.)

Hilary M. Lips, Chair
Eric Mesmer, Graduate Program Coordinator
Graduate Faculty
See Graduate Faculty list at:

Educational Specialist Degree Program

The Department of Psychology offers a NASP-accredited Educational Specialist Degree Program in School Psychology. The academic and training requirements for the School Psychology Training Program are founded on both a philosophical and practical understanding of the role and function which the psychologist expects (and is expected) to occupy within the educational setting.

Admission Requirements

  • Minimum grade point average of 3.0
  • At least two letters of reference (one from major department)
  • GRE
  • Final transcript showing degree conferred
  • Essay
  • 18 hours of undergraduate psychology coursework (preferred courses include: Tests and Measurement, Child or Adolescent Psychology, Human Development, Statistics, Research Methods, Abnormal Psychology or Exceptionalities, and Learning or Cognition) or the equivalent coursework and work experience as deemed acceptable by the school psychology program faculty.

The deadline for applications is February 15.

Role and Function of the School Psychologist

The school psychologist is a professional, operating as a specialist, within the framework of the school system. As an interpreter of the behavioral sciences in educational settings, the school psychologist functions cooperatively with professional educators, as well as other concerned persons in the community, in an effort to improve the psychological climate of the school environment. Toward this end, there are three major roles or responsibilities (shown below) that the school psychologist must assume.

Assessment Role

The school psychologist’s function within this role is to determine the nature and extent of the problems for which students have been identified and any contributing factors that might be apparent. In fulfilling this role, school psychologists rely on a variety of psychological instruments designed to evaluate a broad spectrum of human characteristics and behaviors, both psychological and academic, as well as the educational environment itself. The primary purpose of assessment is to determine intervention strategies that can be used to remediate identified problems.

Intervention Role

In this role, school psychologists attempt to determine and implement the best interventions for students with problems, based on the results of the assessment process. Within this role, school psychologists may intervene either directly or indirectly. Direct interventions would often involve individual and group counseling. Indirect interventions would generally involve consultation with the teacher and other professionals concerning behavioral and academic programs that can be managed most effectively in the classroom.

Research/Program Evaluation Role

To the greatest extent possible, the practice of school psychology should be governed by empirical evidence derived from scientific research. School psychologists must understand research methodology, be able to critically review research reports and translate research results into practice. Also, school psychologists often are called upon by the systems for which they work to collect data needed to make educational and administrative decisions. In undertaking such assignments, knowledge of research methodology is crucial. To a lesser extent, school psychologists also might desire to undertake their own research projects to contribute to the knowledge base of the field. Functioning within this scientist-practitioner framework requires that school psychologists possess competencies in research methodology, statistical inference, and measurement theory and practice.

School Psychology Training Program

The requirements of the School Psychology Training Program at Radford University are designed to enable students to fulfill the three basic roles (as well as others) with a reasonable level of competence and confidence. The program operates under the philosophy that practicing school psychologists should be knowledgeable in the theoretical and applied skills of both education and psychology.

Entering students are expected to commit three years to the program. The first year is devoted to developing a more advanced background in psychological foundations and theory and also includes several basic skill courses in psychological assessment, observational and interviewing techniques. The second year is a combination of theory and skill practice, with an increasing emphasis on the application of skills as the year progresses. By the end of the second year, the student should have the entry level skills of a school psychology intern and the third year is devoted to a full-time, 1,200 clock hour internship, with at least half of that internship being in the public school setting.

The Ed.S. degree will be awarded following the successful completion of the year-long internship, successful completion of a final comprehensive oral and portfolio examination, and upon completion of a minimum of 71 semester hours of graduate coursework with a GPA of 3.0 or better and no more than two grades of C or lower in any graduate work attempted at Radford University.

The School Psychology Training Program is fully accredited by the National Association of School Psychologists and by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. Upon completion of the program, graduates are fully certifiable as school psychologists in Virginia and, upon successfully completing the examination requirements, also are nationally certifiable, making them eligible for certification in most other states.

Counseling Psychology (Psy. D.)

Hilary M. Lips, Chairperson
James L. Werth, Jr., Graduate Program Director
Graduate Faculty
See Graduate Faculty list at:

Doctoral Program

Radford University offers a Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in counseling psychology with a focus on rural mental health. The Psy.D. degree in counseling psychology is designed for persons interested in careers as psychologists in mental health settings and institutions where clinical supervision and the direct application of counseling, therapy, and psychological assessment are required. The program follows the practitioner-scholar model with an emphasis on clinical training and the application of research to practice. The recommended course sequence includes three years of post-Master’s coursework, practica, and dissertation, in addition to a capstone 1700-2000 hour internship approved by the program faculty. Students must pass their comprehensive examinations prior to applying for internship. The program is not yet accredited by the American Psychological Association; however, the paperwork has been submitted and is being reviewed as this catalog is going to press. The program should be accredited within the next several months.


Applicants must have completed a master’s degree in a human services area awarded by a regionally accredited institution of higher education, including a set of prerequsite courses. Interested applicants should submit the following by December 15, and ensure that all of the following are received by that date. Please see the Psy.D. website for more details on what is expected:

• Radford University Graduate Application;

• A letter of interest describing the applicant’s professional and/or research experience and career goals;

• Curriculum vita;

• Official transcripts of all undergraduate (including community college) and graduate work;

• Three letters of recommendation, including at least one from a professor who can comment on the applicant’s academic skills and one from a supervisor who can     speak to the applicant’s counseling skills;

• A writing sample;

• Official scores from the GRE General Test;

• International applicants must also submit TOEFL or IELTS scores;

• Final candidates will be invited to interview with program faculty.


Updated information about the Psy.D. program will be available on the Radford University Psychology department website as it becomes available (



Center for Gender Studies

Hilary M. Lips, Director

The objective of the center is to create a resource for and a model of excellence in gender-related teaching and research. The research activities of the center provide an important resource for teaching students about gender and training them to do research on gender-related issues. Through the activities of the center, graduate students become involved in seminars and opportunities for research experience are provided to undergraduate and graduate students.

The center also provides a resource for information about gender research to other departments in the university and to the extra-university community.



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