2012 - 2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
School of Communication
Dr. Lynn M. Zoch, Director
Dr. Lisa Baker Webster, Communication Coordinator
Dr. Courtney Bosworth, Media Studies Coordinator
The study of communication in the United States has emerged over the years as a highly diverse field that ultimately centers on the characteristics, uses, and effects of messages. The School of Communication offers a comprehensive education in that diverse field of study with courses of study leading to B.S. and B.A. degrees in Communication and Media Studies. The Communication degree program offers concentrations in Communication Studies as well as Public Relations. The Media Studies degree program offers concentrations in Advertising, Journalism, and Production Technology. Together the two degree programs offer students a broad range of possibilities for study and professional preparation.
Students who have attended the University for one semester or longer will not be accepted into the Communication or Media Studies majors without at least a 2.0 cumulative G.P.A.
All students in the School of Communication must complete six credit hours of Core Requirements.
COMS 130 - Introduction to Communication
COMS 330 - Communication Theory
These courses are designed to introduce students to the history, contexts, influence, and theoretical grounding of the field of Communication. Students in the School of Communication must complete these two courses with a grade of “C” or higher before they will be permitted to take 400-level courses.
While the School of Communication does not require an international experience, it is strongly recommended as an essential component of an outstanding undergraduate education. The School of Communication regularly offers international study and travel opportunities designed to provide important intercultural learning experiences, along with a focused study of the theory and practice of communication in intercultural and international contexts. Students should meet with their advisor and plan their experience at the earliest possible time.
Academic Programs
Cinematic Arts Interdisciplinary Minor
Communication, B.A.
Communication, B.S.
Communication Minor
Media Studies, B.A.
Media Studies, B.S.
Media Studies Minor
Public Relations Minor
Master of Science in Corporate and Professional Communication
The Master of Science degree in Corporate and Professional Communication is an applied degree designed to prepare students for a variety of careers in the public and private sector. Students will be prepared to seek careers as communication professionals in human services and in management positions, as public relations specialists, and as training/development coordinators. Graduates of our program demonstrate the broad range of career possibilities. For example, our graduates currently hold positions in fields as diverse as health care, public relations, computer software, media, higher education, non-profit services, and government. Additionally, students are prepared to pursue doctoral degrees. The degree provides a foundation of course work in both internal and external organizational communication and also allows students to focus their studies in their specific areas of interest. Please consult the Radford University Graduate Catalog for details.
Accelerated Master’s Program
The accelerated bachelor’s/master’s degree program in Corporate and Professional Communication provides an opportunity for exceptional undergraduate students at Radford University to complete the requirements for both the baccalaureate and master’s degrees at an accelerated pace. Students accepted for the bachelor’s/master’s accelerated programs may take up to 9 hours of graduate credits and these may count toward both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Courses taken at the 400-level may not be repeated at the 500-level for undergraduate/graduate credit. To be eligible for participation in the accelerated degree program, students must have completed a minimum of sixty (60) and a maximum of ninety-six (96) credit hours in their undergraduate programs. Transfer students must have completed a minimum of two semesters as a full-time student at Radford University, a minimum of 24 hours. Students must have a minimum-accumulated grade point average of 3.25. Students who meet the eligibility requirements described above should set up a meeting with the Graduate Program Coordinator to review their application.